FHIR Relational Schema Data Dictionary


AllergyIntolerance describes risk of harmful or undesirable, physiological response which is unique to an individual and associated with exposure to a substance.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
idvarcharNoResource ID (UUID) of the AllergyIntolerance
versionvarcharNoCurrent version of this resource. This indicates whether the resource has been updated.
last_updatedtimestampNoTimestamp this resource was last updated, formatted as ISO 8601 timestamp
clinical_statusvarcharThe clinical status code value of the allergy or intolerance. Possible values: active | inactive | resolved
verification_statusvarcharAssertion about certainty associated with the propensity, or potential risk, of a reaction to the identified substance. Possible values: unconfirmed | confirmed | refuted | entered-in-error
typevarcharUnderlying mechanism (if known). Possible values: allergy | intolerance
categoryvarcharCategory of the identified substance. Possible values: food | medication | environment | biologic
criticalityvarcharEstimate of the potential clinical harm, or seriousness, of the reaction to the identified substance. Possible values: low | high | unable-to-assess
allergy_intolerance_code_idvarcharallergy_intolerance_codeID of the allergy intolerance code
patient_idvarcharpatientID of the Patient who the sensitivity is for
onsetvarcharWhen allergy or intolerance was identified
recorded_datetimestampDate first version of the resource instance was recorded
last_occurrencetimestampDate(/time) of last known occurrence of a reaction
builder_idvarcharID of the Builder account that provided this data
upidvarcharUnique Patient Identifier (UPID) of the patient that this resource is associated with
created_attimestampTimestamp when this resource was first recorded in this system
resource_jsonvarcharNoOriginal JSON document for this resource
data_sourcevarcharName of the data partner network that provided this data


This table holds the primary keys of all unique AllergyIntolerance code groups. A code group captures the set of codes representing a particular allergy or intolerance. Individual codings within each group are in the allergy_intolerance_code_coding table.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
idvarcharNoID of code
displayvarcharPlain text representation of the allergy intolerance code. This field comes from the "text" field in the codeable concept group


This table contains individual coding values for each AllergyIntolerance code group.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
allergy_intolerance_code_idvarcharallergy_intolerance_codeID of the AllergyIntolerance Code
systemvarcharURI of the terminology system, for example http://snomed.info/sct
codevarcharCode symbol defined by the terminology system
displayvarcharHuman-readable string representing the code


This is a bridge table that joins the allergy_intolerance table to the identifier table.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
allergy_intolerance_idvarcharNoallergy_intoleranceID of the AllergyIntolerance that this identifier belongs to
identifier_idvarcharidentifierID of the Identifier


This table contains freeform text notes with extra information about the AllergyIntolerance that is not captured in other attributes.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
allergy_intolerance_idvarcharNoallergy_intoleranceID of the AllergyIntolerance that this note belongs to
text_markdownvarcharThe annotation - text content (as markdown)


Details about each adverse reaction event linked to exposure to the identified substance.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
allergy_intolerance_idvarcharNoallergy_intoleranceID of the AllergyIntolerance that this reaction belongs to
allergy_intolerance_reaction_manifestation_idvarcharallergy_intolerance_reaction_manifestationID of the AllergyIntolerance reaction manifestation
onsettimestampDate(/time) when manifestations showed
severityvarcharSeverity of the allergy or intolerance as a whole. Possible values: mild | moderate | severe


This table captures concept groups thta represent the clinical symptoms and/or signs that are observed or associated with the adverse reaction event. Individual codings within each group are in the allergy_intolerance_reaction_manifestation_coding table.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
idvarcharNoID of reaction manifestation
displayvarcharPlain text representation of the allergy intolerance reaction manifestation. This field comes from the "text" field in the codeable concept group


This table contains individual coding values for each reaction manifestation group.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
allergy_intolerance_reaction_manifestation_idvarcharallergy_intolerance_reaction_manifestationID of the AllergyIntolerance reaction manifestation
systemvarcharURI of the terminology system
codevarcharCode symbol defined by the terminology system
displayvarcharHuman-readable string representing the code


A FHIR Appointment represents a booking of a healthcare event among patient(s), practitioner(s), related person(s) and/or device(s) for a specific date/time. This may result in one or more Encounter(s).

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
idvarcharNoResource ID (UUID) of the Appointment
versionvarcharNoCurrent version of this resource. This indicates whether the resource has been updated.
last_updatedtimestampNoTimestamp this resource was last updated, formatted as ISO 8601 timestamp
statusvarcharOverall status of the appointment. Each of the participants separately has their own participation status. Possible values: proposed | pending | booked | arrived | fulfilled | cancelled | noshow | entered-in-error | checked-in | waitlist
appointment_type_idvarcharappointment_typeId of the Appointment Type encoding the style of appointment or patient that has been booked in the slot (not service type).
reason_reference_condition_idvarcharconditionID of a Condition that is the reason the appointment is to take place
reason_reference_displayvarcharDisplay of a reason reference the appointment is to take place
descriptionvarcharThe brief description of the appointment as would be shown on a subject line in a meeting request, or appointment list. Detailed or expanded information should be put in the comment field.
start_timetimestampWhen appointment is to take place
end_timetimestampWhen appointment is to conclude
minutes_durationintNumber of minutes that the appointment is to take. This can be less than the duration between the start and end times. For example, where the actual time of appointment is only an estimate or if a 30 minute appointment is being requested, but any time would work. Also, if there is, for example, a planned 15 minute break in the middle of a long appointment, the duration may be 15 minutes less than the difference between the start and end.
createdtimestampThe date that this appointment was initially created. This could be different to the meta.lastModified value on the initial entry, as this could have been before the resource was created on the FHIR server, and should remain unchanged over the lifespan of the appointment.
commentvarcharAdditional comments about the appointment
participant_patient_idvarcharpatientID of a Patient that is the participant involved in this appointment. If multiple patients are involved, only the first is shown in this column.
participant_patient_statusvarcharParticipation status of the patient. Possible values: accepted | declined | tentative | needs-action
participant_patient_requiredvarcharWhether this patient is required to be present at the meeting. This covers a use-case where two doctors need to meet to discuss the results for a specific patient, and the patient is not required to be present. Possible values: required | optional | information-only
builder_idvarcharID of the Builder account that provided this data
upidvarcharUnique Patient Identifier (UPID) of the patient that this resource is associated with
created_attimestampTimestamp when this resource was first recorded in this system
resource_jsonvarcharNoOriginal JSON document for this resource
data_sourcevarcharName of the data partner network that provided this data


This is a bridge table that joins the appointment table to the identifier table

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
appointment_idvarcharNoappointmentID of the Appointment that this identifier belongs to
identifier_idvarcharidentifierID of the Identifier


This table contains a list of locations involved in each appointment. These entries come from the Appointment.participant array in the FHIR resource, filtered down to the entries that are locations.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
appointment_idvarcharNoappointmentID of the Appointment to
location_idvarcharlocationLocation that is involved in the appointment
statusvarcharPossible values: accepted | declined | tentative | needs-action


This table contains a list of practitioners involved in each appointment. These entries come from the Appointment.participant array in the FHIR resource, filtered down to the entries that are practitioners.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
appointment_idvarcharNoappointmentID of the Appointment that this participant practitioner belongs to
appointment_participant_practitioner_type_idvarcharpatientID of the practitioner type
practitioner_idvarcharpractitionerPractitioner that is involved in the appointment
requiredvarcharPossible values: required | optional | information-only
statusvarcharPossible values: accepted | declined | tentative | needs-action


This table contains the primary keys of all unique concepts representing roles of practitioners involved in an appoinment. Individual codings within each group are in the appointment_participant_practitioner_type_coding table,

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
idvarcharNoID of the concept encoding the type of the participant
displayvarcharPlain text representation of the appointment participant practitioner type. This field comes from the "text" field in the codeable concept group


This relation contains the individual coding values for each practitioner type

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
appointment_participant_practitioner_type_idvarcharappointment_participant_practitioner_typeID of the practitioner type
systemvarcharURI of the terminology system, usually http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v3-ParticipationType
codevarcharCode symbol defined by the terminology system
displayvarcharHuman-readable string representing the code


This table contains the primary keys of all unique concept groups that represnet the style of appointment or patient that has been booked in the slot. This is distinct from the service type. Individual codings within each group are in the appointment_type_coding table.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
idvarcharNoID of the appointment type
displayvarcharPlain text representation of the appointment type. This field comes from the "text" field in the codeable concept group


This relation contains the individual coding values for each appointment type.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
appointment_type_idvarcharappointment_typeID of the Appointment Type
systemvarcharURI of the terminology system, usually http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0276
codevarcharCode symbol defined by the terminology system
displayvarcharHuman-readable string representing the code


