We now maintain a list of 'priority' medications for refill adherence that will be refreshed within 7 days of their expected refill date.

The priority list includes any medication associated with a 2024 CMS eCQM or HEDIS quality measure, including for example Anticoagulants, Antidepressants, Antihistamines & Antiemetics, Antipsychotics, Antispasmodics, Benzodiazepines, Bisphosphonates & SERMs, Bronchodilators, Cholinesterase Inhibitors, Corticosteroids, Estrogens & Progestins, Insulin & Oral Hypoglycemics, Immunosuppressants, Opioids, Retinoids, Statins, and Stimulants. Please reach out to view the full list of priority medications or suggest additional medications.

Medications not on the priority list will continue to be refreshed through other triggers, such as upcoming appointments or the 36-day recurring refresh.

Current List of Medication History Refresh Triggers:

  • Initial enrollment
  • Before the appointments you share with Zus
  • After any 3rd party appointments we pull in from other providers on Carequality and Commonwell
  • After an ADT discharge
  • At most 7 days from the expected refill date for priority adherence medications
  • Any time more than 36 days have elapsed between medication refreshes

To better support customers conducting common population health analyses on Zus data marts, we have published a query library. This query library contains links to a public GitHub repo populated with SQL code compatible with the current data mart relational schema.

The query library is broken into 6 sections:

  1. Understanding Zus data
  2. Analyzing patient demographics
  3. Evaluating population health
  4. Identifying high risk patients
  5. Supporting risk capture
  6. Identifying care gaps

This query library is an experimental resource that the Zus team is evaluating supporting long term. As we evaluate further building out the library, please feel free to share suggested additions and other feedback using this feedback form. We look forward to hearing from you!

Beginning November 5, an updated view of Patient Contact Information will be available in the ZAP. Here are some highlights to look forward to:

  • Contact information is now separated from Sources so users can get access to the information they need more quickly.
  • Phone numbers, email addresses, and physical addresses are listed from most common to least common, including information about what sources noted each individual data point.
  • A checkmark indicates if the value is one already known to your organization and is "synced with record" as it does for clinical information in the ZAP
  • Users can copy a phone number, email, or address to the clipboard to be pasted into another application such as your CRM tool.
  • The "Sources" tab now moves alongside "Contact Info" and both sections are housed under "Demographics" in the ZAP. In the Web Application, this also includes a demographics section with additional patient information.

Read more detailed information in our Clinical Guide.

Note: this will be released to users gradually between November 5 and November 8.

Users can now filter to view only Conditions that are associated with a Hierarchical Condition Category (HCC) Code in the ZAP. By selecting this filter, the list of conditions shows only those with an associated HCC, as indicated by the blue icon in each condition row.

Remember that user filters are retained across patient charts, so if a user selects this filter in one patient chart and moves to another the filter will remain.

Starting today, there are several new improvements to viewing and interacting with Documents in the ZAP.


  • Indicate the Title, Author, Date Retrieved, Encounter Type, and Encounter Dates when available
  • These appear in the Table of Contents for each CCD

Document Component

  • The type of Document is now more obvious - an icon and type is listed in the second column of the table.
  • The Encounter Date, Date Retrieved, and Author are now visible within the table
  • The type of Document is a new filter - so users can filter by type: CDA, PDF, or Image - JPEG, PNG, TIFF.
  • Some TIFF Images may have rendered incorrectly as black boxes - this is now fixed and all Images render correctly.

As a part of our ongoing efforts to reduce duplicate alerts for hospitalizations, patients already receiving ADT messages through an HIE within the PointClickCare network will no longer be connected to the Collective Medical ADT feed by default. We do not anticipate any reduction in facility coverage for these alerts, but if you have any questions or concerns with this change, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Starting today, ZAP users can select more than one condition to add to the patient chart.

When using the ZAP in EHRs, users can select more than one condition at a time to add to the chart. Users can also select more than one condition to dismiss.

When the condition is finished syncing with the patient chart or is successfully dismissed, a checkmark appears next to the row. The checkmark to confirm addition to the patient chart will remain green until the user leaves the ZAP to indicate what conditions were added during a given session.

In some circumstances, Zus may not be able to add the condition to the chart. If this occurs, a red error message will appear to alert the user.

The individual ADT/Lab providers a given patient will be subscribed to can vary based on factors like geographic location and additional contracting requirements. To avoid any confusion moving forward, the response to GET https://api.zusapi.com/zap-data-subscriptions/packages will no longer include asubscriptionProvidersarray for each package.

Instead, packages will include a boolean value for adtFeeds:true/false and labFeeds: true/false. Please contact support if you have any questions on subscription providers for your patients.


 "attributes": {
                "meta": {
                    "adtFeeds": true,
                    "labFeeds": true,
                    "subscriptionProviders": [
                "name": "ZAP Pro"


 "attributes": {
                "meta": {
                    "adtFeeds": true,
                    "labFeeds": true
                "name": "ZAP Pro"

As part of an initiative to optimize performance of the Zus platform to better support customers leveraging the Zus Aggregated Profile, we are updating our FHIR platform capability statement.

This update includes no changes to features or functionality currently in use by Zus customers. Noted changes in unused behavior are available here.

This new capability statement is effective as of today, and our API documentation and Postman workspace have been updated to reflect the new capability statement. Documentation for the new FHIR APIs is accessible from the left side bar of our API Reference, under "FHIR REST APIs".

Please review our updated capability statement to ensure you have the most current information. If you have any questions or require further clarification, please do not hesitate to reach out to our support team.

We appreciate your continued partnership and trust in our services. Thank you for your attention to this update.