FHIR Relational Schema Columns


An address expressed using postal conventions (as opposed to GPS or other location definition formats). This data type may be used to convey addresses for use in delivering mail as well as for visiting locations which might not be valid for mail delivery. There are a variety of postal address formats defined around the world.

Column Name Data Type References Description
id varchar (not null) PK ID of the Address
use text home | work | temp | old | billing - purpose of this address
type text postal | physical | both
text text Text representation of the address
city text Name of city\
district text District name (aka county)
state text Sub-unit of country (abbreviations ok)
postal_code text Postal code for area
country text Country (e.g. can be ISO 3166 2 or 3 letter code)
period_start datetime Start of time period when address is/was in use
period_end datetime End of time period when address is/was in use


Column Name Data Type References Description
address_id varchar ADDRESS ID of the Address
line text Street name\
address_line_index int The order in which lines should appear in an address label\


AllergyIntolerance describes risk of harmful or undesirable\

Column Name Data Type References Description
id varchar (not null) PK ID of the AllergyIntolerance
version text Current version of the AllergyIntolerance.
last_updated timestamp Timestamp this record was last updated\
clinical_status text The clinical status code value of the allergy or intolerance: active | inactive | resolved
verification_status text Assertion about certainty associated with the propensity\
type text allergy | intolerance - Underlying mechanism (if known)
category text food | medication | environment | biologic
criticality text low | high | unable-to-assess
allergy_intolerance_code_id varchar ALLERGY_INTOLERANCE_CODE ID of the CodeableConcept encoding code
patient_id varchar PATIENT ID of the Patient who the sensitivity is for
onset text When allergy or intolerance was identified
recorded_date datetime Date first version of the resource instance was recorded
last_occurrence datetime Date(/time) of last known occurrence of a reaction
builder_id varchar ID of the Builder that provided this data
upid text Universal Patient Identifier of the Patient this AllergyIntolerance is part of
created_at timestamp Timestamp when this record was first recorded in this system
resource_json text Original JSON document for this AllergyIntolerance
data_source text Name of the data partner network that provided this data


This relation joins AllergyIntolerance codes to AllergyIntolerance

Column Name Data Type References Description
id varchar (not null) PK ID of code
display text Display of the code


This relation joins AllergyIntolerance codes to codings

Column Name Data Type References Description
allergy_intolerance_code_id varchar ALLERGY_INTOLERANCE_CODE ID of the AllergyIntolerance Code
system text Identity of the terminology system
code text Symbol in syntax defined by the system
display text Representation defined by the system


This relation joins AllergyIntolerance to Identifiers

Column Name Data Type References Description
allergy_intolerance_id varchar ALLERGY_INTOLERANCE ID of the AllergyIntolerance
identifier_id varchar IDENTIFIER ID of the Identifier


Text notes associated with the AllergyIntolerance with information about the allergy or intolerance.

Column Name Data Type References Description
allergy_intolerance_id varchar ALLERGY_INTOLERANCE ID of the AllergyIntolerance
text_markdown text The annotation - text content (as markdown)


Adverse Reaction Events linked to exposure to substance.

Column Name Data Type References Description
allergy_intolerance_id varchar ALLERGY_INTOLERANCE ID of the AllergyIntolerance
allergy_intolerance_reaction_manifestation_id varchar ALLERGY_INTOLERANCE_REACTION_MANIFESTATION ID of the AllergyIntolerance reaction manifestation
onset datetime Date(/time) when manifestations showed
severity text mild | moderate | severe (of event as a whole)


This relation joins AllergyIntolerance reaction manifestation to AllergyIntolerance reaction

Column Name Data Type References Description
id varchar (not null) PK ID of reaction manifestation
display text Display of the reaction manifestation


This relation joins AllergyIntolerance reaction manifestation to codings

Column Name Data Type References Description
allergy_intolerance_reaction_manifestation_id varchar ALLERGY_INTOLERANCE_REACTION_MANIFESTATION ID of the AllergyIntolerance reaction manifestation
system text Identity of the terminology system
code text Symbol in syntax defined by the system
display text Representation defined by the system


A FHIR Appointment represents a booking of a healthcare event among patient(s)\

Column Name Data Type References Description
id varchar (not null) PK Logical ID (UUID) of the Appointment
version text Current version of this Appointment. This indicates whether this Appointment has been updated.
last_updated timestamp Timestamp this record was last updated\
status text proposed | pending | booked | arrived | fulfilled | cancelled | noshow | entered-in-error | checked-in | waitlist
appointment_type_id varchar APPOINTMENT_TYPE Id of the Appointment Type encoding the style of appointment or patient that has been booked in the slot (not service type).
reason_reference_condition_id varchar CONDITION ID of a Condition that is the reason the appointment is to take place
reason_reference_display text Display of a reason reference the appointment is to take place
description text Shown on a subject line in a meeting request\
start_time datetime When appointment is to take place
end_time datetime When appointment is to conclude
minutes_duration int Can be less than start/end (e.g. estimate)
created timestamp The date that this appointment was initially created
comment text Additional comments about the appointment
participant_patient_id varchar PATIENT ID of a Patient that is the participant involved in appointment
participant_patient_status text accepted | declined | tentative | needs-action
participant_patient_required text required | optional | information-only
builder_id varchar ID of the Builder that provided this data
upid text Universal Patient Identifier of the Patient this Appointment is part of
created_at timestamp Timestamp when this Appointment was first recorded in this system
resource_json text Original JSON document for this Appointment
data_source text Name of the data partner network that provided this data


Business identifiers assigned to this appointment by the performer or other systems which remain constant as the resource is updated and propagates from server to server.

Column Name Data Type References Description
appointment_id varchar APPOINTMENT ID of the Appointment
identifier_id varchar IDENTIFIER ID of the Identifier


List of participants involved in the appointment where the type is Location.

Column Name Data Type References Description
appointment_id varchar APPOINTMENT ID of the Appointment
location_id varchar LOCATION Location that is involved in the appointment.
status text accepted | declined | tentative | needs-action


List of participants involved in the appointment where the type is Practitioner.

Column Name Data Type References Description
appointment_id varchar APPOINTMENT ID of the Appointment
appointment_participant_practitioner_type_id varchar PATIENT ID of the CodeableConcept encoding the type of the participant
practitioner_id varchar PRACTITIONER Practitioner that is involved in the appointment.
required text required | optional | information-only
status text accepted | declined | tentative | needs-action


Role of participant in the appointment

Column Name Data Type References Description
id varchar (not null) PK ID of the CodeableConcept encoding the type of the participant
display text Display of the CodeableConcept


Representation of a defined body site concept using a symbol from a defined terminology system

Column Name Data Type References Description
appointment_participant_practitioner_type_id varchar APPOINTMENT_PARTICIPANT_PRACTITIONER_TYPE ID of the CodeableConcept encoding the type of the participant
system text Identity of the terminology system
code text Symbol in syntax defined by the system
display text Representation defined by the system


The style of appointment or patient that has been booked in the slot (not service type)

Column Name Data Type References Description
id varchar (not null) PK Logical ID (UUID) of the Appointment
display text Plain text representation of the concept


Representation of a defined body site concept using a symbol from a defined terminology system

Column Name Data Type References Description
appointment_type_id varchar APPOINTMENT_TYPE ID of the Appointment Type
system text Identity of the terminology system
code text Symbol in syntax defined by the system
display text Representation defined by the system

BINARY table

Column Name Data Type References Description
id varchar (not null) PK


Representation of the body site where a procedure\

Column Name Data Type References Description
id varchar (not null) PK Unique ID of the body site
display text Plain text description of the body site


Representation of a defined body site concept using a symbol from a defined terminology system

Column Name Data Type References Description
body_site_concept_id varchar BODY_SITE_CONCEPT ID of the body site code
system text Identity of the terminology system
code text Symbol in the syntax defined by the system
display text Representation defined by the system


A FHIR CarePlan describes the intention of how one or more practitioners intend to deliver care for a particular patient\

Column Name Data Type References Description
id varchar (not null) PK Logical ID (UUID) of the CarePlan
version text Current version of this CarePlan. This indicates whether this CarePlan has been updated.
last_updated text Timestamp this record was last updated\
status text A code specifying the state of the CarePlan. Possible values: draft | active | on-hold | revoked | completed | entered-in-error | unknown
intent text A code specifying the intent of the CarePlan. Possible values: proposal | plan | order | option
title text Human-friendly name for the care plan
description text Summary of nature of plan
subject_patient_id varchar PATIENT ID of a Patient that is a subject to that CarePlan
builder_id varchar ID of the Builder that provided this data
upid text Universal Patient Identifier of the Patient this CarePlan is part of
created_at datetime Timestamp when this CarePlan was first recorded in this system
resource_json text Original JSON document for this CarePlan
data_source text Name of the data partner network that provided this data


Action to occur as part of plan

Column Name Data Type References Description
id varchar Logical ID (UUID) of the CarePlan Activity
care_plan_id varchar CARE_PLAN ID of the CarePlan
kind text A code specifying the state of the Activity. Possible values: Appointment | CommunicationRequest | DeviceRequest | MedicationRequest | NutritionOrder | Task | ServiceRequest | VisionPrescription
care_plan_activity_code_id varchar CARE_PLAN_ACTIVITY_CODE ID of the Code encoding detail type of Activity
status text A code specifying the state of the Activity. Possible values: not-started | scheduled | in-progress | on-hold | completed | cancelled | stopped | unknown | entered-in-error
scheduled_period_start text The start datetime when activity is to occur
scheduled_period_end text The end datetime when activity is to occur
scheduled_string text when activity is to occur
location_id varchar LOCATION ID of the Location where it should happen
performer_practitioner_id varchar PRACTITIONER ID of the Practitioner that should perform that Activity
care_plan_activity_product_id varchar CARE_PLAN_ACTIVITY_PRODUCT ID of the Product encoding what is to be administered/supplied
daily_amount_value int How to consume/day?
quantity_unit text How much to administer/supply/consume
quantity_value decimal How much to administer/supply/consume
description text Extra info describing activity to perform


This table holds the primary keys of all unique CarePlan activity code groups. The individual codings within each group are in the CARE_PLAN_ACTIVITY_CODE_CODING table.

Column Name Data Type References Description
id varchar (not null) PK ID of code
display text Plain text representation of the concept


This relation contains the individual coding values for each CarePlan activity code. These are codes for different types of procedures.

Column Name Data Type References Description
care_plan_activity_code_id varchar CARE_PLAN_ACTIVITY_CODE ID of the Care Plan Activity Code
system text Identity of the terminology system
code text Symbol in syntax defined by the system
display text Representation defined by the system


This table holds the primary keys of all unique CarePlan activity product groups. The individual codings within each group are in the CARE_PLAN_ACTIVITY_PRODUCT_CODING table.