A FHIR CarePlan describes the intention of how one or more practitioners intend to deliver care for a particular patient, group or community for a period of time, possibly limited to care for a specific condition or set of conditions.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
idvarcharNoResource ID (UUID) of the CarePlan
versionvarcharNoCurrent version of this resource. This indicates whether the resource has been updated.
last_updatedvarcharNoTimestamp this resource was last updated, formatted as ISO 8601 timestamp
statusvarcharA code specifying the state of the CarePlan. Possible values: draft | active | on-hold | revoked | completed | entered-in-error | unknown
intentvarcharA code specifying the intent of the CarePlan. Possible values: proposal | plan | order | option
titlevarcharHuman-friendly name for the care plan
descriptionvarcharA description of the scope and nature of the plan
subject_patient_idvarcharpatientID of a Patient that is a subject to that CarePlan
builder_idvarcharID of the Builder account that provided this data
upidvarcharUnique Patient Identifier (UPID) of the patient that this resource is associated with
created_attimestampTimestamp when this resource was first recorded in this system
resource_jsonvarcharNoOriginal JSON document for this resource
data_sourcevarcharName of the data partner network that provided this data


Identifies a planned action to occur as part of the plan. For example, a medication to be used, lab tests to perform, self-monitoring, education, etc.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
care_plan_idvarcharNocare_planID of the CarePlan that this activity belongs to
kindvarcharA code specifying the state of the Activity. Possible values: Appointment | CommunicationRequest | DeviceRequest | MedicationRequest | NutritionOrder | Task | ServiceRequest | VisionPrescription
care_plan_activity_code_idvarcharcare_plan_activity_codeID of the code that encodes the type of planned activity
statusvarcharA code specifying the state of the Activity. Possible values: not-started | scheduled | in-progress | on-hold | completed | cancelled | stopped | unknown | entered-in-error
scheduled_starttimestampThe start date(/time) when activity is to begin
scheduled_endtimestampThe start date(/time) when activity is to end
scheduled_stringvarcharA string describing when the activity is to occur, when not represented as a date/time
location_idvarcharlocationID of the Location where it should happen
performer_practitioner_idvarcharpractitionerID of the Practitioner that should perform that Activity
care_plan_activity_product_idvarcharcare_plan_activity_productID of the product that identifies the food, drug or other product to be consumed or supplied in the activity
daily_amount_valuedecimalQuantity expected to be consumed in a given day. Also known as daily dose.
quantity_unitvarcharUnit for the quantity expected to be supplied, administered or consumed by the subject
quantity_valuedecimalQuantity expected to be supplied, administered or consumed by the subject
descriptionvarcharTextual description of constraints on the intended activity occurrence, including relation to other activities. It may also include objectives, pre-conditions and end-conditions. Finally, it may convey specifics about the activity such as body site, method, route, etc.


The activity code represents a detailed description of the type of planned activity; e.g. what lab test, what procedure, what kind of encounter. This table comtains the primary keys of all unique activity codes. Individual codings within each group are in the care_plan_activity_code_coding table.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
idvarcharNoID of the activity code
displayvarcharPlain text representation of the care plan activity code. This field comes from the "text" field in the codeable concept group


This relation contains the individual coding values for each CarePlan activity code. These are codes for different types of procedures.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
care_plan_activity_code_idvarcharcare_plan_activity_codeID of the Care Plan Activity Code
systemvarcharURI of the terminology system, for example http://snomed.info/sct
codevarcharCode symbol defined by the terminology system
displayvarcharHuman-readable string representing the code


Care plan activity products identify the food, drug or other product to be consumed or supplied in the activity. This table contains the primary keys of all unique activity products. Individual codings within each group are in the care_plan_activity_product_coding table.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
idvarcharNoID of code
displayvarcharPlain text representation of the care plan activity product. This field comes from the "text" field in the codeable concept group


This relation contains the individual coding values for each product administered/supplied for the CarePlan activity. These are most commonly RxNorm codes.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
care_plan_activity_product_idvarcharcare_plan_activity_productID of the Care Plan Activity Product Code
systemvarcharURI of the terminology system, for example http://www.nlm.nih.gov/research/umls/rxnorm
codevarcharCode symbol defined by the terminology system
displayvarcharHuman-readable string representing the code


This table contains references to the goal resources that represent the goals that the care plan is intended to contribute towards meeting

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
care_plan_idvarcharNocare_planID of the CarePlan that this goal belongs to
goal_idvarchargoalID of the Goal


This is a bridge table that joins the care_plan table to the identifier table

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
care_plan_idvarcharNocare_planID of the CarePlan that this identifier belongs to
identifier_idvarcharidentifierID of the Identifier


This table contains freeform text notes with extra information about the CarePlan that is not captured in other attributes

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
care_plan_idvarcharNocare_planID of the CarePlan that this note belongs to
text_markdownvarcharThe annotation - text content (as markdown)


A FHIR CareTeam includes all the people and organizations who plan to participate in the coordination and delivery of care for a patient.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
idvarcharNoResource ID (UUID) of the CareTeam
versionvarcharNoCurrent version of this resource. This indicates whether the resource has been updated.
last_updatedtimestampNoTimestamp this resource was last updated, formatted as ISO 8601 timestamp
statusvarcharCurrent status of the care team. Possible values: proposed | active | suspended | inactive | entered-in-error
namevarcharName of the team, such as crisis assessment team
subject_patient_idvarcharpatientWho care team is for
encounter_idvarcharencounterThe encounter during which this care team was created or to which the creation of this record is tightly associated.
period_starttimestampStart of the time period the team covers
period_endtimestampEnd of the time period the team covers
builder_idvarcharID of the Builder account that provided this data
upidvarcharUnique Patient Identifier (UPID) of the patient that this resource is associated with
created_attimestampTimestamp when this resource was first recorded in this system
resource_jsonvarcharNoOriginal JSON document for this resource
data_sourcevarcharName of the data partner network that provided this data


This is a bridge table that joins the care_team table to the identifier table

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
care_team_idvarcharNocare_teamID of the CareTeam that this identifier belongs to
identifier_idvarcharidentifierID of the Identifier


Identifies all people and organizations who are expected to be involved in the care team.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
care_team_idvarcharNocare_teamID of the CareTeam that this participant belongs to
care_team_participant_role_idvarcharcare_team_participant_roleID of the role of participant
member_practitioner_idvarcharpractitionerWho is involved
on_behalf_of_organization_idvarcharorganizationOrganization of the practitioner
period_starttimestampStart of the time period of participant
period_endtimestampEnd of the time period of participant


The care team participant role indicates specific responsibility of an individual within the care team, such as "Primary care physician", "Trained social worker counselor", "Caregiver", etc. This table contains the primary keys of all unique concepts representing roles of care team participant roles. Individual codings within each group are in the care_team_participant_role_coding table.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
idvarcharNoID of role
displayvarcharPlain text representation of the care team participant role. This field comes from the "text" field in the codeable concept group


This relation contains the individual coding values for each care team participant role.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
care_team_participant_role_idvarcharcare_team_participant_roleID of the care team participant role
systemvarcharURI of the terminology system, for example http://snomed.info/sct
codevarcharCode symbol defined by the terminology system
displayvarcharHuman-readable string representing the code


This is a bridge table between care teams and contact details. These represent central contact details for the care team (that applies to all members).

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
care_team_idvarcharNocare_teamID of the CareTeam that this telecom belongs to
contact_point_idvarcharcontact_pointID of the contact point entry


A FHIR Condition represents a clinical condition, problem, diagnosis, or other event, situation, issue, or clinical concept that has risen to a level of concern.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
idvarcharNoResource ID (UUID) of the Condition
versionvarcharNoCurrent version of this resource. This indicates whether the resource has been updated.
last_updatedtimestampNoTimestamp this resource was last updated, formatted as ISO 8601 timestamp
clinical_statusvarcharThe clinical status code value of the allergy or intolerance. These codes belong to the system http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/allergyintolerance-clinical. Possible values: active | inactive | resolved
verification_statusvarcharVerification status of the Condition. Possible values: unconfirmed | provisional | differential | confirmed | refuted | entered-in-error
condition_category_idvarcharcondition_categoryID of the Condition Category. FHIR allows Condition resources to be associated with multiple categories, but the conditions in our data currently have only one category.
condition_code_idvarcharcondition_codeID of the Condition Code
code_ccivarcharCCI code of Condition
code_ccsvarcharCondition's CCS category based on the Clinical Classifications Software Refined (CCSR) aggregation of ICD-10-CM/PCS codes into clinically meaningful categories, as derived by Zus.
code_hccvarcharHCC code of Condition
code_icd10cmvarcharICD-10-CM code of Condition
code_snomedvarcharSNOMED code of Condition
code_displayvarcharDisplay value of Condition Code, taken from the text field of the codeable concept
category_loincvarcharLOINC code for the category of the condition
subject_patient_idvarcharpatientID of the Patient who has the Condition
encounter_idvarcharencounterID of the Encounter created as part of the Condition
onsettimestampOnset of the Condition
abatementtimestampWhen the Condition was abated
recorded_datetimestampDate Condition was first recorded
recorder_practitioner_idvarcharpractitionerID of the Practitioner who recorded the condition
asserter_practitioner_idvarcharpractitionerID of the Practitioner who asserted the condition
builder_idvarcharID of the Builder account that provided this data
upidvarcharUnique Patient Identifier (UPID) of the patient that this resource is associated with
created_attimestampTimestamp when this resource was first recorded in this system
resource_jsonvarcharNoOriginal JSON document for this resource
data_sourcevarcharName of the data partner network that provided this data


