


The athenahealth ZAP integration is in a Beta stage, which means we are continuously updating and iterating on the data you can see and interact with. We'd love your feedback as an early participant to help improve the ZAP!

athenahealth customers can now turn on the Zus Aggregated Profile (ZAP) integration to manage patient care with the benefit of the ZAP. Clinical history for 270M+ patients is integrated directly into the patient chart in a user-friendly way.

The ZAP in athenaClinicals

When you enable the ZAP in athena, you will get access to the patient's entire ZAP, including data for Problems, Medications, Allergies, Immunizations, Documents, Encounters, Care Teams, and Labs. The ZAP launches from the "Apps tab" at the lower left of the patient's chart.

How to Activate the Integration

If you're a current athenahealth customer and want to turn on the ZAP, you can enable the integration by filling out the digital authorization and consent (A&C) form on the athenaMarketplace or by reaching out to us!

Clinical Training

To learn how to use the ZAP in athena, check out our Clinical Guide.