Column Name Data Type References Description
id varchar (not null) PK ID of code
display text Plain text representation of the concept


This relation contains the individual coding values for each product administered/supplied for the CarePlan activity. These are most commonly RxNorm codes.

Column Name Data Type References Description
care_plan_activity_product_id varchar CARE_PLAN_ACTIVITY_PRODUCT ID of the Care Plan Activity Product Code
system text Identity of the terminology system
code text Symbol in syntax defined by the system
display text Representation defined by the system


Desired outcome of plan

Column Name Data Type References Description
care_plan_id varchar CARE_PLAN ID of the CarePlan
goal_id varchar GOAL ID of the Goal


This relation joins CarePlans to Identifiers

Column Name Data Type References Description
care_plan_id varchar CARE_PLAN ID of the CarePlan
identifier_id varchar IDENTIFIER ID of the Identifier


Comments about the plan

Column Name Data Type References Description
care_plan_id varchar CARE_PLAN ID of the CarePlan
text text The annotation - text content (as markdown)


A FHIR CareTeam includes all the people and organizations who plan to participate in the coordination and delivery of care for a patient.

Column Name Data Type References Description
id varchar (not null) PK Unique ID of this CareTeam
version text Current version of this CareTeam. This indicates whether this CareTeam has been updated.
last_updated timestamp Timestamp this record was last updated\
status text proposed | active | suspended | inactive | entered-in-error
name text Name of the team\
subject_patient_id varchar PATIENT Who care team is for
encounter_id varchar ENCOUNTER Encounter created as part of
period_start timestamp Start of the time period the team covers
period_end timestamp End of the time period the team covers
builder_id varchar ID of the Builder that provided this data
upid text Universal Patient Identifier of this Patient
created_at timestamp Timestamp when this Patient was first recorded in this system
resource_json text Original JSON document for this Patient
data_source text Name of the data partner network that provided this data


Business identifiers assigned to this care team by the performer or other systems which remain constant as the resource is updated and propagates from server to server.

Column Name Data Type References Description
care_team_id varchar CARE_TEAM ID of the CareTeam this identifier belongs to
identifier_id varchar IDENTIFIER ID of the Identifier


Identifies all people and organizations who are expected to be involved in the care team.

Column Name Data Type References Description
care_team_id varchar CARE_TEAM ID of the CareTeam this participant is a member of
care_team_participant_role_id varchar CARE_TEAM_PARTICIPANT_ROLE ID of the role of participant
member_practitioner_id varchar PRACTITIONER Who is involved
on_behalf_of_organization_id varchar ORGANIZATION Organization of the practitioner
period_start timestamp Start of the time period of participant
period_end timestamp End of the time period of participant


This relation joins care team participant roles to care team participants

Column Name Data Type References Description
id varchar (not null) PK ID of role
display text Plain text representation of the concept


This relation joins care team participant roles to codings

Column Name Data Type References Description
care_team_participant_role_id varchar CARE_TEAM_PARTICIPANT_ROLE ID of the care team participant role
system text Identity of the terminology system
code text Symbol in syntax defined by the system
display text Representation defined by the system


A central contact detail for the care team (that applies to all members).

Column Name Data Type References Description
care_team_id varchar CARE_TEAM ID of the CareTeam this telecom belongs to
contact_point_id varchar CONTACT_POINT A contact detail for the care team (that applies to all members)


A CodeableConcept represents a value that is usually supplied by providing a reference to one or more terminologies or ontologies but may also be defined by the provision of text. This is a common pattern in healthcare data.

Column Name Data Type References Description
id varchar (not null) PK Unique ID of this concept
text text Plain text description of the this concept


This relation joins CodeableConcepts to their associated codings

Column Name Data Type References Description
codeable_concept_id varchar CODEABLE_CONCEPT ID of the CodeableConcept
coding_id varchar CODING ID of the coding

CODING table

A Coding is a representation of a defined concept using a symbol from a defined terminology system

Column Name Data Type References Description
id varchar (not null) PK Unique ID of this Coding
system text Identity of the terminology system
version text Version of the system\
code text Symbol in the syntax defined by the system
display text Representation defined by the system
user_selected tinyint Whether this coding was chosen directly by the user


A FHIR Condition represents a clinical condition\

Column Name Data Type References Description
id varchar (not null) PK Logical ID (UUID) of the Condition. This value is globally unique
id varchar (not null) IDENTIFIER Logical ID (UUID) of the Condition. This value is globally unique
version text Current version of this Condition. This indicates whether this Condition has been updated.
last_updated timestamp Timestamp this record was last updated\
clinical_status text The status of the Condition (active | recurrence | relapse | inactive | remission | resolved)
verification_status text The verification status of the Condition (unconfirmed | provisional | differential | confirmed | refuted | entered-in-error)
condition_category_id varchar CONDITION_CATEGORY ID of the Condition Category
condition_code_id varchar CONDITION_CODE ID of the Condition Code
code_cci text CCI code of Condition
code_ccs text Condition’s CCS category based on the Clinical Classifications Software Refined (CCSR) aggregation of ICD-10-CM/PCS codes into clinically meaningful categories\
code_hcc text HCC code of Condition
code_icd10cm text ICD-10-CM code of Condition
code_snomed text SNOMED code of Condition
code_display text Display value of Condition Code
subject_patient_id varchar PATIENT ID of the Patient who has the Condition
encounter_id varchar ENCOUNTER ID of the Encounter created as part of the Condition
onset datetime Onset of the Condition
abatement datetime When the Condition was abated
recorded_date datetime Date Condition was first recorded
recorder_practitioner_id varchar PRACTITIONER ID of the Practitioner who recorded the condition
asserter_practitioner_id varchar PRACTITIONER ID of the Practitioner who asserted the condition
builder_id varchar ID of the Builder that provided this data
upid text Universal Patient Identifier of the Patient this Condition is part of
created_at timestamp Timestamp when this Condition was first recorded in this system
resource_json text Original JSON document for this Condition
data_source text Name of the data partner network that provided this data


This relation joins Condition Category to Condition

Column Name Data Type References Description
id varchar (not null) PK ID of the Condition Category
display text Plain text description of the Condition Category


This relation joins Conditions to codings

Column Name Data Type References Description
condition_category_id varchar CONDITION_CATEGORY ID of the Condition Category
system text Identity of the terminology system
code text Symbol in syntax defined by the system
display text Representation defined by the system


This relation joins Conditions Code to Condition

Column Name Data Type References Description
id varchar (not null) PK ID of the Condition Code
display text Plain text description of the Condition Code


This relation joins Conditions Code to codings

Column Name Data Type References Description
condition_code_id varchar CONDITION_CODE ID of the Condition Code
system text Identity of the terminology system
code text Symbol in syntax defined by the system
display text Representation defined by the system


This relation joins Conditions to identifiers

Column Name Data Type References Description
condition_id varchar CONDITION ID of the Condition
identifier_id varchar IDENTIFIER ID of the Identifier


Text notes associated with the Condition with information about who made the statement and when.

Column Name Data Type References Description
condition_id varchar CONDITION ID of the Condition
time datetime When the annotation was made
text_markdown text The annotation - text content (as markdown)


A FHIR Consent is a record of a healthcare consumer’s choices\

Column Name Data Type References Description
id varchar (not null) PK ID of the Consent
version text Current version of the Consent.
last_updated timestamp Timestamp this record was last updated\
status text draft | proposed | active | rejected | inactive | entered-in-error
consent_category_id varchar ID of the category encoding the category that this consent belongs to
patient_id varchar PATIENT ID of the Patient who the consent is for
consent_policy_rule_id varchar ID of the policy rule encoding the policy that this consent is based on
verified tinyint Is consent verified
builder_id varchar ID of the Builder that provided this data
upid text Universal Patient Identifier of the Patient this Consent is part of
created_at timestamp Timestamp when this record was first recorded in this system
resource_json text Original JSON document for this Consent
data_source text Name of the data partner network that provided this data


This relation joins Consent Categories to Consents

Column Name Data Type References Description
id varchar (not null) PK ID of code
display text Plain text representation of the concept


This relation joins Consent Categories to codings

Column Name Data Type References Description
consent_category_id varchar CONSENT_CATEGORY ID of the Consent category
system text Identity of the terminology system
code text Symbol in syntax defined by the system
display text Representation defined by the system


This relation joins Consent to Identifiers

Column Name Data Type References Description
consent_id varchar CONSENT ID of the Consent
identifier_id varchar IDENTIFIER ID of the Identifier


This relation joins Consent Policy Rules to Consents

Column Name Data Type References Description
id varchar (not null) PK ID of code
display text Plain text representation of the concept


This relation joins Consent Policu Rules to codings

Column Name Data Type References Description
consent_policy_rule_id varchar CONSENT_POLICY_RULE ID of the Consent Policy Rule
system text Identity of the terminology system
code text Symbol in syntax defined by the system
display text Representation defined by the system


This relation joins Consent to Actor

Column Name Data Type References Description
consent_id varchar CONSENT ID of the Consent
consent_provision_actor_role_id varchar CONSENT_PROVISION_ACTOR_ROLE ID of the role encoding the role of the actor
reference_practitioner_id varchar PRACTITIONER ID of the Practitioner who is the actor


This relation joins consent provision actor roles to Consent provision actors

Column Name Data Type References Description
id varchar (not null) PK ID of code
display text Plain text representation of the concept


This relation joins consent provision actor roles to codings

Column Name Data Type References Description
consent_provision_actor_role_id varchar CONSENT_PROVISION_ACTOR_ROLE ID of the Consent provision actor role
system text Identity of the terminology system
code text Symbol in syntax defined by the system
display text Representation defined by the system


This relation joins Consent to Verification

Column Name Data Type References Description
consent_id varchar CONSENT ID of the Consent
verified tinyint Has been verified
verification_date datetime When this Consent was verified


Details for all kinds of technology-mediated contact points for a person or organization\

Column Name Data Type References Description
id varchar (not null) PK ID of the Contact Point
system text phone | fax | email | pager | url | sms | other
value text The actual contact point details
use text home | work | temp | old | mobile - purpose of this contact point
rank int Specify preferred order of use (1 = highest)
period_start datetime Start of time period when contact point is/was in use
period_end datetime End of time period when contact point is/was in use


A FHIR Coverage represents a financial instrument which may be used to reimburse or pay for health care products and services. Includes both insurance and self-payment.