The condition category describes whether a condition comes from a problem list or was diagnosed in a specific context. This table contains the primary keys of all unique concept groups that represent the condition categories. Individual codings within each group are in the condition_category_coding table.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
idvarcharNoID of the Condition Category
displayvarcharPlain text representation of the condition category. This field comes from the "text" field in the codeable concept group


This relation contains the individual coding values for each condition category.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
condition_category_idvarcharcondition_categoryID of the Condition Category
systemvarcharURI of the terminology system, usually http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/condition-category
codevarcharCode symbol defined by the terminology system
displayvarcharHuman-readable string representing the code


The condition code represents a detailed description of the type of condition; e.g. what this, what diagnosis, what kind of problem. This table contains the primary keys of all unique concepts representing condition codes. Individual codings within each group are in the condition_code_coding table.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
idvarcharNoID of the Condition Code
displayvarcharPlain text representation of the condition code. This field comes from the "text" field in the codeable concept group


This relation contains the individual coding values for each condition code.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
condition_code_idvarcharcondition_codeID of the Condition Code
systemvarcharURI of the terminology system, for example http://snomed.info/sct
codevarcharCode symbol defined by the terminology system
displayvarcharHuman-readable string representing the code


This is a bridge table that joins the condition table to the identifier table

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
condition_idvarcharNoconditionID of the Condition that this identifier belongs to
identifier_idvarcharidentifierID of the Identifier


This table contains freeform text notes with extra information about the Condition that is not captured in other attributes

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
condition_idvarcharNoconditionID of the Condition that this note belongs to
timetimestampWhen the annotation was made
text_markdownvarcharThe annotation - text content (as markdown)


A FHIR Consent is a record of a healthcare consumer's choices, which permits or denies identified recipient(s) or recipient role(s) to perform one or more actions within a given policy context, for specific purposes and periods of time.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
idvarcharNoResource ID (UUID) of the Consent
versionvarcharNoCurrent version of this resource. This indicates whether the resource has been updated.
last_updatedtimestampNoTimestamp this resource was last updated, formatted as ISO 8601 timestamp
statusvarchardraft | proposed | active | rejected | inactive | entered-in-error
consent_category_idvarcharID of the category encoding the category that this consent belongs to. FHIR allows Consent resources to belong to multiple categories, but currently all consents in our data only have one category.
patient_idvarcharpatientID of the Patient who the consent is for
consent_policy_rule_idvarcharID of the policy rule encoding the policy that this consent is based on
verifiedtinyintWhether consent is verified. The FHIR Consent resource allows multiple verification elements representing different persons who verified the consent. Currently, this column only captures the status of the first verification element, as our data does not yet include Consent resources in our with multiple verification elements.
builder_idvarcharID of the Builder account that provided this data
upidvarcharUnique Patient Identifier (UPID) of the patient that this resource is associated with
created_attimestampTimestamp when this resource was first recorded in this system
resource_jsonvarcharNoOriginal JSON document for this resource
data_sourcevarcharName of the data partner network that provided this data


The consent category classfies the type of consents foundd in the statement, such as Advance Directive, Do Not Resuscitate, etc. This table contains the primary keys of all unique concept groups that represent the consent categories. Individual codings within each group are in the consent_category_coding table.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
idvarcharNoID of code
displayvarcharPlain text representation of the consent category. This field comes from the "text" field in the codeable concept group


This relation contains the individual coding values for each consent category.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
consent_category_idvarcharconsent_categoryID of the Consent category
systemvarcharURI of the terminology system, for example http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/consentcategorycodes
codevarcharCode symbol defined by the terminology system
displayvarcharHuman-readable string representing the code


This is a bridge table that joins the consent table to the identifier table

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
consent_idvarcharNoconsentID of the Consent that this identifier belongs to
identifier_idvarcharidentifierID of the Identifier


The consent policy rule represents specific base computable regulation or policy. This table contains the primary keys of all unique concept groups that represent the consent policy rules. Individual codings within each group are in the consent_policy_rule_coding table.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
idvarcharNoID of code
displayvarcharPlain text representation of the consent policy rule. This field comes from the "text" field in the codeable concept group


This relation contains the individual coding values for each consent policy rule.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
consent_policy_rule_idvarcharconsent_policy_ruleID of the Consent Policy Rule
systemvarcharURI of the terminology system, for example http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/consentpolicycodes
codevarcharCode symbol defined by the terminology system
displayvarcharHuman-readable string representing the code


The consent provision actor describes who or what is controlled by this rule. Use group to identify a set of actors by some property they share (e.g. 'admitting officers').

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
consent_idvarcharNoconsentID of the Consent that this provision actor belongs to
consent_provision_actor_role_idvarcharconsent_provision_actor_roleID of the role encoding the role of the actor
reference_practitioner_idvarcharpractitionerID of the Practitioner who is the actor


The consent provision actor role describes ow the individual is involved in the consent provision. This table contains the primary keys of all unique concept groups that represent the consent provision actor roles. Individual codings within each group are in the consent_provision_actor_role_coding table.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
idvarcharNoID of code
displayvarcharPlain text representation of the consent provision actor role. This field comes from the "text" field in the codeable concept group


This relation contains the individual coding values for each consent provision actor role.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
consent_provision_actor_role_idvarcharconsent_provision_actor_roleID of the Consent provision actor role
systemvarcharURI of the terminology system, for example http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/contractsignertypecodes
codevarcharCode symbol defined by the terminology system
displayvarcharHuman-readable string representing the code


A FHIR Coverage represents a financial instrument which may be used to reimburse or pay for health care products and services. Includes both insurance and self-payment.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
idvarcharNoResource ID (UUID) of the Coverage
versionvarcharNoCurrent version of this resource. This indicates whether the resource has been updated.
last_updatedtimestampNoTimestamp this resource was last updated, formatted as ISO 8601 timestamp
statusvarcharA code specifying the state of the Coverage. Possible values: active | cancelled | draft | entered-in-error
coverage_type_idvarcharcoverage_typeID of the type expressing the specific Coverage category such as medical or accident
policy_holder_patient_idvarcharpatientID of the Patient that is an owner of the policy
policy_holder_related_person_idvarcharrelated_personID of the RelatedPerson that is an owner of the policy
subscriber_patient_idvarcharpatientID of the Patient that is a subscriber to the policy
subscriber_idvarcharID assigned to the subscriber
beneficiary_patient_idvarcharpatientPlan beneficiary
dependentvarcharDependent number
period_starttimestampCoverage start date
period_endtimestampCoverage end date
rank_orderintRelative order of the coverage
builder_idvarcharID of the Builder account that provided this data
upidvarcharUnique Patient Identifier (UPID) of the patient that this resource is associated with
created_attimestampTimestamp when this resource was first recorded in this system
resource_jsonvarcharNoOriginal JSON document for this resource
data_sourcevarcharName of the data partner network that provided this data


This is a bridge table that joins the coverage table to the identifier table

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
coverage_idvarcharNocoverageID of the Coverage that this identifier belongs to
identifier_idvarcharidentifierID of the Identifier


Issuer of the policy

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
coverage_idvarcharNocoverageID of the Coverage that this payor belongs to
organization_idvarcharorganizationID of the Organization


The type of coverage may be a social program, medical plan, accident coverage (workers compensation, auto), group health or payment by an individual or organization. This table contains the primary keys of all unique concept groups that represent the coverage types. Individual codings within each group are in the coverage_type_coding table.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
idvarcharNoID of code
displayvarcharPlain text representation of the coverage type. This field comes from the "text" field in the codeable concept group


This relation contains the individual coding values for each coverage type.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
coverage_type_idvarcharcoverage_typeID of the Coverage type
systemvarcharURI of the terminology system, for example http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/coverage-selfpay
codevarcharCode symbol defined by the terminology system
displayvarcharHuman-readable string representing the code


Item used in healthcare.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
idvarcharNoResource ID (UUID) of the Device
versionvarcharNoCurrent version of this resource. This indicates whether the resource has been updated.
last_updatedtimestampNoTimestamp this resource was last updated, formatted as ISO 8601 timestamp
statusvarcharStatus of the Device active | inactive | entered-in-error | unknown
patient_idvarcharpatientID of the Patient to whom Device is affixed
builder_idvarcharID of the Builder account that provided this data
upidvarcharUnique Patient Identifier (UPID) of the patient that this resource is associated with
created_attimestampTimestamp when this resource was first recorded in this system
resource_jsonvarcharNoOriginal JSON document for this resource
data_sourcevarcharName of the data partner network that provided this data


