
The Zus Athena integration features both the embedded Zus Aggregated Profile and automated data connections. The full ZAP can be accessed in a popup/modal via the Apps menu in the patient chart.

How to Activate the Integration

If you're a current athenahealth customer and want to turn on the ZAP, you can enable the integration by filling out the digital authorization and consent (A&C) form on the athenaMarketplace or by reaching out to us!

Data Retrieval

Patients and appointments are automatically retrieved from Athena using changed data subscriptions. Zus polls every few minutes (this frequency may vary, but is generally within minutes) for any updates to patient demographics and appointment data which is loaded into Zus.

Backfill Process

In addition to (almost) real-time data retrieval for patients and appointments, a backfill process is run when a patient is enrolled in a Zus subscription and when the ZAP is launched. The backfill fetches historical records from the Athena certified FHIR APIs including the following data points:

  • AllergyIntolerance
  • Condition
  • DiagnosticReport
  • Encounter
  • Immunization
  • MedicationRequest
  • Observation

Custom Fields

Zus is able to consume Athena custom fields into the FHIR Patient.extension. This can be useful if there are custom fields that would be helpful when querying Zus data in Snowflake or to drive auto-enrollment (eg. enrolling in a specific Zus subscription package based on a custom field value).


Zus can auto-enroll any active patient that comes through the data loop using a "fallback provider" that must be configured by Zus on your behalf. Zus can also derive auto-enrollment based on custom fields pulled into the extensions, as referenced above.

Any patient marked as inactive in Athena will be subsequently unenrolled from any Zus subscription packages.

EHR Data Reconciliation

Conditions and lab results surfaced in the ZAP can be written back to Athena through the Zus UI. These writes go directly against the Athena API and should immediately refresh the Athena chart upon success. These writes may sometimes fail due to code system mismatches between Elation and Zus - if you find this to be a persistent, or high frequency, issue then please reach out. The data may not immediately flow back into Zus, but when it does it will be marked with a check mark indicating that the data has been written to your system.