Column Name Data Type References Description
id varchar (not null) PK Logical ID (UUID) of the Coverage
version text Current version of this Coverage. This indicates whether this Coverage has been updated.
last_updated timestamp Timestamp this record was last updated\
status text A code specifying the state of the Coverage. Possible values: active | cancelled | draft | entered-in-error
coverage_type_id varchar COVERAGE_TYPE ID of the type expressing the specific Coverage category such as medical or accident
policy_holder_patient_id varchar PATIENT ID of the Patient that is an owner of the policy
policy_holder_related_person_id varchar RELATED_PERSON ID of the RelatedPerson that is an owner of the policy
subscriber_patient_id varchar PATIENT ID of the Patient that is a subscriber to the policy
subscriber_id text ID assigned to the subscriber
beneficiary_patient_id varchar PATIENT Plan beneficiary
dependent text Dependent number
period_start datetime Coverage start date
period_end datetime Coverage end date
rank_order int Relative order of the coverage
builder_id varchar ID of the Builder that provided this data
upid text Universal Patient Identifier of the Patient this Coverage is part of
created_at timestamp Timestamp when this Coverage was first recorded in this system
resource_json text Original JSON document for this Coverage
data_source text Name of the data partner network that provided this data


This relation joins Coverage to Identifiers

Column Name Data Type References Description
coverage_id varchar COVERAGE ID of the Coverage
identifier_id varchar IDENTIFIER ID of the Identifier


Issuer of the policy

Column Name Data Type References Description
coverage_id varchar COVERAGE ID of the Coverage
organization_id varchar ORGANIZATION ID of the Organization


This relation joins Coverage types to Coverages

Column Name Data Type References Description
id varchar (not null) PK ID of code
display text Plain text representation of the concept


This relation joins Coverage types to codings

Column Name Data Type References Description
coverage_type_id varchar COVERAGE_TYPE ID of the Coverage type
system text Identity of the terminology system
code text Symbol in syntax defined by the system
display text Representation defined by the system

DEVICE table

Item used in healthcare.

Column Name Data Type References Description
id varchar (not null) PK ID of the Device
version text Current version of the Device.
last_updated timestamp Timestamp this record was last updated\
status text Status of the Device active | inactive | entered-in-error | unknown
patient_id varchar PATIENT ID of the Patient to whom Device is affixed
builder_id varchar ID of the Builder that provided this data
upid text Universal Patient Identifier of this Patient
created_at timestamp Timestamp when this Device was first recorded in this system
resource_json text Original JSON document for this Device
data_source text Name of the data partner network that provided this data


This relation joins Device to Identifiers

Column Name Data Type References Description
device_id varchar DEVICE ID of the Device
identifier_id varchar IDENTIFIER ID of the Identifier


This relation joins Device to the name of the device as given by the manufacturer

Column Name Data Type References Description
device_id varchar DEVICE ID of the Device
name text The name of the device
type text The type of the device name: udi-label-name | user-friendly-name | patient-reported-name | manufacturer-name | model-name | other


This relation joins Device to the note - Device notes and comments

Column Name Data Type References Description
device_id varchar DEVICE ID of the Device
text_markdown text The annotation - text content (as markdown)


This relation joins Device Specialization System Types to Devices

Column Name Data Type References Description
id varchar (not null) PK ID of code
device_id varchar DEVICE ID of the Device
display text Plain text representation of the concept


This relation joins AllergyIntolerance codes to codings

Column Name Data Type References Description
device_specialization_system_type_id varchar DEVICE_SPECIALIZATION_SYSTEM_TYPE ID of the Device Specialization System Type
system text Identity of the terminology system
code text Symbol in syntax defined by the system
display text Representation defined by the system


This relation joins Device to Unique Device Identifier (UDI) Barcode string

Column Name Data Type References Description
device_id varchar DEVICE ID of the Device
device_identifier text Mandatory fixed portion of UDI


A FHIR DeviceUseStatement represents a record of a device being used by a patient where the record is the result of a report from the patient or another clinician.

Column Name Data Type References Description
id varchar (not null) PK Logical ID (UUID) of the DeviceUseStatement
version text Current version of this DeviceUseStatement. This indicates whether this DeviceUseStatement has been updated.
last_updated timestamp Timestamp this record was last updated\
status text active | completed | entered-in-error | intended | stopped | on-hold
subject_patient_id varchar PATIENT Patient using device
timing_start timestamp Start of the period for how often the device was used
timing_end timestamp End of the period for how often the device was used
recorded_on datetime When statement was recorded
source_practitioner_id varchar PRACTITIONER Who made the statement
device_id varchar DEVICE What device was used
body_site_concept_id varchar BODY_SITE_CONCEPT Target body site
builder_id varchar ID of the Builder that provided this data
upid text Universal Patient Identifier of the Patient this DeviceUseStatement is part of
created_at timestamp Timestamp when this DeviceUseStatement was first recorded in this system
resource_json text Original JSON document for this DeviceUseStatement
data_source text Name of the data partner network that provided this data


Allows linking the DeviceUseStatement to the underlying Request\

Column Name Data Type References Description
device_use_statement_id varchar DEVICE_USE_STATEMENT ID of the DeviceUseStatement
procedure_id varchar PROCEDURE Procedure that holds supporting information for the DeviceUseStatement.


An external identifier for this statement such as an IRI.

Column Name Data Type References Description
device_use_statement_id varchar DEVICE_USE_STATEMENT ID of the DeviceUseStatement
identifier_id varchar IDENTIFIER ID of the Identifier


A FHIR DiagnosticReport represents the findings and interpretation of diagnostic tests performed on patients\

Column Name Data Type References Description
id varchar (not null) PK Logical ID (UUID) of the DiagnosticReport
version text Current version of this DiagnosticReport. This indicates whether this DiagnosticReport has been updated.
last_updated timestamp Timestamp this record was last updated\
status text A code specifying the state of the DiagnosticReport. Possible values: registered | partial | preliminary | final
diagnostic_report_code_id varchar DIAGNOSTIC_REPORT_CODE Name/Code for this diagnostic report.
subject_patient_id varchar PATIENT The subject of the report.
encounter_id varchar ENCOUNTER Health care event when test ordered
effective_start datetime Start time (inclusive) of the clinically relevant time-period for report.
effective_end datetime End time (inclusive) of the clinically relevant time-period for report.
issued datetime DateTime this version was made
builder_id varchar ID of the Builder that provided this data
upid text Universal Patient Identifier of the Patient this DiagnosticReport is part of
created_at timestamp Timestamp when this DiagnosticReport was first recorded in this system
resource_json text Original JSON document for this DiagnosticReport
data_source text Name of the data partner network that provided this data


This relation joins Diagnostic Report codes to Diagnostic Report

Column Name Data Type References Description
id varchar (not null) PK ID of code
display text Plain text representation of the concept


This relation joins Diagnostic Report codes to codings

Column Name Data Type References Description
diagnostic_report_code_id varchar DIAGNOSTIC_REPORT_CODE ID of the Diagnostic Report Code
system text Identity of the terminology system
code text Symbol in syntax defined by the system
display text Representation defined by the system


This relation joins DiagnosticReports to Identifiers

Column Name Data Type References Description
diagnostic_report_id varchar DIAGNOSTIC_REPORT ID of the DiagnosticReport
identifier_id varchar IDENTIFIER ID of the Identifier


Responsible Diagnostic Service

Column Name Data Type References Description
diagnostic_report_id varchar DIAGNOSTIC_REPORT ID of the DiagnosticReport
practitioner_id varchar PRACTITIONER ID of the Practitioner


This relation joins DiagnosticReports to Observations

Column Name Data Type References Description
diagnostic_report_id varchar DIAGNOSTIC_REPORT ID of the DiagnosticReport
observation_id varchar OBSERVATION ID of the Observation


A FHIR DocumentReference represents a reference to a document of any kind for any purpose. Provides metadata about the document so that the document can be discovered and managed. The scope of a document is any seralized object with a mime-type\

Column Name Data Type References Description
id varchar (not null) PK Unique ID of this DocumentReference
version text Current version of the DocumentReference. This indicates whether this DocumentReference has been updated.
last_updated text Timestamp this record was last updated\
narrative text Clinical narrative of the DocumentReference
master_identifier_id varchar IDENTIFIER ID of the Master Version Specific Identifier
status text current | superseded | entered-in-error
doc_status text preliminary | final | amended | entered-in-error
document_reference_type_id varchar DOCUMENT_REFERENCE_TYPE ID of the type encoding the kind of document (LOINC if possible)
type_loinc text LOINC type of document
subject_patient_id varchar PATIENT Who/what is the subject of the document
created_date datetime When this document reference was created
author_practitioner_id varchar PRACTITIONER ID of the Practitioner that is author of given document
author_organization_id varchar ORGANIZATION ID of the Organization that is author of given document
author_device_id varchar DEVICE ID of the Device that is author of given document
custodian_organization_id varchar ORGANIZATION Organization which maintains the document
description text Human-readable description
confidentiality text Code indicating the confidentiality level of the DocumentReference.
confidentiality_display text Plain text description of the confidentiality level of the DocumentReference.
encounter_id varchar ENCOUNTER Context of the document content
encounter_display text Display of context of the document content
period_start text Start of the time of service that is being documented
period_end text End of the time of service that is being documented
facility_type text Kind of facility where patient was seen
builder_id varchar ID of the Builder that provided this data
upid text Universal Patient Identifier of this Patient
created_at datetime Timestamp when this Patient was first recorded in this system
resource_json text Original JSON document for this Patient
data_source text Name of the data partner network that provided this data


This relation joins Document Reference categories to DocumentReference

Column Name Data Type References Description
id varchar (not null) PK ID of code
document_reference_id varchar DOCUMENT_REFERENCE ID of DocumentReference
display text Display of the code
code_loinc text LOINC code of category


This relation joins DocumentReference category to codings

Column Name Data Type References Description
document_reference_category_id varchar DOCUMENT_REFERENCE_CATEGORY ID of the DocumentReference Category
system text Identity of the terminology system
code text Symbol in syntax defined by the system
display text Representation defined by the system


Other identifiers associated with the document\

Column Name Data Type References Description
document_reference_id varchar DOCUMENT_REFERENCE ID of the DocumentReference this identifier belongs to
identifier_id varchar IDENTIFIER ID of the Identifier


Relationships that this document has with other document references that already exist.

Column Name Data Type References Description
document_reference_id varchar DOCUMENT_REFERENCE ID of the DocumentReference this relates to
relationship_type text replaces | transforms | signs | appends
parent_document_reference_id varchar DOCUMENT_REFERENCE ID of the DocumentReference that is the target of the relationship
code_loinc text The LOINC code of the relationship.


This relation joins Document Reference types to DocumentReference

Column Name Data Type References Description
id varchar (not null) PK ID of code
display text Display of the code


This relation joins DocumentReference types to codings

Column Name Data Type References Description
document_reference_type_id varchar DOCUMENT_REFERENCE_TYPE ID of the DocumentReference type
system text Identity of the terminology system
code text Symbol in syntax defined by the system
display text Representation defined by the system

DOSAGE table

Instructions for how a medication should be taken.