This is a bridge table that joins the device table to the identifier table

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
device_idvarcharNodeviceID of the Device that this identifier belongs to
identifier_idvarcharidentifierID of the Identifier


This represents the manufacturer's name of the device as provided by the device, from a UDI label, or by a person describing the Device. This typically would be used when a person provides the name(s) or when the device represents one of the names available from DeviceDefinition.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
device_idvarcharNodeviceID of the Device that this name belongs to
namevarcharThe name of the device
typevarcharThe type of the device name. Possible values: udi-label-name | user-friendly-name | patient-reported-name | manufacturer-name | model-name | other


This table contains freeform text notes with extra information about the Device that is not captured in other attributes

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
device_idvarcharNodeviceID of the Device that this note belongs to
text_markdownvarcharThe annotation - text content (as markdown)


The device specialization system type expresses the standard that is used to operate and communicate the device. This is a bridge table that joins Device resources to device specialization system type codeable concepts. Individual codings within each group are in the

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
device_specialization_system_type_idvarcharNoID of the device specialization system type
device_idvarcharNodeviceID of the Device that this specialization system type belongs to
displayvarcharPlain text representation of the device specialization system type. This field comes from the "text" field in the codeable concept group


This relation contains the individual coding values for each device specialization system type.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
device_specialization_system_type_idvarchardevice_specialization_system_typeID of the Device Specialization System Type
systemvarcharURI of the terminology system, for example http://snomed.info/sct
codevarcharCode symbol defined by the terminology system
displayvarcharHuman-readable string representing the code


Unique device identifier (UDI) assigned to device label or package. Note that the Device may include multiple udiCarriers as it either may include just the udiCarrier for the jurisdiction it is sold, or for multiple jurisdictions it could have been sold.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
device_idvarcharNodeviceID of the Device that this udi carrier belongs to
device_identifiervarcharMandatory fixed portion of UDI


A FHIR DeviceUseStatement represents a record of a device being used by a patient where the record is the result of a report from the patient or another clinician.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
idvarcharNoResource ID (UUID) of the DeviceUseStatement
versionvarcharNoCurrent version of this resource. This indicates whether the resource has been updated.
last_updatedtimestampNoTimestamp this resource was last updated, formatted as ISO 8601 timestamp
statusvarcharA code representing the patient or other source's judgment about the state of the device used that this statement is about. Generally this will be active or completed. Possible values: active | completed | entered-in-error | intended | stopped | on-hold
subject_patient_idvarcharpatientPatient using device
timing_starttimestampStart of the period for how often the device was used
timing_endtimestampEnd of the period for how often the device was used
recorded_ontimestampWhen statement was recorded
source_practitioner_idvarcharpractitionerWho made the statement
device_idvarcharNodeviceID of the Device that this use statement belongs to
body_site_concept_idvarcharbody_site_conceptTarget body site
builder_idvarcharID of the Builder account that provided this data
upidvarcharUnique Patient Identifier (UPID) of the patient that this resource is associated with
created_attimestampTimestamp when this resource was first recorded in this system
resource_jsonvarcharNoOriginal JSON document for this resource
data_sourcevarcharName of the data partner network that provided this data


Allows linking the DeviceUseStatement to the underlying Request, or to other information that supports or is used to derive the DeviceUseStatement.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
device_use_statement_idvarcharNodevice_use_statementID of the DeviceUseStatement that this derived from belongs to
procedure_idvarcharprocedureProcedure that holds supporting information for the DeviceUseStatement.


This is a bridge table that joins the device_use_statement table to the identifier table

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
device_use_statement_idvarcharNodevice_use_statementID of the DeviceUseStatement that this identifier belongs to
identifier_idvarcharidentifierID of the Identifier


A FHIR DiagnosticReport represents the findings and interpretation of diagnostic tests performed on patients, groups of patients, devices, and locations, and/or specimens derived from these.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
idvarcharNoResource ID (UUID) of the DiagnosticReport
versionvarcharNoCurrent version of this resource. This indicates whether the resource has been updated.
last_updatedtimestampNoTimestamp this resource was last updated, formatted as ISO 8601 timestamp
statusvarcharA code specifying the state of the DiagnosticReport. Possible values: registered | partial | preliminary | final
diagnostic_report_code_idvarchardiagnostic_report_codeName/Code for this diagnostic report.
subject_patient_idvarcharpatientThe subject of the report.
encounter_idvarcharencounterHealth care event when test ordered
effective_starttimestampStart time (inclusive) of the clinically relevant time-period for report.
effective_endtimestampEnd time (inclusive) of the clinically relevant time-period for report.
issuedtimestampDateTime this version was made
builder_idvarcharID of the Builder account that provided this data
upidvarcharUnique Patient Identifier (UPID) of the patient that this resource is associated with
created_attimestampTimestamp when this resource was first recorded in this system
resource_jsonvarcharNoOriginal JSON document for this resource
data_sourcevarcharName of the data partner network that provided this data


The diagnostic report code represents the name or code for the diagnostic report. This table contains the primary keys of all unique concept groups that represent the diagnostic report codes. Individual codings within each group are in the diagnostic_report_code_coding table.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
idvarcharNoID of code
displayvarcharPlain text representation of the diagnostic report code. This field comes from the "text" field in the codeable concept group


This relation contains the individual coding values for each diagnostic report code.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
diagnostic_report_code_idvarchardiagnostic_report_codeID of the Diagnostic Report Code
systemvarcharURI of the terminology system
codevarcharCode symbol defined by the terminology system
displayvarcharHuman-readable string representing the code
user_selectedbooleanTrue if user selected code directly


This is a bridge table that joins the diagnostic_report table to the identifier table

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
diagnostic_report_idvarcharNodiagnostic_reportID of the DiagnosticReport that this identifier belongs to
identifier_idvarcharidentifierID of the Identifier


The diagnostic report performer represents the diagnostic service that is responsible for issuing the report.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
diagnostic_report_idvarcharNodiagnostic_reportID of the DiagnosticReport that this performer belongs to
practitioner_idvarcharpractitionerID of the Practitioner


This table contains references to Observation resources that are part of this diagnostic report.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
diagnostic_report_idvarcharNodiagnostic_reportID of the DiagnosticReport that this result belongs to
observation_idvarcharobservationID of the Observation


A FHIR DocumentReference represents a reference to a document of any kind for any purpose. Provides metadata about the document so that the document can be discovered and managed. The scope of a document is any seralized object with a mime-type, so includes formal patient centric documents (CDA), cliical notes, scanned paper, and non-patient specific documents like policy text.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
idvarcharNoResource ID (UUID) of the DocumentReference
versionvarcharNoCurrent version of this resource. This indicates whether the resource has been updated.
last_updatedvarcharNoTimestamp this resource was last updated, formatted as ISO 8601 timestamp
narrativevarcharClinical narrative of the DocumentReference
master_identifier_idvarcharidentifierID of the Master Version Specific Identifier
statusvarcharcurrent | superseded | entered-in-error
doc_statusvarcharpreliminary | final | amended | entered-in-error
document_reference_type_idvarchardocument_reference_typeID of the type encoding the kind of document (LOINC if possible)
type_loincvarcharLOINC type of document
subject_patient_idvarcharpatientID of the Patient that is the subject of the document
document_datetimestampWhen this document was created. This typically comes from the source document from the data network partner.
author_practitioner_idvarcharpractitionerID of the Practitioner that is author of given document
author_organization_idvarcharorganizationID of the Organization that is author of given document
author_device_idvarchardeviceID of the Device that is author of given document
custodian_organization_idvarcharorganizationOrganization which maintains the document
descriptionvarcharHuman-readable description
attachment_file_typevarcharMIME type of the binary attachment. FHIR DocumentReference resources allow multiple attachments, but this column only refers to the first attachment. Currently, all the DocumentReference resources in our data have only one attachment.
confidentialityvarcharCode indicating the confidentiality level of the document. Thie value is taken from the securityLabel FHIR field. The code is extracted when the system matches the HL7 code system for confidentiality, or urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.5.25.
confidentiality_displayvarcharPlain text description of the confidentiality code shown in the confidentiality field
encounter_idvarcharencounterID of the Dncounter that this document is associated with. If there are multiple encounters associated, only the first is shown in the column.
encounter_displayvarcharDisplay text of the encounter associated with this document. The absence of a display string does not indicate absence of an associated encounter. This field is meant to help with browsing.
period_starttimestampStart of the time of service that is being documented
period_endtimestampEnd of the time of service that is being documented
facility_typevarcharKind of facility where patient was seen
builder_idvarcharID of the Builder account that provided this data
upidvarcharUnique Patient Identifier (UPID) of the patient that this resource is associated with
created_attimestampTimestamp when this resource was first recorded in this system
resource_jsonvarcharNoOriginal JSON document for this resource
data_sourcevarcharName of the data partner network that provided this data


