
September 28, 2023

The following patient history endpoints have been deprecated and are no longer actively maintained with updates, bug fixes, or support for issues.

On October 26, 2023, the above patient history endpoints will be completely shut down.

After this End of Life date, all requests to those endpoints will result in errors. Please ensure that you have migrated to the /patient-history/jobs API before this date to avoid disruptions to your service.

Why are we deprecating the /refresh, /message-status, and /messages endpoints?

We are deprecating Version 1 of the Patient History API to make way for significant improvements and enhancements with enrolling patients in a Zus subscription, as well as introduce new features like the ability to schedule a job for a future date.

How to migrate to the Patient History Jobs API

To ensure a smooth transition, we recommend the following steps:

  1. Review the API documentation to understand the changes and new features
    1. Product guide
    2. Release note and migration guide
    3. API documentation
    4. Postman collection
  2. Update your integration code to use the /patient-history/jobs endpoints and adapt to any changes in request and response formats.
  3. Test your updated integration in a development or staging environment to ensure it functions correctly with /patient-history/jobs.
  4. Once you are confident that your integration works with /patient-history/jobs, update your production environment before the End of Life date of October 26, 2023 to avoid any service disruptions.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or encounter any issues during the migration process, please do not hesitate to reach out to our support team at [email protected]. We are here to assist you and ensure a seamless transition.

We appreciate your continued support and cooperation as we work to provide you with the best possible service. Thank you for being a valued part of our API user community.