Column Name Data Type References Description
id varchar (not null) PK ID of the Dosage
display text Free text dosage instructions e.g. SIG
timing_repeat_period_unit text Unit for the timing schedule for when the medication should be administered
timing_repeat_bounds_start datetime Start of when medication should be administered
timing_repeat_bounds_end datetime End of when medication should be administered
timing_period decimal Indicates the duration of time over which repetitions are to occur
route_concept_id varchar ROUTE_CONCEPT ID of the CodeableConcept that expresses how the drug should enter body
dosage_method_id varchar DOSAGE_METHOD ID of the CodeableConcept that expresses the technique for administering medication
additional_instruction_display text Supplemental instruction or warnings to the patient - e.g. "with meals"\
dose_quantity_unit text Unit of the amount of medication per dose
dose_quantity_value decimal Amount of medication per dose


This relation joins Dosage method to Dosage

Column Name Data Type References Description
id varchar (not null) PK ID of the method
display text Display of method


This relation joins Dosage method to codings

Column Name Data Type References Description
dosage_method_id varchar DOSAGE_METHOD ID of the Dosage method
system text The identification system that defines the codes
code text The code that identifies the concept
display text The text that represents the concept


A FHIR Encounter represents an interaction between a patient and healthcare provider(s) for the purpose of providing healthcare service(s) or assessing the health status of a patient.

Column Name Data Type References Description
id varchar (not null) PK Logical ID (UUID) of the Encounter. This value is globally unique
version text Current version of this Encounter. This indicates whether this Encounter has been updated.
last_updated timestamp Timestamp this record was last updated\
status text A code specifying the state of the Encounter. Can be planned | arrived | triaged | in-progress | onleave | finished | cancelled
class_code text Classification of patient encounter
type_display text Display of the specific type of encounter
encounter_type_id varchar PATIENT ID of the CodeableConcept expressing the type of the Encounter
subject_patient_id varchar PATIENT ID of the Patient present at the Encounter
period_start timestamp Start time (inclusive) of the Encounter
period_end timestamp End time (inclusive) of the Encounter
length_minutes int Length of time (in minutes) that the Encounter lasted
encounter_hospitalization_discharge_disposition_id varchar ENCOUNTER_HOSPITALIZATION_DISCHARGE_DISPOSITION ID of the CodeableConcept encoding the category or kind of location after discharge
location_id varchar ORGANIZATION ID of the Location where the Encounter took place
service_provider_organization_id varchar ORGANIZATION ID of the Organization (facility) responsible for this Encounter
builder_id varchar ID of the Builder that provided this data
upid text Universal Patient Identifier of the Patient this Encounter is part of
created_at datetime Timestamp when this Encounter was first recorded in this system
resource_json text Original JSON document for this Encounter
data_source text Name of the data partner network that provided this data


Column Name Data Type References Description
id varchar (not null) PK ID of the Encounter
version text Current version of the Encounter.
last_updated text Timestamp this record was last updated\
status text A code specifying the state of the Encounter. Can be planned | arrived | triaged | in-progress | onleave | finished | cancelled
period_start datetime Start time (inclusive) of the Encounter
period_end datetime End time (inclusive) of the Encounter
class_code text Code indicating the encounter class. Values come from the code system http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/class-coding
class_display text Display text for the encounter class
condition_code_icd10 text ICD-10 code of the condition associated with this encounter
condition_code_text text Human-readable text of the condition associated with this encounter
service_type_code text Vendor-specific code of the service type
service_type_text text Human-readable text of the service type
builder_id varchar ID of the Builder that provided this data
location_name text Name of the location as used by humans
location_address_line text Street name\
location_address_state text State of physical location
location_address_postal_code text Postal code of physical location
upid text Universal Patient Identifier of the Patient this Encounter is part of
created_at datetime Timestamp when this Encounter was first recorded in this system
resource_json text Original JSON document for this Encounter
data_source text Name of the data partner network that provided this data


The list of diagnoss relevant to Encounters

Column Name Data Type References Description
encounter_id varchar ENCOUNTER ID of the Encounter
condition_id varchar CONDITION ID of the Condition relevant to the encounter
rank int Ranking of the diagnosis (for each role type)
use_code text role that this diagnosis has within the encounter (e.g. admission\


This relation joins Encounter Hospitalization Discharge Disposition to Encounter.

Column Name Data Type References Description
id varchar (not null) PK ID of the Encounter Hospitalization Discharge Disposition
display text Plain text representation of the concept


This relation joins Encounter Hospitalization Discharge Disposition to codings

Column Name Data Type References Description
encounter_hospitalization_discharge_disposition_id varchar ENCOUNTER_HOSPITALIZATION_DISCHARGE_DISPOSITION ID of the Encounter Hospitalization Discharge Disposition
system text Identity of the terminology system
code text Symbol in syntax defined by the system
display text Representation defined by the system


This relation joins Encounters to identifiers

Column Name Data Type References Description
encounter_id varchar ENCOUNTER ID of the Encounter
identifier_id varchar IDENTIFIER ID of the Identifier


An Encounter Participant represents the list of people involved in the Encounter.

Column Name Data Type References Description
encounter_id varchar ENCOUNTER ID of the Encounter
encounter_participant_type_id varchar ENCOUNTER_PARTICIPANT_TYPE ID of the Encounter Participant Type
period_start timestamp Start time (inclusive) of the participant being involved in the Encounter.
period_end timestamp End time (inclusive) of the participant being involved in the Encounter.
individual_practitioner_id varchar PRACTITIONER ID of the Participant who was involved in the Encounter


This relation joins Encounter Participant Type to Encounter.

Column Name Data Type References Description
id varchar ENCOUNTER ID of the Encounter Participant
display text Plain text representation of the concept


This relation joins Encounter Participant Type to codings

Column Name Data Type References Description
encounter_participant_type_id varchar ENCOUNTER_PARTICIPANT_TYPE ID of the Encounter Participant Type
system text Identity of the terminology system
code text Symbol in syntax defined by the system
display text Representation defined by the system


This relation joins Encounters to the Reason code.

Column Name Data Type References Description
encounter_id varchar ENCOUNTER ID of the Encounter
snomed text SNOMED code of Encounter
icd10cm text ICD-10-CM code of Encounter
icd9cm text ICD-9-CM code of Encounter
display text Plain text representation of the concept


This relation joins Encounter Type to Encounter.

Column Name Data Type References Description
id varchar ENCOUNTER ID of the Encounter
display text Plain text representation of the concept


This relation joins Encounter types to codings

Column Name Data Type References Description
encounter_type_id varchar ENCOUNTER_TYPE ID of the Encounter type
system text Identity of the terminology system
code text Symbol in syntax defined by the system
display text Representation defined by the system
user_selected tinyint If this coding was chosen directly by the user


Information about patients relatives\

Column Name Data Type References Description
id varchar (not null) PK ID of the FamilyMemberHistory
version text Current version of the FamilyMemberHistory.
last_updated timestamp Timestamp this record was last updated\
status text partial | completed | entered-in-error | health-unknown
patient_id varchar PATIENT ID of the Patient who history is about
date datetime When history was recorded or last updated
family_member_history_relationship_id varchar FAMILY_MEMBER_HISTORY_RELATIONSHIP ID of the relationship of the relative to the patient
sex varchar The birth sex of the family member: male | female | other | unknown
born_date datetime (approximate) date of birth
deceased tinyint Whether the subject is dead or not
builder_id varchar ID of the Builder that provided this data
upid text Universal Patient Identifier of the Patient this FamilyMemberHistory is part of
created_at timestamp Timestamp when this record was first recorded in this system
resource_json text Original JSON document for this FamilyMemberHistory
data_source text Name of the data partner network that provided this data


This relation joins FamilyMemberHistory to the Condition

Column Name Data Type References Description
family_member_history_id varchar FAMILY_MEMBER_HISTORY ID of the FamilyMemberHistory
family_member_history_condition_code_id varchar FAMILY_MEMBER_HISTORY_CONDITION_CODE ID of the FamilyMemberHistory Condition Code
contributed_to_death tinyint Whether the condition contributed to the cause of death
onset_age decimal When condition first manifested


This relation joins FamilyMemberHistory condition codes to FamilyMemberHistory Condition

Column Name Data Type References Description
id varchar (not null) PK ID of code
display text Plain text representation of the concept


This relation joins FamilyMemberHistory condition codes to codings

Column Name Data Type References Description
family_member_history_condition_code_id varchar FAMILY_MEMBER_HISTORY_CONDITION_CODE ID of the FamilyMemberHistory Condition Code
system text Identity of the terminology system
code text Symbol in syntax defined by the system
display text Representation defined by the system


This relation joins FamilyMemberHistory to Identifiers

Column Name Data Type References Description
family_member_history_id varchar FAMILY_MEMBER_HISTORY ID of the FamilyMemberHistory
identifier_id varchar IDENTIFIER ID of the Identifier


This relation joins FamilyMemberHistory to the note - general note about related person

Column Name Data Type References Description
family_member_history_id varchar FAMILY_MEMBER_HISTORY ID of the FamilyMemberHistory
text_markdown text The annotation - text content (as markdown)


This relation joins FamilyMemberHistory relationships to FamilyMemberHistory

Column Name Data Type References Description
id varchar (not null) PK ID of code
display text Plain text representation of the concept


This relation joins FamilyMemberHistory relationships to codings

Column Name Data Type References Description
family_member_history_code_id varchar FAMILY_MEMBER_HISTORY_RELATIONSHIP ID of the FamilyMemberHistory Code
system text Identity of the terminology system
code text Symbol in syntax defined by the system
display text Representation defined by the system

GOAL table

Describes the intended objective(s) for a patient\

Column Name Data Type References Description
id varchar (not null) PK ID of the Goal
version text Current version of the Goal.
last_updated timestamp Timestamp this record was last updated\
goal_description_id varchar GOAL_DESCRIPTION ID of the Description encoding the code or text describing goal
subject_patient_id varchar PATIENT ID of the Patient who the goal is intended for
start_date datetime When goal pursuit begins
expressed_by_practitioner_id varchar PRACTITIONER ID of the Practitioner who the goal is intended for
builder_id varchar ID of the Builder that provided this data
upid text Universal Patient Identifier of the Patient this Goal is part of
created_at timestamp Timestamp when this record was first recorded in this system
resource_json text Original JSON document for this Goal
data_source text Name of the data partner network that provided this data


This relation joins Goal Descriptions to Goal

Column Name Data Type References Description
id varchar (not null) PK ID of code
display text Plain text representation of the concept


This relation joins Goal descriptions to codings

Column Name Data Type References Description
goal_description_id varchar GOAL_DESCRIPTION ID of the goal Description
system text Identity of the terminology system
code text Symbol in syntax defined by the system
display text Representation defined by the system


This relation joins Goal to Identifiers

Column Name Data Type References Description
goal_id varchar GOAL ID of the Goal
identifier_id varchar IDENTIFIER ID of the Identifier