The document reference category helps for indexing and searching. This may be implied by or derived from the code specified in the DocumentReference.type. This is a bridge table that joins DocumentReference resources to DocumentReference category codeable concepts. Individual codings within each group are in the document_reference_category_coding table.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
document_reference_category_idvarcharNoID of the document reference category
document_reference_idvarcharNodocument_referenceID of the DocumentReference that this category belongs to
displayvarcharPlain text representation of the document reference category. This field comes from the "text" field in the codeable concept group
code_loincvarcharLOINC code of category


This relation contains the individual coding values for each document reference category.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
document_reference_category_idvarchardocument_reference_categoryID of the DocumentReference Category
systemvarcharURI of the terminology system
codevarcharCode symbol defined by the terminology system
displayvarcharHuman-readable string representing the code


This is a bridge table that joins the document_reference table to the identifier table

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
document_reference_idvarcharNodocument_referenceID of the DocumentReference that this identifier belongs to
identifier_idvarcharidentifierID of the Identifier


Relationships that this document has with other document references that already exist.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
document_reference_idvarcharNodocument_referenceID of the DocumentReference that this relates to belongs to
relationship_typevarcharHow the referenced document relates to this document. This field comes from the FHIR field DocumentRefererence.relatesTo.code. Possible values: replaces | transforms | signs | appends
parent_document_reference_idvarchardocument_referenceID of the DocumentReference that is the target of the relationship
parent_displayvarcharDisplay text of the parent document reference


Specifies the particular kind of document referenced (e.g. History and Physical, Discharge Summary, Progress Note). This usually equates to the purpose of making the document referenced. This table contains the primary keys of all unique concept groups that represent the document reference types. Individual codings within each group are in the document_reference_type_coding table.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
idvarcharNoID of code
displayvarcharPlain text representation of the document reference type. This field comes from the "text" field in the codeable concept group


This relation contains the individual coding values for each document reference type.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
document_reference_type_idvarchardocument_reference_typeID of the DocumentReference type
systemvarcharURI of the terminology system
codevarcharCode symbol defined by the terminology system
displayvarcharHuman-readable string representing the code


A FHIR Encounter represents an interaction between a patient and healthcare provider(s) for the purpose of providing healthcare service(s) or assessing the health status of a patient.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
idvarcharNoResource ID (UUID) of the Encounter
versionvarcharNoCurrent version of this resource. This indicates whether the resource has been updated.
last_updatedtimestampNoTimestamp this resource was last updated, formatted as ISO 8601 timestamp
statusvarcharA code specifying the state of the Encounter. Possible values: planned | arrived | triaged | in-progress | onleave | finished | cancelled
class_codevarcharCode that classifies the patient encounter such as ambulatory (outpatient), inpatient, emergency, home health or others due to local variations. Values for this field come from the HL7 v3 ActEncounterCode value set. The values chosen for this column prioritize values written by the Zus Data Enrichment service, and may not always match the value of the "class" field in the raw JSON document.
class_displayvarcharDisplay text of the encounter class, taken from the enriched code.
encounter_type_idvarcharencounter_typeID of the concept expressing the type of the Encounter. This column encodes first the encounter type in the FHIR Encounter resource. Although a small number of encounters have multiple entries in the type element, the information related to the encounter class is currently always in the first type entry.
subject_patient_idvarcharpatientID of the Patient present at the Encounter
period_starttimestampStart time (inclusive) of the Encounter
period_endtimestampEnd time (inclusive) of the Encounter
length_minutesintLength of time (in minutes) that the Encounter lasted
encounter_hospitalization_discharge_disposition_idvarcharencounter_hospitalization_discharge_dispositionID of the concept encoding the category or kind of location after discharge
location_idvarcharlocationID of the Location where the Encounter took place. If multiple locations are associated with the Encounter, only the first is shown in the column.
service_provider_organization_idvarcharorganizationID of the Organization (facility) responsible for this Encounter
builder_idvarcharID of the Builder account that provided this data
upidvarcharUnique Patient Identifier (UPID) of the patient that this resource is associated with
created_attimestampTimestamp when this resource was first recorded in this system
resource_jsonvarcharNoOriginal JSON document for this resource
data_sourcevarcharName of the data partner network that provided this data


The list of diagnosis relevant to Encounters

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
encounter_idvarcharNoencounterID of the Encounter that this diagnosis belongs to
condition_idvarcharconditionID of the Condition relevant to the encounter
rankintRanking of the diagnosis (for each role type)
use_codevarcharrole that this diagnosis has within the encounter (e.g. admission, billing, discharge ...)


The discharge disposition represents the category or kind of location after discharge. This table contains the primary keys of all unique concept groups that represent the discharge dispositions. Individual codings within each group are in the encounter_hospitalization_discharge_disposition_coding table.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
idvarcharNoID of the Encounter Hospitalization Discharge Disposition
displayvarcharPlain text representation of the encounter hospitalization discharge disposition. This field comes from the "text" field in the codeable concept group


This relation contains the individual coding values for each encounter hospitalization discharge disposition.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
encounter_hospitalization_discharge_disposition_idvarcharencounter_hospitalization_discharge_dispositionID of the Encounter Hospitalization Discharge Disposition
systemvarcharURI of the terminology system
codevarcharCode symbol defined by the terminology system
displayvarcharHuman-readable string representing the code


This is a bridge table that joins the encounter table to the identifier table

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
encounter_idvarcharNoencounterID of the Encounter that this identifier belongs to
identifier_idvarcharidentifierID of the Identifier


An Encounter Participant represents the list of people involved in the Encounter.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
encounter_idvarcharNoencounterID of the Encounter that this participant belongs to
encounter_participant_type_idvarcharencounter_participant_typeID of the Encounter Participant Type
period_starttimestampStart time (inclusive) of the participant being involved in the Encounter.
period_endtimestampEnd time (inclusive) of the participant being involved in the Encounter.
individual_practitioner_idvarcharpractitionerID of the Participant who was involved in the Encounter


The encounter participant type represents the role of the participant in the encounter. This table contains the primary keys of all unique concept groups that represent the encounter participant types. Individual codings within each group are in the encounter_participant_type_coding table.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
idvarcharNoID of the Encounter Participant
displayvarcharPlain text representation of the encounter participant type. This field comes from the "text" field in the codeable concept group


This relation contains the individual coding values for each encounter participant type.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
encounter_participant_type_idvarcharencounter_participant_typeID of the Encounter Participant Type
systemvarcharURI of the terminology system
codevarcharCode symbol defined by the terminology system
displayvarcharHuman-readable string representing the code


The encounter reason code encodes the reason the encounter takes place. For admissions, this can be used for a coded admission diagnosis. This table contains the primary keys of all unique concept groups that represent the encounter reason codes. This table contains the extracted SNOMED, ICD-10-CM, and ICD-9-CM codes of the encounter reason.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
encounter_idvarcharNoencounterID of the Encounter that this reason code belongs to
snomedvarcharSNOMED code of Encounter reason
icd10cmvarcharICD-10-CM code of Encounter reason
icd9cmvarcharICD-9-CM code of Encounter reason
displayvarcharPlain text representation of the encounter reason code. This field comes from the "text" field in the codeable concept group


The encounter type specifies the type of encounter (e.g. e-mail consultation, surgical day-care, skilled nursing, rehabilitation). This table contains the primary keys of all unique concept groups that represent the encounter types. Individual codings within each group are in the encounter_type_coding table.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
idvarcharNoID of the Encounter Type
displayvarcharPlain text representation of the encounter type. This field comes from the "text" field in the codeable concept group


This relation contains the individual coding values for each encounter type.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
encounter_type_idvarcharencounter_typeID of the Encounter type
systemvarcharURI of the terminology system
codevarcharCode symbol defined by the terminology system
displayvarcharHuman-readable string representing the code
user_selectedtinyintIf this coding was chosen directly by the user


Information about patients relatives, relevant for patient.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
idvarcharNoResource ID (UUID) of the FamilyMemberHistory
versionvarcharNoCurrent version of this resource. This indicates whether the resource has been updated.
last_updatedtimestampNoTimestamp this resource was last updated, formatted as ISO 8601 timestamp
statusvarcharpartial | completed | entered-in-error | health-unknown
patient_idvarcharpatientID of the Patient who history is about
datetimestampWhen history was recorded or last updated
family_member_history_relationship_idvarcharfamily_member_history_relationshipID of the relationship of the relative to the patient
sexvarcharThe birth sex of the family member. Possible values: male | female | other | unknown
born_datetimestamp(approximate) date of birth
deceasedtinyintWhether the subject is dead or not
builder_idvarcharID of the Builder account that provided this data
upidvarcharUnique Patient Identifier (UPID) of the patient that this resource is associated with
created_attimestampTimestamp when this resource was first recorded in this system
resource_jsonvarcharNoOriginal JSON document for this resource
data_sourcevarcharName of the data partner network that provided this data


This table contains a list of significant Conditions (or condition) that the family member had.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
family_member_history_idvarcharNofamily_member_historyID of the FamilyMemberHistory that this condition belongs to
family_member_history_condition_code_idvarcharfamily_member_history_condition_codeID of the FamilyMemberHistory Condition Code
contributed_to_deathtinyintWhether the condition contributed to the cause of death
onset_agedecimalWhen condition first manifested


The family member history condition code encodes the actual condition that the family member had. This table contains the primary keys of all unique concept groups that represent the family member history condition codes. Individual codings within each group are in the family_member_history_condition_code_coding table.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
idvarcharNoID of code
displayvarcharPlain text representation of the family member history condition code. This field comes from the "text" field in the codeable concept group


This relation contains the individual coding values for each family member history condition code.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
family_member_history_condition_code_idvarcharfamily_member_history_condition_codeID of the FamilyMemberHistory Condition Code
systemvarcharURI of the terminology system
codevarcharCode symbol defined by the terminology system
displayvarcharHuman-readable string representing the code


This is a bridge table that joins the family_member_history table to the identifier table

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
family_member_history_idvarcharNofamily_member_historyID of the FamilyMemberHistory that this identifier belongs to
identifier_idvarcharidentifierID of the Identifier


This table contains freeform text notes with extra information about the FamilyMemberHistory that is not captured in other attributes

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
family_member_history_idvarcharNofamily_member_historyID of the FamilyMemberHistory that this note belongs to
text_markdownvarcharThe annotation - text content (as markdown)


The family member history relationship code encodes thetype of relationship this person has to the patient (father, mother, brother etc.). This table contains the primary keys of all unique concept groups that represent the family member history relationship codes. Individual codings within each group are in the family_member_history_relationship_coding table.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
idvarcharNoID of code
displayvarcharPlain text representation of the family member history relationship. This field comes from the "text" field in the codeable concept group


This relation contains the individual coding values for each family member history relationship.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
family_member_history_relationship_idvarcharfamily_member_history_relationshipID of the FamilyMemberHistory Code
systemvarcharURI of the terminology system
codevarcharCode symbol defined by the terminology system
displayvarcharHuman-readable string representing the code


Describes the intended objective(s) for a patient, group or organization

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
idvarcharNoResource ID (UUID) of the Goal
versionvarcharNoCurrent version of this resource. This indicates whether the resource has been updated.
last_updatedtimestampNoTimestamp this resource was last updated, formatted as ISO 8601 timestamp
goal_description_idvarchargoal_descriptionID of the Description encoding the code or text describing goal
subject_patient_idvarcharpatientID of the Patient who the goal is intended for
start_datetimestampWhen goal pursuit begins
expressed_by_practitioner_idvarcharpractitionerID of the Practitioner who the goal is intended for
builder_idvarcharID of the Builder account that provided this data
upidvarcharUnique Patient Identifier (UPID) of the patient that this resource is associated with
created_attimestampTimestamp when this resource was first recorded in this system
resource_jsonvarcharNoOriginal JSON document for this resource
data_sourcevarcharName of the data partner network that provided this data


The goal description encodes a specific desired objective of care, such as "control blood pressure" or "negotiate an obstacle course" or "dance with child at wedding". This table contains the primary keys of all unique concept groups that represent the goal descriptions. Individual codings within each group are in the goal_description_coding table.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
idvarcharNoID of code
displayvarcharPlain text representation of the goal description. This field comes from the "text" field in the codeable concept group


This relation contains the individual coding values for each goal description.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
goal_description_idvarchargoal_descriptionID of the goal Description
systemvarcharURI of the terminology system
codevarcharCode symbol defined by the terminology system
displayvarcharHuman-readable string representing the code


This is a bridge table that joins the goal table to the identifier table

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
goal_idvarcharNogoalID of the Goal that this identifier belongs to
identifier_idvarcharidentifierID of the Identifier


The goal target indicates what should be done by when.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
goal_idvarcharNogoalID of the Goal that this target belongs to
goal_target_measure_idvarchargoal_target_measureID of the Measure encoding the parameter whose value is being tracked
detail_stringvarcharThe target value of the parameter
due_datetimestampWhen target is to be achieved


The target measure expresses the parameter whose value is being tracked, e.g. body weight, blood pressure, or hemoglobin A1c level. This table contains the primary keys of all unique concept groups that represent the goal target measures. Individual codings within each group are in the goal_target_measure_coding table.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
idvarcharNoID of code
displayvarcharPlain text representation of the goal target measure. This field comes from the "text" field in the codeable concept group


This relation contains the individual coding values for each goal target measure.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
goal_target_measure_idvarchargoal_target_measureID of the goal target Measure
systemvarcharURI of the terminology system
codevarcharCode symbol defined by the terminology system
displayvarcharHuman-readable string representing the code


A FHIR Immunization represents the event of a patient being administered a vaccine or a record of an immunization as reported by a patient, a clinician or another party.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
idvarcharNoResource ID (UUID) of the Immunization
versionvarcharNoCurrent version of this resource. This indicates whether the resource has been updated.
last_updatedtimestampNoTimestamp this resource was last updated, formatted as ISO 8601 timestamp
statusvarcharA code specifying the state of the Immunization. Possible values: completed | entered-in-error | not-done
immunization_status_reason_idvarcharimmunization_status_reasonID of the concept of the reason not done
immunization_vaccine_code_idvarcharimmunization_vaccine_codeID of the concept of the vaccine product administered
vaccine_namevarcharPlain text name of vaccine
patient_idvarcharpatientID of the Patient who was immunized
encounter_idvarcharencounterID of the Encounter immunization was part of
occurrencetimestampVaccine administration date
manufacturer_organization_idvarcharorganizationVaccine manufacturer
lot_numbervarcharVaccine lot number
body_site_concept_idvarcharbody_site_conceptID of the concept of the body site vaccine was administered
route_concept_idvarcharroute_conceptID of the concept of how vaccine entered body
dose_quantity_unitvarcharUnit of amount of vaccine administered.
dose_quantity_valuedecimalValue of amount of vaccine administered.
dose_numberintDose number within series. This column comes from the first value of the protocolApplied element in the Immunization FHIR resource. When there are multiple protocolApplied entries, only the first is shown.
performer_actor_organization_idvarcharorganizationID of the Organization who was performing the event
builder_idvarcharID of the Builder account that provided this data
upidvarcharUnique Patient Identifier (UPID) of the patient that this resource is associated with
created_attimestampTimestamp when this resource was first recorded in this system
resource_jsonvarcharNoOriginal JSON document for this resource
data_sourcevarcharName of the data partner network that provided this data


This is a bridge table that joins the immunization table to the identifier table

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
immunization_idvarcharNoimmunizationID of the Immunization that this identifier belongs to
identifier_idvarcharidentifierID of the Identifier


This table contains freeform text notes with extra information about the Immunization that is not captured in other attributes

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
immunization_idvarcharNoimmunizationID of the Immunization that this note belongs to
text_markdownvarcharThe annotation - text content (as markdown)


The immunization status reason indicates the reason the immunization event was not performed. This table contains the primary keys of all unique concept groups that represent the immunization status reasons. Individual codings within each group are in the immunization_status_reason_coding table.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
idvarcharNoID of status season
displayvarcharPlain text representation of the immunization status reason. This field comes from the "text" field in the codeable concept group


This relation contains the individual coding values for each immunization status reason.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
immunization_status_reason_idvarcharimmunization_status_reasonID of the Immunization statusReason
systemvarcharURI of the terminology system
codevarcharCode symbol defined by the terminology system
displayvarcharHuman-readable string representing the code


The immunization vaccine code encodes the vaccine that was administered or was to be administered. This table contains the primary keys of all unique concept groups that represent the immunization vaccine codes. Individual codings within each group are in the immunization_vaccine_code_coding table.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
idvarcharNoID of code
displayvarcharPlain text representation of the immunization vaccine code. This field comes from the "text" field in the codeable concept group


This relation contains the individual coding values for each immunization vaccine code.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
immunization_vaccine_code_idvarcharimmunization_vaccine_codeID of the Immunization vaccineCode
systemvarcharURI of the terminology system
codevarcharCode symbol defined by the terminology system
displayvarcharHuman-readable string representing the code