This relation joins Goal to target outcome for the goal

Column Name Data Type References Description
goal_id varchar GOAL ID of the Goal
goal_target_measure_id varchar GOAL_TARGET_MEASURE ID of the Measure encoding the parameter whose value is being tracked
detail_string text The target value of the parameter
due_date datetime When target is to be achieved


This relation joins Goal Target Measure to Goal Target

Column Name Data Type References Description
id varchar (not null) PK ID of code
display text Plain text representation of the concept


This relation joins Goal Target measures to codings

Column Name Data Type References Description
goal_target_measure_id varchar GOAL_TARGET_MEASURE ID of the goal target Measure
system text Identity of the terminology system
code text Symbol in syntax defined by the system
display text Representation defined by the system


A name of a human with text\

Column Name Data Type References Description
id varchar (not null) PK ID of the name
use text usual | official | temp | nickname | anonymous | old | maiden
text text Text representation of the full name
family text Family name (often called "Surname")
prefix_1 text The first of the parts that come before the name
suffix_1 text The first of the parts that come after the name
period_start datetime Start of time period when name is/was in use
period_end datetime End of time period when name is/was in use


Column Name Data Type References Description
human_name_id varchar HUMAN_NAME ID of the name
given text Given names (not always "first"). Includes middle names
given_index int Index for presenting the name\


An identifier is a string associated with a single object or entity within a given system\

Column Name Data Type References Description
id varchar (not null) PK Unique ID of this identifier
system text The namespace for the identifier value
value text The value that is unique
use text The purpose of this identifier
type_display varchar Description of identifier in plain text\
type_code varchar Description of identifier as a code\
assigner_display text Display of the organization that issued id


A FHIR Immunization represents the event of a patient being administered a vaccine or a record of an immunization as reported by a patient\

Column Name Data Type References Description
id varchar (not null) PK Logical ID (UUID) of the Immunization
version text Current version of this Immunization. This indicates whether this Immunization has been updated.
last_updated timestamp Timestamp this record was last updated\
status text A code specifying the state of the Immunization. Possible values: completed | entered-in-error | not-done
immunization_status_reason_id varchar IMMUNIZATION_STATUS_REASON ID of the CodeableConcept of the reason not done
immunization_vaccine_code_id varchar IMMUNIZATION_VACCINE_CODE ID of the CodeableConcept of the vaccine product administered
patient_id varchar PATIENT ID of the Patient who was immunized
encounter_id varchar ENCOUNTER ID of the Encounter immunization was part of
occurrence timestamp Vaccine administration date
manufacturer_organization_id varchar ORGANIZATION Vaccine manufacturer
lot_number text Vaccine lot number
body_site_concept_id varchar BODY_SITE_CONCEPT ID of the CodeableConcept of the body site vaccine was administered
route_concept_id varchar ROUTE_CONCEPT ID of the CodeableConcept of how vaccine entered body
dose_quantity_unit text Unit of amount of vaccine administered.
dose_quantity_value decimal Value of amount of vaccine administered.
dose_number int Dose number within series.
performer_actor_organization_id varchar ORGANIZATION ID of the Organization who was performing the event
builder_id varchar ID of the Builder that provided this data
upid text Universal Patient Identifier of the Patient this Immunization is part of
created_at timestamp Timestamp when this Immunization was first recorded in this system
resource_json text Original JSON document for this Immunization
data_source text Name of the data partner network that provided this data


This relation joins Immunization to Identifiers

Column Name Data Type References Description
immunization_id varchar IMMUNIZATION ID of the Immunization
identifier_id varchar IDENTIFIER ID of the Identifier


This relation joins Immunizations to Annotations

Column Name Data Type References Description
immunization_id varchar IMMUNIZATION ID of the Immunization
text_markdown text The annotation - text content (as markdown)


This relation joins Immunization statusReason to Immunization

Column Name Data Type References Description
id varchar (not null) PK ID of statusReason
display text Display of the statusReason


This relation joins Immunization statusReason to codings

Column Name Data Type References Description
immunization_status_reason_id varchar IMMUNIZATION_STATUS_REASON ID of the Immunization statusReason
system text Identity of the terminology system
code text Symbol in syntax defined by the system
display text Representation defined by the system


This relation joins Immunization vaccineCode to Immunization

Column Name Data Type References Description
id varchar (not null) PK ID of code
display text Display of the code


This relation joins Immunization vaccineCode to codings

Column Name Data Type References Description
immunization_vaccine_code_id varchar IMMUNIZATION_VACCINE_CODE ID of the Immunization vaccineCode
system text Identity of the terminology system
code text Symbol in syntax defined by the system
display text Representation defined by the system


A summarized MedicationStatement deduplicated by RxNorm code\

Column Name Data Type References Description
id varchar (not null) PK Logical ID (UUID) of the MedicationStatement. This value is globally unique
version text Current version of this MedicationStatement. This indicates whether this Observation has been updated.
last_updated text Timestamp this record was last updated\
status text The status of the result value
medication_concept_id varchar CODEABLE_CONCEPT_CODING ID of the CodeableConcept that identifies the medication being administered
code_rxnorm text RXNORM code of this MedicationStatement\
code_ndc text NDC code of this MedicationStatement\
code_display text Display text for the code
subject_patient_id varchar ID of the Patient who is/was taking the medication
date_asserted datetime The date when the medication statement was asserted by the information source
refills int Number of medication refills for this MedicationStatement\
last_fill_date datetime date that this Medication was last filled\
prescribed_date datetime date that this Medication was last prescribed\
days_supply datetime days supply of the Medication\
quantity datetime quantity of the Medication\
quantity_unit datetime unit of the quantity of the Medication\
last_prescriber_practitioner_id varchar PRACTITIONER practitioner that prescribed the medication\
last_prescriber_medication_request_id varchar MEDICATION_REQUEST medication request that prescribed the medication\
builder_id varchar ID of the Builder that provided this data
upid text Universal Patient Identifier of the Patient this Observation is part of
created_at datetime Timestamp when this Observation was first recorded in this system
resource_json text Original JSON document for this Observation
data_source text Name of the data partner network that provided this data


A Lens SNOMED Condition represents a clinical condition\

Column Name Data Type References Description
id varchar (not null) PK Logical ID (UUID) of the Lens SNOMED Condition. This value is globally unique
version text Current version of this Lens SNOMED Condition. This indicates whether this Lens SNOMED Condition has been updated.
last_updated timestamp Timestamp this record was last updated\
clinical_status text The status of the Lens SNOMED Condition (active | recurrence | relapse | inactive | remission | resolved)
lens_snomed_condition_code_id varchar LENS_SNOMED_CONDITION_CODE ID of the Lens SNOMED Condition Code
code_snomed text SNOMED code of Lens SNOMED Condition
code_icd10cm text ICD-10-CM code of Lens SNOMED Condition
code_cci text CCI code of Lens SNOMED Condition
code_ccs text Lens SNOMED Condition’s CCS category based on the Clinical Classifications Software Refined (CCSR) aggregation of ICD-10-CM/PCS codes into clinically meaningful categories\
code_hcc text HCC code of Lens SNOMED Condition
code_display text Display value of Lens SNOMED Condition Code
subject_patient_id varchar ID of the Patient who has the Lens SNOMED Condition
onset datetime Onset of the Lens SNOMED Condition
recorded_date datetime Date Lens SNOMED Condition was first recorded
builder_id varchar ID of the Builder that provided this data
upid text Universal Patient Identifier of the Patient this Lens SNOMED Condition is part of
created_at timestamp Timestamp when this Lens SNOMED Condition was first recorded in this system
resource_json text Original JSON document for this Lens SNOMED Condition
data_source text Name of the data partner network that provided this data


This relation joins Lens SNOMED Condition Code to Lens SNOMED Condition

Column Name Data Type References Description
id varchar (not null) PK ID of Lens SNOMED Condition Code
display text Display of the code


This relation joins Lens SNOMED Condition code to codings

Column Name Data Type References Description
lens_snomed_condition_code_id varchar LENS_SNOMED_CONDITION_CODE ID of the Lens SNOMED Condition Code
system text Identity of the terminology system
code text Symbol in syntax defined by the system
display text Representation defined by the system
user_selected tinyint If this coding was chosen directly by the user
enrichment_type text Type of enrichment


A FHIR LensTransitionOfCare describes the association between a patient and an organization / healthcare provider(s) during which time encounters may occur. The managing organization assumes a level of responsibility for the patient during this time.

Column Name Data Type References Description
id varchar (not null) PK Logical ID (UUID) of the LensTransitionOfCare
version text Current version of this LensTransitionOfCare. This indicates whether this LensTransitionOfCare has been updated.
last_updated timestamp Timestamp this record was last updated\
status text A code specifying the state of the LensTransitionOfCare. Possible values: planned | waitlist | active | onhold | finished | cancelled | entered-in-error
patient_id varchar PATIENT ID of the Patient who is the focus of this lens transition of care.
period_start text Start of the interval during responsibility is assumed
period_end text End of the interval during responsibility is assumed
admitting_location_id varchar LOCATION The Zus admitting location extension denotes the location of the most recent emergency encounter in the transition.
encounter_class_coding_id varchar CODING The Zus encounter class extension denotes the most recent “encounter class” in the transition (e.g. EMER\
discharge_location_id varchar LOCATION The Zus discharge location extension denotes the location of the most recent inpatient encounter in the transition.
lens_transition_of_care_discharge_disposition_id varchar LENS_TRANSITION_OF_CARE_DISCHARGE_DISPOSITION The Zus discharge disposition extension denotes the most recent discharge disposition for the transition.
builder_id varchar ID of the Builder that provided this data
upid text Universal Patient Identifier of the Patient this LensTransitionOfCare is part of
created_at timestamp Timestamp when this LensTransitionOfCare was first recorded in this system
resource_json text Original JSON document for this LensTransitionOfCare
data_source text Name of the data partner network that provided this data


This relation joins LensTransitionOfCare resources to Zus aggregatedFrom extensions. The Zus aggregated from extension lists the Encounter resources that were used to generate this output resource.

Column Name Data Type References Description
lens_transition_of_care_id varchar LENS_TRANSITION_OF_CARE ID of the LensTransitionOfCare
encounter_id varchar ENCOUNTER ID of the Encounter this lens transition of care is aggregated from


The list of diagnosis relevant to this LensTransitionOfCare

Column Name Data Type References Description
lens_transition_of_care_id varchar LENS_TRANSITION_OF_CARE ID of the LensTransitionOfCare
condition_id varchar CONDITION ID of the Conditions/problems/diagnoses this lens transition of care is for
role_code text Code that describes role that this diagnosis has within the LensTransitionOfCare (e.g. admission\
role_display text Display that describes role that this diagnosis has within the LensTransitionOfCare (e.g. admission\


This relation joins LensTransitionOfCare discharge dispositions to LensTransitionOfCares

Column Name Data Type References Description
id varchar (not null) PK ID of discharge disposition
display text Plain text representation of the concept


This relation joins LensTransitionOfCare Discharge Dispositions to codings

Column Name Data Type References Description
lens_transition_of_care_discharge_disposition_id varchar LENS_TRANSITION_OF_CARE_DISCHARGE_DISPOSITION ID of the LensTransitionOfCare Discharge Disposition
system text Identity of the terminology system
code text Symbol in syntax defined by the system
display text Representation defined by the system


This relation joins LensTransitionOfCares to Identifiers

Column Name Data Type References Description
lens_transition_of_care_id varchar LENS_TRANSITION_OF_CARE ID of the LensTransitionOfCare
identifier_id varchar IDENTIFIER ID of the Identifier


Details and position information for a physical place where services are provided and resources and participants may be stored\

Column Name Data Type References Description
id varchar (not null) PK Unique ID of this Location
version text Current version of this Location. This indicates whether this Organization has been updated.
last_updated timestamp Timestamp this record was last updated\
name text Name of the location as used by humans
mode text instance | kind
location_type_id varchar LOCATION_TYPE ID of the CodeableConcept encoding the type of function performed
address_line_1 text First line of the address
address_line_2 text Second line of the address
address_city text City name in address
address_state text State name in address
address_postal_code text Postal code in address
location_physical_type_id varchar LOCATION_PHYSICAL_TYPE ID of the CodeableConcept encoding the physical form of this location: https://www.hl7.org/fhir/r4/valueset-location-physical-type.html
builder_id varchar ID of the Builder that provided this data
created_at timestamp Timestamp when this Location was first recorded in this system
resource_json text Original JSON document for this Location
data_source text Name of the data partner network that provided this data


Identifiers of the location

Column Name Data Type References Description
location_id varchar LOCATION ID of the Location
identifier_id varchar IDENTIFIER ID of the Identifier


This relation joins Location physicalType to Location

Column Name Data Type References Description
id varchar (not null) PK ID of Location physicalType
display text Display of the Location physicalType


This relation joins Location physicalType to codings

Column Name Data Type References Description
location_physical_type_id varchar LOCATION_PHYSICAL_TYPE ID of the Location physicalType
system text Identity of the terminology system
code text Symbol in syntax defined by the system
display text Representation defined by the system


Contact details of the Location

Column Name Data Type References Description
location_id varchar LOCATION ID of the Location
contact_point_id varchar CONTACT_POINT ID of the contact details


This relation joins Location type to Location

Column Name Data Type References Description
id varchar (not null) PK ID of Location type
display text Display of the Location type


This relation joins Location type to codings

Column Name Data Type References Description
location_type_id varchar LOCATION_TYPE ID of the Location type
system text Identity of the terminology system
code text Symbol in syntax defined by the system
display text Representation defined by the system


Definition of a Medication.

Column Name Data Type References Description
id varchar (not null) PK ID of the Medication
version text Current version of the Medication.
last_updated timestamp Timestamp this record was last updated\
medication_code_id varchar MEDICATION_CODE ID of the Code encoding codes that identify this medication
medication_form_id varchar MEDICATION_FORM ID of the Form encoding the form of the medication - powder | tablets | capsule +
builder_id varchar ID of the Builder that provided this data
created_at timestamp Timestamp when this record was first recorded in this system
resource_json text Original JSON document for this Medication
data_source text Name of the data partner network that provided this data


FHIR MedicationAdministration describes the event of a patient consuming or otherwise being administered a medication. This may be as simple as swallowing a tablet or it may be a long running infusion. Related resources tie this event to the authorizing prescription\

Column Name Data Type References Description
id varchar (not null) PK Logical ID (UUID) of the MedicationAdministration
version text Current version of this MedicationAdministration. This indicates whether this MedicationAdministration has been updated.
last_updated timestamp Timestamp this record was last updated\
status text A code specifying the state of the MedicationAdministration. Possible values: in-progress | not-done | on-hold | completed | entered-in-error | stopped | unknown
medication_concept_id varchar MEDICATION_CONCEPT ID of the CodeableConcept of the medication that was administered
subject_patient_id varchar PATIENT ID of the Patient who the procedure was performed on
effective_start datetime Start time (inclusive) of the administered Medication being effective.
effective_end datetime End time (inclusive) of the administered Medication being effective.
dosage_route_concept_id varchar ROUTE_CONCEPT ID of the CodeableConcept of the path of substance into body.
dosage_dose_unit text Unit of dosage of Medication.
dosage_dose_value int Value of dosage of Medication.
builder_id varchar ID of the Builder that provided this data
upid text Universal Patient Identifier of the Patient this MedicationAdministration is part of
created_at timestamp Timestamp when this MedicationAdministration was first recorded in this system
resource_json text Original JSON document for this MedicationAdministration
data_source text Name of the data partner network that provided this data


This relation joins MedicationAdministrations to Identifiers

Column Name Data Type References Description
medication_administration_id varchar MEDICATION_ADMINISTRATION ID of the MedicationAdministration
identifier_id varchar IDENTIFIER ID of the Identifier


This relation joins MedicationAdministrations to reason code Codeable Concept

Column Name Data Type References Description
medication_administration_id varchar MEDICATION_ADMINISTRATION ID of the MedicationAdministration
code_snomed text SNOMED code of the reason for the MedicationAdministration


Condition that supports why the medication was administered

Column Name Data Type References Description
medication_administration_id varchar MEDICATION_ADMINISTRATION ID of the MedicationAdministration
condition_id varchar CONDITION ID of the Condition expressing the specific Reason for MedicationAdministration.


This relation joins Medication codes to Medication

Column Name Data Type References Description
id varchar (not null) PK ID of code
display text Plain text representation of the concept


This relation joins Medication codes to codings

Column Name Data Type References Description
medication_code_id varchar MEDICATION_CODE ID of the Medication Code
system text Identity of the terminology system
code text Symbol in syntax defined by the system
display text Representation defined by the system


Representation of a medication

Column Name Data Type References Description
id varchar (not null) PK Unique ID of the medication code
display text Plain text description of the medication code


Representation of a defined medication concept using a symbol from a defined terminology system

Column Name Data Type References Description
medication_concept_id varchar MEDICATION_CONCEPT ID of the medication code
system text Identity of the terminology system
code text Symbol in the syntax defined by the system
display text Representation defined by the system


This resource covers the supply of medications to a patient. Examples include dispensing and pick-up from an outpatient or community pharmacy\

Column Name Data Type References Description
id varchar (not null) PK Unique ID of the MedicationDispense
version text Current version of this MedicationDispense. This indicates whether this Encounter has been updated.
last_updated timestamp Timestamp this record was last updated\
status text Medication dispense status: preparation | in-progress | cancelled | on-hold | completed | entered-in-error | stopped | declined | unknown
medication_reference_id varchar MEDICATION ID of the medication that was supplied
medication_concept_id varchar MEDICATION_CONCEPT ID of the CodeableConcept that identifies the medication being dispensed
code_ndc text NDC code of the medication
code_rxnorm text RxNorm code of the medication
refill_number int Number of refills authorized
subject_patient_id varchar PATIENT ID of the patient who the dispense is for
performer_actor_organization_id varchar ORGANIZATION ID of the Organization that performed the dispense
location_id varchar LOCATION ID of the location where the dispense occurred
authorizing_prescription_medication_request_id varchar MEDICATION_REQUEST ID of the MedicationRequest that authorizes the dispense
type_code text Type of medication dispense
type_display text Display text for the type of medication dispense
quantity_unit text Unit of the amount dispensed
quantity_value decimal Amount dispensed
days_supply int Amount of medication expressed as a timing amount
when_prepared timestamp When product was packaged and reviewed
when_handed_over timestamp When the medication was sent
dosage_instruction text How the medication is to be used by the patient or administered by the caregiver
builder_id varchar ID of the Builder that provided this data
upid text Universal Patient Identifier of the Patient this Observation is part of
created_at timestamp Timestamp when this Observation was first recorded in this system
resource_json text Original JSON document for this Observation
data_source text Name of the data partner network that provided this data


Column Name Data Type References Description
medication_dispense_id varchar MEDICATION_DISPENSE ID of the MedicationDispense
identifier_id varchar IDENTIFIER ID of the Identifier


This relation joins Medication forms to Medication

Column Name Data Type References Description
id varchar (not null) PK ID of code
display text Plain text representation of the concept


This relation joins Medication forms to codings

Column Name Data Type References Description
medication_form_id varchar MEDICATION_FORM ID of the Medication Form
system text Identity of the terminology system
code text Symbol in syntax defined by the system
display text Representation defined by the system


This relation joins Medication to active or inactive ingredient

Column Name Data Type References Description
medication_id varchar MEDICATION ID of the Medication
medication_ingredient_item_code_id varchar MEDICATION_INGREDIENT_ITEM_CODE ID of the item code encoding the actual ingredient or content


This relation joins Medication ingredient item codes to Medication ingredients

Column Name Data Type References Description
id varchar (not null) PK ID of code
display text Plain text representation of the concept


This relation joins Medication ingredient item codes to codings

Column Name Data Type References Description
medication_ingredient_item_code_id varchar MEDICATION_INGREDIENT_ITEM_CODE ID of the Medication Ingredient Item Code
system text Identity of the terminology system
code text Symbol in syntax defined by the system
display text Representation defined by the system


An order or request for both supply of the medication and the instructions for administration of the medication to a patient.

Column Name Data Type References Description
id varchar (not null) PK ID of the MedicationRequest
version text Current version of this MedicationRequest. This indicates whether this MedicationRequest has been updated.
last_updated timestamp Timestamp this record was last updated\
status text active | on-hold | cancelled | completed | entered-in-error | stopped | draft | unknown
intent text proposal | plan | order | original-order | reflex-order | filler-order | instance-order | option
medication_request_category_id varchar MEDICATION_REQUEST_CATEGORY Category of Medication
medication_id varchar MEDICATION Medication to be taken
medication_concept_id varchar MEDICATION_CONCEPT ID of the Medication to be taken
code_rxnorm text RXNORM code of MedicationRequest\
code_ndc text NDC code of this MedicationRequest\
code_display text Display value of Medication
subject_patient_id varchar PATIENT ID of the Patient who or group MedicationRequest is for
encounter_id varchar ENCOUNTER ID of the Encounter created as part of encounter/admission/stay
authored_on timestamp When request was initially authored
requester_practitioner_id varchar PRACTITIONER ID of the Practitioner who requested the Request
dosage_id varchar DOSAGE ID of Dosage to be applied
initial_fill_quantity_value decimal Medication supply authorization\
number_of_repeats_allowed decimal Number of refills authorized
quantity decimal Amount of medication to supply per dispense
performer_organization_id varchar ORGANIZATION The ID of the Organization intended dispenser
substitution_allowed tinyint True if any restrictions on medication substitution
builder_id varchar ID of the Builder that provided this data
upid text Universal Patient Identifier of the Patient this MedicationRequest is part of
created_at timestamp Timestamp when this MedicationRequest was first recorded in this system
resource_json text Original JSON document for this MedicationRequest
data_source text Name of the data partner network that provided this data


This relation joins Medication Request Category to Medication Requests

Column Name Data Type References Description
id varchar (not null) PK ID of category
display text Plain text representation of the concept


This relation joins Medication Request Category to codings

Column Name Data Type References Description
medication_request_category_id varchar MEDICATION_REQUEST_CATEGORY ID of the Medication Request Category
system text Identity of the terminology system
code text Symbol in syntax defined by the system
display text Representation defined by the system


This relation joins MedicationRequest to Identifiers

Column Name Data Type References Description
medication_request_id varchar MEDICATION_REQUEST ID of the MedicationRequest
identifier_id varchar IDENTIFIER ID of the Identifier


Text notes associated with the MedicationRequest with information about the prescription.