A summarized Encounter deduplicated by ActEncounter code

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
idvarcharNoLogical ID (UUID) of the Encounter. This value is globally unique
versionvarcharNoCurrent version of this Encounter. This indicates whether this Encounter has been updated.
last_updatedvarcharNoTimestamp this record was last updated, formatted as ISO 8601 timestamp
statusvarcharA code specifying the state of the Encounter. Possible values: planned | arrived | triaged | in-progress | onleave | finished | cancelled
class_codevarcharCode that classifies the patient encounter such as ambulatory (outpatient), inpatient, emergency, home health or others due to local variations. Values for this field come from the HL7 v3 ActEncounterCode value set. The values chosen for this column prioritize values written by the Zus Data Enrichment service, and may not always match the value of the "class" field in the raw JSON document.
class_displayvarcharDisplay text of the encounter class, taken from the enriched code.
lens_encounter_type_idvarcharlens_encounter_typeID of the concept expressing the ActEncounter Code (AMB, IMP, EMER, etc.) of the Encounter This column encodes first the encounter type in the FHIR Encounter resource. Although a small number of encounters have multiple entries in the type element, the information related to the encounter class is currently always in the first type entry.
period_starttimestampStart time (inclusive) of the Encounter
period_endtimestampEnd time (inclusive) of the Encounter
lens_encounter_hospitalization_discharge_disposition_idvarcharlens_encounter_hospitalization_discharge_dispositionID of the concept encoding the category or kind of location after discharge
location_idvarcharlocationID of the Location where the Encounter took place. If multiple locations are associated with the Encounter, only the first is shown in the column.
builder_idvarcharID of the Builder account that provided this data
upidvarcharUnique Patient Identifier (UPID) of the patient that this resource is associated with
created_attimestampTimestamp when this resource was first recorded in this system
resource_jsonvarcharNoOriginal JSON document for this resource


This relation joins Lens Encounter resources to Zus aggregatedFrom extensions. The Zus aggregated from extension lists the Encounter resources that were used to generate this output resource.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
lens_encounter_idvarcharNolens_encounterID of the Lens Encounter that this record belongs to
encounter_idvarcharencounterID of the encounter this lens encounter is aggregated from


The list of diagnosis relevant to Lens Encounters

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
lens_encounter_idvarcharNolens_encounterID of the Lens Encounter that this diagnosis belongs to
lens_snomed_condition_idvarcharlens_snomed_conditionID of the condition relevant to the lens encounter


The discharge disposition represents the category or kind of location after discharge. This table contains the primary keys of all unique concept groups that represent the discharge dispositions. Individual codings within each group are in the encounter_hospitalization_discharge_disposition_coding table.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
idvarcharNoID of the Lens Encounter Hospitalization Discharge Disposition
displayvarcharPlain text representation of the encounter hospitalization discharge disposition. This field comes from the "text" field in the codeable concept group


This relation contains the individual coding values for each encounter hospitalization discharge disposition.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
lens_encounter_hospitalization_discharge_disposition_idvarcharlens_encounter_hospitalization_discharge_dispositionID of the Lens Encounter Hospitalization Discharge Disposition
systemvarcharURI of the terminology system
codevarcharCode symbol defined by the terminology system
displayvarcharHuman-readable string representing the code


This is a bridge table that joins the lens encounter table to the identifier table

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
lens_encounter_idvarcharNolens_encounterID of the Encounter that this identifier belongs to
identifier_idvarcharidentifierID of the Identifier


A Lens Encounter Participant represents the list of people involved in the Lens Encounter.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
lens_encounter_idvarcharNolens_encounterID of the Lens Encounter that this participant belongs to
individual_practitioner_idvarcharpractitionerID of the Participant who was involved in the encounter


Zus derives Lens Encounter resources from encounter resources sourced from CDA documents, which are stored in Zus as binary resources. This table lists the binary resource IDs from which a Lens Encounter resource was derived. The logic by which Lens Encounter resources are derived is described here https://docs.zushealth.com/docs/viewing-zus-data-with-a-lens#encounter-lens.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
lens_encounter_idvarcharNolens_encounterID of the Lens Encounter that this belongs to
binary_idvarcharID of the Binary this encounter is related to


The encounter type specifies the type of encounter (e.g. e-mail consultation, surgical day-care, skilled nursing, rehabilitation). This table contains the primary keys of all unique concept groups that represent the encounter types. Individual codings within each group are in the encounter_type_coding table.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
idvarcharNoID of the Encounter Type
displayvarcharPlain text representation of the encounter type. This field comes from the "text" field in the codeable concept group


This relation contains the individual coding values for each encounter type.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
lens_encounter_type_idvarcharlens_encounter_typeID of the Encounter type
systemvarcharURI of the terminology system
codevarcharCode symbol defined by the terminology system
displayvarcharHuman-readable string representing the code
user_selectedtinyintIf this coding was chosen directly by the user


A summarized MedicationStatement deduplicated by RxNorm code, aggregated from other medication statements, medication requests, dispenses, and administrations.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
idvarcharNoLogical ID (UUID) of the MedicationStatement. This value is globally unique
versionvarcharNoCurrent version of this MedicationStatement. This indicates whether this Observation has been updated.
last_updatedvarcharNoTimestamp this record was last updated, formatted as ISO 8601 timestamp
statusvarcharThe status of the result value
medication_concept_idvarcharcodeable_concept_codingID of the medication concept that identifies the medication
code_rxnormvarcharRxNorm code of the associated medication, extracted from the FHIR medicationCodeableConcept field where the system matches http://www.nlm.nih.gov/research/umls/rxnorm. These codes have been normalized with the Zus Data Enrichment service.
code_ndcvarcharNDC code of the associated medication, extracted from the FHIR medicationCodeableConcept field where the system matches http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/ndc
code_displayvarcharDisplay text of the associated medication, extracted from the FHIR medicationCodeableConcept.text field
subject_patient_idvarcharID of the Patient who is/was taking the medication
date_assertedtimestampThe date when the medication statement was asserted by the information source
refillsintNumber of medication refills for this. This field is added as an extension to the MedicationStatement resource by the Zus Data Summarization service.
last_fill_datetimestampDate(/time) that this medication was last filled. This field is added as an extension to the MedicationStatement resource by the Zus Data Summarization service.
prescribed_datetimestampdate that this medication was last prescribed. This field is added as an extension to the MedicationStatement resource by the Zus Data Summarization service.
days_supplytimestampDays supply of the medication. This field is added as an extension to the MedicationStatement resource by the Zus Data Summarization service.
quantitytimestampQuantity of the medication. This field is added as an extension to the MedicationStatement resource by the Zus Data Summarization service.
quantity_unittimestampUnit of the quantity of the medication. This field is added as an extension to the MedicationStatement resource by the Zus Data Summarization service.
last_prescriber_practitioner_idvarcharpractitionerID of the Practitioner that prescribed the medication. This field is added as an extension to the MedicationStatement resource by the Zus Data Summarization service.
last_prescriber_medication_request_idvarcharmedication_requestID of the MedicationRequest associated with the last prescription of this medication. This field is added as an extension to the MedicationStatement resource by the Zus Data Summarization service. from lens output
builder_idvarcharID of the Builder that provided this data
upidvarcharUniversal Patient Identifier of the Patient this Observation is part of
created_attimestampTimestamp when this Observation was first recorded in this system
resource_jsonvarcharNoOriginal JSON document for this Observation


A Lens SNOMED Condition represents a clinical condition, problem, diagnosis, or other event, situation, issue, or clinical concept that has risen to a level of concern.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
idvarcharNoResource ID (UUID) of the Condition
versionvarcharNoCurrent version of this resource. This indicates whether the resource has been updated.
last_updatedtimestampNoTimestamp this resource was last updated, formatted as ISO 8601 timestamp
clinical_statusvarcharThe status of the Lens SNOMED Condition (active | recurrence | relapse | inactive | remission | resolved)
lens_snomed_condition_code_idvarcharlens_snomed_condition_codeID of the Lens SNOMED Condition Code
code_snomedvarcharSNOMED code of Lens SNOMED Condition
code_icd10cmvarcharICD-10-CM code of Lens SNOMED Condition
code_ccivarcharCCI code of Lens SNOMED Condition
code_ccsvarcharLens SNOMED Condition's CCS category based on the Clinical Classifications Software Refined (CCSR) aggregation of ICD-10-CM/PCS codes into clinically meaningful categories, as derived by Zus.
code_hccvarcharHCC code of Lens SNOMED Condition
code_displayvarcharDisplay value of Lens SNOMED Condition Code
subject_patient_idvarcharID of the Patient who has the Lens SNOMED Condition
onsettimestampOnset of the Lens SNOMED Condition
recorded_datetimestampDate Lens SNOMED Condition was first recorded
builder_idvarcharID of the Builder account that provided this data
upidvarcharUnique Patient Identifier (UPID) of the patient that this resource is associated with
created_attimestampTimestamp when this resource was first recorded in this system
resource_jsonvarcharNoOriginal JSON document for this resource