Column Name Data Type References Description
medication_request_id varchar MEDICATION_REQUEST ID of the MedicationRequest
text_markdown text The annotation - text content (as markdown)


This relation joins Medication Request Reason Code to Medication Requests

Column Name Data Type References Description
id varchar (not null) PK ID of reason code
display text Plain text representation of the concept


This relation joins MedicationRequest to the Condition that supports why the prescription is being written.

Column Name Data Type References Description
medication_request_id varchar MEDICATION_REQUEST ID of the MedicationRequest
condition_id varchar CONDITION ID of the Condition that supports why the prescription is being written


This relation joins Medication Request Reason Code to codings

Column Name Data Type References Description
medication_request_reason_code_id varchar MEDICATION_REQUEST_REASON_CODE ID of the Medication Request Reason Code
system text Identity of the terminology system
code text Symbol in syntax defined by the system
display text Representation defined by the system


A FHIR MedicationStatement represents a record of a medication that is being consumed by a patient. A MedicationStatement may indicate that the patient may be taking the medication now or has taken the medication in the past or will be taking the medication in the future

Column Name Data Type References Description
id varchar (not null) PK Logical ID (UUID) of the MedicationStatement. This value is globally unique
version text Current version of this MedicationStatement. This indicates whether this Observation has been updated.
last_updated text Timestamp this record was last updated\
status text The status of the result value
medication_concept_id varchar CODEABLE_CONCEPT_CODING ID of the CodeableConcept that identifies the medication being administered
code_rxnorm text RXNORM code of this MedicationStatement\
code_ndc text NDC code of this MedicationStatement\
code_display text Display text for the code
subject_patient_id varchar PATIENT ID of the Patient who is/was taking the medication
context_encounter_id varchar ID of the Encounter associated with the MedicationStatement
effective_start datetime The start of the interval of time during which it is being asserted that the patient is/was/will be taking the medication (or was not taking\
effective_end datetime The end of the interval of time during which it is being asserted that the patient is/was/will be taking the medication (or was not taking\
date_asserted datetime The date when the medication statement was asserted by the information source
builder_id varchar ID of the Builder that provided this data
upid text Universal Patient Identifier of the Patient this Observation is part of
created_at datetime Timestamp when this Observation was first recorded in this system
resource_json text Original JSON document for this Observation
data_source text Name of the data partner network that provided this data


This relation joins MedicationStatement to dosages

Column Name Data Type References Description
medication_statement_id varchar MEDICATION_STATEMENT ID of the MedicationStatement
dosage_id varchar DOSAGE ID of the Dosage


This relation joins MedicationStatement to identifiers assigned by the perform or other systems

Column Name Data Type References Description
medication_statement_id varchar MEDICATION_STATEMENT ID of the MedicationStatement
identifier_id varchar IDENTIFIER ID of the Identifier


Any other notes and comments about the MedicationStatement

Column Name Data Type References Description
medication_statement_id varchar MEDICATION_STATEMENT ID of the MedicationStatement
text_markdown varchar The annotation - text content (as markdown)


Reason for why the medication is being/was taken

Column Name Data Type References Description
id varchar (not null) PK ID of the reason code
medication_statement_id varchar MEDICATION_STATEMENT ID of the MedicationStatement
display varchar Text of the reason code codeable concept


Code that describes the reason for why the medication is being/was taken

Column Name Data Type References Description
medication_statement_reason_code_id varchar MEDICATION_STATEMENT_REASON_CODE ID of the MedicationStatement reason code
system varchar system of the coding
code varchar system of the coding
display varchar Text of the coding


A FHIR Observation represents measurements and simple assertions made about a patient\

Column Name Data Type References Description
id varchar (not null) PK Logical ID (UUID) of the Observation. This value is globally unique
version text Current version of this Observation. This indicates whether this Observation has been updated.
last_updated timestamp Timestamp this record was last updated\
status text A code specifying the state of the observation. Generally\
category text Classification of type of observation.
observation_code_id varchar OBSERVATION_CODE ID of the CodeableConcept expressing the specific Observation that is performed
code_act text ACT code of this Observation\
code_cpt text CPT code of this Observation\
code_loinc text LOINC code of this Observation\
code_snomed text SNOMED code of this Observation\
code_display text Plain text description of the code for this Observation
subject_patient_id varchar PATIENT ID of the Patient who was the subject of the Observation
encounter_id varchar ENCOUNTER ID of the Encounter in which this Observation took place
effective_start datetime Start date/time of when this Observation is clinically relevant
effective_end datetime End date/time of when this Observation is clinically relevant
issued datetime Date/Time this Observation version was made available
value_range_low int The value of the lower range as a result of making the observation
value_range_high int The value of the high range as a result of making the observation
value_date_time datetime The datetime determined as a result of making the observation
value_period_start datetime The start datetime determined as a result of making the observation
value_period_end datetime The end datetime determined as a result of making the observation
value_integer int The integer determined as a result of making the observation
value_string text The string determined as a result of making the observation
value_quantity_value int The value of the quantity determined as a result of making the observation
value_quantity_unit text The unit of the quantity determined as a result of making the observation
observation_value_concept_id varchar OBSERVATION_VALUE_CONCEPT ID of the CodeableConcept expressing the value of the Observation that is performed
data_absent_reason text ID of the CodeableConcept expressing why specific Observation result is missing
observation_interpretation_id varchar OBSERVATION_INTERPRETATION ID of the CodeableConcept expressing a categorical assessment of an observation value. For example\
body_site_concept_id varchar BODY_SITE_CONCEPT ID of the CodeableConcept expressing the body part observed in this Observation
observation_method_id varchar OBSERVATION_METHOD ID of the CodeableConcept expressing this Observation was taken
reference_range_low int The value of the lower range that represents guidance on how to interpret the value by comparison to a normal or recommended range.
reference_range_high int The value of the high range that represents guidance on how to interpret the value by comparison to a normal or recommended range.
reference_range_unit text The unit of the value of the lower range that was obtained that represents guidance on how to interpret the value by comparison to a normal or recommended range.
reference_range_display text The text of the value that was obtained that represents guidance on how to interpret the value by comparison to a normal or recommended range.
builder_id varchar ID of the Builder that provided this data
upid text Universal Patient Identifier of the Patient this Observation is part of
created_at timestamp Timestamp when this Observation was first recorded in this system
resource_json text Original JSON document for this Observation
data_source text Name of the data partner network that provided this data


This relation joins Observation code to Observation

Column Name Data Type References Description
id varchar (not null) PK ID of code
display text Display of the code


This relation joins Observation code to codings

Column Name Data Type References Description
observation_code_id varchar OBSERVATION_CODE ID of the Observation code
system text Identity of the terminology system
version text Version of the system - if relevant
code text Symbol in syntax defined by the system
display text Representation defined by the system
user_selected tinyint If this coding was chosen directly by the user
enrichment_type text Type of enrichment


This relation joins Observations to identifiers assigned by the perform or other systems

Column Name Data Type References Description
observation_id varchar OBSERVATION ID of the Observation
identifier_id varchar IDENTIFIER ID of the Identifier


This relation joins Observation interpretation\

Column Name Data Type References Description
id varchar (not null) PK ID of interpretation
display text Display of the interpretation


This relation joins Observation interpretation to codings

Column Name Data Type References Description
observation_interpretation_id varchar OBSERVATION_INTERPRETATION ID of the Observation interpretation
system text Identity of the terminology system
code text Symbol in syntax defined by the system
display text Representation defined by the system


This relation joins Observation method\

Column Name Data Type References Description
id varchar (not null) PK ID of method
display text Display of the method


This relation joins Observation method to codings

Column Name Data Type References Description
observation_method_id varchar OBSERVATION_METHOD ID of the Observation method
system text Identity of the terminology system
code text Symbol in syntax defined by the system
display text Representation defined by the system


Any other notes and comments about the observation

Column Name Data Type References Description
observation_id varchar OBSERVATION ID of the Observation
text_markdown text The annotation - text content (as markdown)


Who is responsible for the observation. Each Observation may have multiple categories. This relation joins Observations to the reference that encode the performers for the observation.

Column Name Data Type References Description
observation_id varchar OBSERVATION ID of the Observation
practitioner_id varchar PRACTITIONER ID of the Practitioner


This relation joins Observation valueCodeableConcept\

Column Name Data Type References Description
id varchar (not null) PK ID of valueCodeableConcept
display text Display of the valueCodeableConcept


This relation joins Observation valueCodeableConcept to codings

Column Name Data Type References Description
observation_value_concept_id varchar OBSERVATION_VALUE_CONCEPT ID of the Observation valueCodeableConcept
system text Identity of the terminology system
code text Symbol in syntax defined by the system
display text Representation defined by the system


A formally or informally recognized grouping of people or organizations formed for the purpose of achieving some form of collective action. Includes companies\

Column Name Data Type References Description
id varchar (not null) PK Unique ID of this Organization
version text Current version of this Organization. This indicates whether this Organization has been updated.
last_updated timestamp Timestamp this record was last updated\
organization_type_id varchar ORGANIZATION_TYPE ID of the CodeableConcept encoding the kinf of the organization
name text Name used for the organization
address_line_1 text First line of address for the organization\
address_line_2 text Second line of address for the organization\
address_city text Name of city\
address_state text Sub-unit of country (abbreviations ok)
address_postal_code text Postal code for area
builder_id varchar ID of the Builder that provided this data
created_at timestamp Timestamp when this Organization was first recorded in this system
resource_json text Original JSON document for this Organization
data_source text Name of the data partner network that provided this data


This relation joins Organizations to Identifiers

Column Name Data Type References Description
organization_id varchar ORGANIZATION ID of the Organization
identifier_id varchar IDENTIFIER ID of the Identifier


Contact detail for the organization

Column Name Data Type References Description
organization_id varchar ORGANIZATION ID of the Organization
contact_point_id varchar CONTACT_POINT ID of the contact details


This relation joins Organization type to Organization

Column Name Data Type References Description
id varchar (not null) PK ID of type
display text Display of the type


This relation joins Organization type to codings

Column Name Data Type References Description
organization_type_id varchar ORGANIZATION_TYPE ID of the Organization type
system text Identity of the terminology system
code text Symbol in syntax defined by the system
display text Representation defined by the system


Demographics and other administrative information about an individual or animal receiving care or other health-related services.

Column Name Data Type References Description
id varchar (not null) PK ID of the Patient
version text Current version of this Patient. This indicates whether this Patient has been updated.
last_updated timestamp Timestamp this record was last updated\
active tinyint Whether this patient's record is in active use
gender text male | female | other | unknown
birth_date date The date of birth for the individual
ethnicity text Ethnicity of Patient
race text Race of Patient
deceased tinyint Indicates if the individual is deceased or not
deceased_datetime datetime Date when the individual was deceased
marital_status text Marital (civil) status of the patient
marital_status_display text Display of the marital status
managing_organization_id varchar ORGANIZATION Organization that is the custodian of the patient record
name_family text Family name of the Patient
name_given_1 text First given name of the Patient
name_given_2 text Second given name of the Patient
builder_id varchar ID of the Builder that provided this data
upid text Universal Patient Identifier of this Patient
created_at timestamp Timestamp when this Patient was first recorded in this system
resource_json text Original JSON document for this Patient
data_source text Name of the data partner network that provided this data


This relation joins patients to their addresses

Column Name Data Type References Description
patient_id varchar PATIENT ID of the Patient
line_1 text First line of the address
line_2 text Second line of the address
city text City of the address
state text State of the address
postal_code text Postal code of the address


A language which may be used to communicate with the patient about his or her health

Column Name Data Type References Description
patient_id varchar PATIENT ID of the Patient
patient_communication_language_id varchar PATIENT_COMMUNICATION_LANGUAGE ID of the CodeableConcept encoding the language
preferred tinyint Language preference indicator
preferred_type text Language preference type
language_ability text Language ability
language_ability_display text The display of language ability


This relation joins Patient Communication language to Patient Communication

Column Name Data Type References Description
id varchar (not null) PK ID of language
display text Display of the language


This relation joins Patient Communication language to codings

Column Name Data Type References Description
patient_communication_language_id varchar PATIENT_COMMUNICATION_LANGUAGE ID of the Patient Communication language
system text Identity of the terminology system
code text Symbol in syntax defined by the system
display text Representation defined by the system


A contact party (e.g. guardian\

Column Name Data Type References Description
id varchar (not null) PK ID of this patient contact
patient_id varchar PATIENT ID of the Patient
name_family text Family name of the contact person
name_given_1 text First given name of the contact person
name_given_2 text Second given name of the contact person
address_line_1 text First line of the address of the contact person
address_line_2 text Second line of the address of the contact person
address_city text City of the address of the contact person
address_state text State of the address of the contact person
address_postal_code text Postal code of the address of the contact person
relationship text The nature of the relationship between the patient and the contact person
relationship_display text The display of the relationship


This relation joins patient contacts to the contact details

Column Name Data Type References Description
patient_contact_id varchar PATIENT_CONTACT ID of the patient contact
contact_point_id varchar CONTACT_POINT ID of the contact details


This relation joins Patients to their primary care provider

Column Name Data Type References Description
patient_id varchar PATIENT ID of the Patient
practitioner_id varchar PRACTITIONER ID of the Practitioner


This relation joins patients to their identifiers

Column Name Data Type References Description
patient_id varchar PATIENT ID of the Patient
identifier_id varchar IDENTIFIER ID of the Identifier


This relation joins patients to their names

Column Name Data Type References Description
patient_id varchar PATIENT ID of the Patient
human_name_id varchar HUMAN_NAME ID of the HumanName


This relation joins patients to their contact details

Column Name Data Type References Description
patient_id varchar PATIENT ID of the Patient
contact_point_id varchar CONTACT_POINT ID of the contact details


A person who is directly or indirectly involved in the provisioning of healthcare.

Column Name Data Type References Description
id varchar (not null) PK ID of the Practitioner
version text Current version of this Practitioner. This indicates whether this Practitioner has been updated.
last_updated text Timestamp this record was last updated\
name_family text Family name of the Pracititoner
name_given_1 text First given name of the Pracititoner
name_given_2 text Second given name of the Pracititoner
address_line_1 text First line of address of the practitioner that are not role specific (typically home address)
address_line_2 text Second line of address of the practitioner that are not role specific (typically home address)
address_city text City of the practitioner that are not role specific (typically home address)
address_state text State of the practitioner that are not role specific (typically home address)
address_postal_code text Postal code of the practitioner that are not role specific (typically home address)
practitioner_qualification_id varchar PRACTITIONER_QUALIFICATION ID of an identifier for this qualification for the practitioner
builder_id varchar ID of the Builder that provided this data
created_at datetime Timestamp when this Encounter was first recorded in this system
resource_json text Original JSON document for this Encounter
data_source text Name of the data partner network that provided this data


Identifiers associated with the practitioner

Column Name Data Type References Description
practitioner_id varchar PRACTITIONER ID of the Practitioner
identifier_id varchar IDENTIFIER ID of the Identifier



Column Name Data Type References Description
id varchar (not null) PK Unique ID of the practitioner qualification
display text Plain text description of the practitioner qualification


Representation of a defined practitioner qualification concept using a symbol from a defined terminology system

Column Name Data Type References Description
practitioner_qualification_id varchar PRACTITIONER_QUALIFICATION ID of the Practitioner
system text Identity of the terminology system
code text Symbol in the syntax defined by the system
display text Representation defined by the system


A contact detail for the practitioner (that apply to all roles)

Column Name Data Type References Description
practitioner_id varchar PRACTITIONER ID of the Practitioner
contact_point_id varchar CONTACT_POINT ID of the contact details


A FHIR Procedure represents an action that is or was performed on or for a patient. This can be a physical intervention like an operation\

Column Name Data Type References Description
id varchar (not null) PK Logical ID (UUID) of the Procedure
version text Current version of this Procedure. This indicates whether this Procedure has been updated.
last_updated timestamp Timestamp this record was last updated\
status text A code specifying the state of the procedure. Generally\
procedure_code_id varchar PROCEDURE_CODE ID of the Procedure Code expressing the specific Procedure that is performed.
code_cpt text CPT code of this Procedure\
code_loinc text LOINC code of this Procedure\
code_snomed text HCPCS code of this Procedure\
code_hcpcs text SNOMED code of this Procedure\
code_display text Plain text description of the code for this Procedure
subject_patient_id varchar PATIENT ID of the Patient who was the subject of the Procedure
encounter_id varchar ENCOUNTER ID of the Encounter in which this Procedure took place
performed_start timestamp Start date/time of this Procedure
performed_end timestamp End date/time of this Procedure
location_id varchar LOCATION ID of the Location where this Procedure happened
body_site_concept_id varchar BODY_SITE_CONCEPT ID of the CodeableConcept expressing the body site where the Procedure was performed
builder_id varchar ID of the Builder that provided this data
upid text Universal Patient Identifier of the Patient this Procedure is part of
created_at timestamp Timestamp when this Procedure was first recorded in this system
resource_json text Original JSON document for this Procedure
data_source text Name of the data partner network that provided this data


Body site is a detailed and structured anatomical location information. Each Procedure may have multiple body sites. This relation joins Procedures to the CodeableConcepts that encode the body sites for the procedure.

Column Name Data Type References Description
procedure_id varchar PROCEDURE ID of the Procedure
codeable_concept_id varchar CODEABLE_CONCEPT ID of the CodeableConcept


This relation joins Procedure Codes to Procedure

Column Name Data Type References Description
id varchar (not null) PK ID of code
display text Plain text representation of the concept


This relation joins Procedure Codes to Codings

Column Name Data Type References Description
procedure_code_id varchar PROCEDURE_CODE ID of the Procedure code
system text Identity of the terminology system
code text Symbol in syntax defined by the system
display text Representation defined by the system


This relation joins Procedures to identifiers assigned by the performer or other systems

Column Name Data Type References Description
procedure_id varchar PROCEDURE ID of the Procedure
identifier_id varchar IDENTIFIER ID of the Identifier


Any other notes and comments about the procedure

Column Name Data Type References Description
procedure_id varchar PROCEDURE ID of the Procedure
text_markdown text The annotation - text content (as markdown)


Column Name Data Type References Description
id varchar (not null) PK


A FHIR RelatedPerson represents information about a person that is involved in the care for a patient\

Column Name Data Type References Description
id varchar (not null) PK Logical ID (UUID) of the RelatedPerson
version text Current version of this RelatedPerson. This indicates whether this RelatedPerson has been updated.
last_updated timestamp Timestamp this record was last updated\
patient_id varchar PATIENT ID of the Patient this person is related to
related_person_relationship_id varchar RELATED_PERSON_RELATIONSHIP ID of the CodeableConcept encoding the relationship between the patient and the related person
name_family text Family name of the RelaredPerson
name_given_1 text First given name of the RelaredPerson
name_given_2 text Second given name of the RelaredPerson
address_line_1 text First line of the address
address_line_2 text Second line of the address
address_city text City name in address
address_state text State name in address
address_postal_code text Postal code in address
builder_id varchar ID of the Builder that provided this data
upid text Universal Patient Identifier of the Patient this RelatedPerson is part of
created_at timestamp Timestamp when this RelatedPerson was first recorded in this system
resource_json text Original JSON document for this RelatedPerson
data_source text Name of the data partner network that provided this data


Identifier for a person within a particular scope.

Column Name Data Type References Description
related_person_id varchar RELATED_PERSON ID of the RelatedPerson
identifier_id varchar IDENTIFIER ID of the Identifier


This relation joins RelatedPerson relationship to RelatedPerson

Column Name Data Type References Description
id varchar (not null) PK ID of relationship
display text Display of the relationship


This relation joins RelatedPerson relationship to codings

Column Name Data Type References Description
related_person_relationship_id varchar RELATED_PERSON_RELATIONSHIP ID of the RelatedPerson relationship
system text Identity of the terminology system
code text Symbol in syntax defined by the system
display text Representation defined by the system


A contact detail for the person\

Column Name Data Type References Description
related_person_id varchar RELATED_PERSON ID of the RelatedPerson
contact_point_id varchar CONTACT_POINT ID of the ContactPoint describing contact details for the person


Representation of the route of which a drug should enter the body

Column Name Data Type References Description
id varchar (not null) PK Unique ID of the body site
display text Plain text description of the body site


Representation of a defined route concept using a symbol from a defined terminology system

Column Name Data Type References Description
route_concept_id varchar ROUTE_CONCEPT ID of the route code
system text Identity of the terminology system
code text Symbol in the syntax defined by the system
display text Representation defined by the system