The condition code represents a detailed description of the type of condition; e.g. what this, what diagnosis, what kind of problem. This table contains the primary keys of all unique concepts representing condition codes. Individual codings within each group are in the lens_snomed_condition_code_coding table.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
idvarcharNoID of Lens SNOMED Condition Code
displayvarcharPlain text representation of the lens snomed condition code. This field comes from the "text" field in the codeable concept group


This relation contains the individual coding values for each lens snomed condition code.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
lens_snomed_condition_code_idvarcharlens_snomed_condition_codeID of the Lens SNOMED Condition Code
systemvarcharURI of the terminology system
codevarcharCode symbol defined by the terminology system
displayvarcharHuman-readable string representing the code
user_selectedtinyintIf this coding was chosen directly by the user
enrichment_typevarcharType of enrichment


A FHIR LensTransitionOfCare describes the association between a patient and an organization / healthcare provider(s) during which time encounters may occur. The managing organization assumes a level of responsibility for the patient during this time.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
idvarcharNoResource ID (UUID) of the EpisodeOfCare
versionvarcharNoCurrent version of this resource. This indicates whether the resource has been updated.
last_updatedtimestampNoTimestamp this resource was last updated, formatted as ISO 8601 timestamp
statusvarcharA code specifying the state of the LensTransitionOfCare. Possible values: planned | waitlist | active | onhold | finished | cancelled | entered-in-error
patient_idvarcharpatientID of the Patient who is the focus of this lens transition of care.
period_starttimestampStart of the interval during responsibility is assumed
period_endtimestampEnd of the interval during responsibility is assumed
admitting_location_idvarcharlocationThe Zus admitting location extension denotes the location of the most recent emergency encounter in the transition.
encounter_class_codevarcharThe Zus encounter class extension denotes the most recent "encounter class" in the transition (e.g. EMER, IMP)
encounter_class_displayvarcharDisplay text of the most recent encounter class in the transition
discharge_location_idvarcharlocationThe Zus discharge location extension denotes the location of the most recent inpatient encounter in the transition.
lens_transition_of_care_discharge_disposition_idvarcharlens_transition_of_care_discharge_dispositionThe Zus discharge disposition extension denotes the most recent discharge disposition for the transition.
builder_idvarcharID of the Builder account that provided this data
upidvarcharUnique Patient Identifier (UPID) of the patient that this resource is associated with
created_attimestampTimestamp when this resource was first recorded in this system
resource_jsonvarcharNoOriginal JSON document for this resource
data_sourcevarcharName of the data partner network that provided this data


ADT message details associated with each LensTransitionOfCare

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
lens_transition_of_care_idvarcharNolens_transition_of_careID of the EpisodeOfCare that this aggregated from belongs to
message_typevarcharHL7 ADT message type
document_reference_idvarchardocument_referenceID of the DocumentReference for the ADT message
message_effective_timevarcharDate or time of the ADT message


This relation joins LensTransitionOfCare resources to Zus aggregatedFrom extensions. The Zus aggregated from extension lists the Encounter resources that were used to generate this output resource.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
lens_transition_of_care_idvarcharNolens_transition_of_careID of the EpisodeOfCare that this aggregated from belongs to
encounter_idvarcharencounterID of the Encounter this lens transition of care is aggregated from


The list of diagnosis relevant to this LensTransitionOfCare

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
lens_transition_of_care_idvarcharNolens_transition_of_careID of the EpisodeOfCare that this diagnosis belongs to
condition_idvarcharconditionID of the Conditions/problems/diagnoses this lens transition of care is for
role_codevarcharCode that describes role that this diagnosis has within the LensTransitionOfCare (e.g. admission, billing, discharge ...)
role_displayvarcharDisplay that describes role that this diagnosis has within the LensTransitionOfCare (e.g. admission, billing, discharge ...)


This table represents the discharge disposition of the patient at the end of the transition of care. This table contains the primary keys of all unique concept groups that represent the discharge dispositions. Individual codings within each group are in the lens_transition_of_care_discharge_disposition_coding table.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
idvarcharNoID of discharge disposition
displayvarcharPlain text representation of the lens transition of care discharge disposition. This field comes from the "text" field in the codeable concept group


This relation contains the individual coding values for each lens transition of care discharge disposition.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
lens_transition_of_care_discharge_disposition_idvarcharlens_transition_of_care_discharge_dispositionID of the LensTransitionOfCare Discharge Disposition
systemvarcharURI of the terminology system
codevarcharCode symbol defined by the terminology system
displayvarcharHuman-readable string representing the code


This is a bridge table that joins the lens_transition_of_care table to the identifier table

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
lens_transition_of_care_idvarcharNolens_transition_of_careID of the EpisodeOfCare that this identifier belongs to
identifier_idvarcharidentifierID of the Identifier


Details and position information for a physical place where services are provided and resources and participants may be stored, found, contained, or accommodated.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
idvarcharNoResource ID (UUID) of the Location
versionvarcharNoCurrent version of this resource. This indicates whether the resource has been updated.
last_updatedtimestampNoTimestamp this resource was last updated, formatted as ISO 8601 timestamp
namevarcharName of the location as used by humans
modevarcharinstance | kind
location_type_idvarcharlocation_typeID of the concept encoding the type of function performed
address_line_1varcharFirst line of the address
address_line_2varcharSecond line of the address
address_cityvarcharCity name in address
address_statevarcharState name in address
address_postal_codevarcharPostal code in address
location_physical_type_idvarcharlocation_physical_typeID of the concept encoding the physical form of this location: https://www.hl7.org/fhir/r4/valueset-location-physical-type.html
builder_idvarcharID of the Builder account that provided this data
created_attimestampTimestamp when this resource was first recorded in this system
resource_jsonvarcharNoOriginal JSON document for this resource
data_sourcevarcharName of the data partner network that provided this data


This is a bridge table that joins the location table to the identifier table

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
location_idvarcharNolocationID of the Location that this identifier belongs to
identifier_idvarcharidentifierID of the Identifier


The location physical type represents the physical form of a location, e.g. building, room, vehicle, road. This table contains the primary keys of all unique concept groups that represent the location physical types. Individual codings within each group are in the location_physical_type_coding table.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
idvarcharNoID of Location physicalType
displayvarcharPlain text representation of the location physical type. This field comes from the "text" field in the codeable concept group


This relation contains the individual coding values for each location physical type.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
location_physical_type_idvarcharlocation_physical_typeID of the Location physicalType
systemvarcharURI of the terminology system
codevarcharCode symbol defined by the terminology system
displayvarcharHuman-readable string representing the code


Contact details of the Location

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
location_idvarcharNolocationID of the Location that this telecom belongs to
contact_point_idvarcharcontact_pointID of the contact details


The location type indicates the type of function performed at a location. This table contains the primary keys of all unique concept groups that represent the location types. Individual codings within each group are in the location_type_coding table.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
idvarcharNoID of Location type
displayvarcharPlain text representation of the location type. This field comes from the "text" field in the codeable concept group


This relation contains the individual coding values for each location type.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
location_type_idvarcharlocation_typeID of the Location type
systemvarcharURI of the terminology system
codevarcharCode symbol defined by the terminology system
displayvarcharHuman-readable string representing the code


The FHIR Medication resource is used for the identification and definition of a medication for the purposes of prescribing, dispensing, and administering a medication as well as for making statements about medication use.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
idvarcharNoResource ID (UUID) of the Medication
versionvarcharNoCurrent version of this resource. This indicates whether the resource has been updated.
last_updatedtimestampNoTimestamp this resource was last updated, formatted as ISO 8601 timestamp
medication_concept_idvarcharmedication_conceptID of the concept group ientifiying this Medication. THis column comes from the Medication.code field in FHIR.
medication_form_idvarcharmedication_formID of the Form encoding the form of the medication - powder | tablets | capsule +
builder_idvarcharID of the Builder account that provided this data
created_attimestampTimestamp when this resource was first recorded in this system
resource_jsonvarcharNoOriginal JSON document for this resource
data_sourcevarcharName of the data partner network that provided this data


FHIR MedicationAdministration describes the event of a patient consuming or otherwise being administered a medication. This may be as simple as swallowing a tablet or it may be a long running infusion. Related resources tie this event to the authorizing prescription, and the specific encounter between patient and health care practitioner.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
idvarcharNoResource ID (UUID) of the MedicationAdministration
versionvarcharNoCurrent version of this resource. This indicates whether the resource has been updated.
last_updatedtimestampNoTimestamp this resource was last updated, formatted as ISO 8601 timestamp
statusvarcharA code specifying the state of the MedicationAdministration. Possible values: in-progress | not-done | on-hold | completed | entered-in-error | stopped | unknown
medication_concept_idvarcharmedication_conceptID of the medication concept that identifies the medication being administered
subject_patient_idvarcharpatientID of the Patient who the procedure was performed on
effective_starttimestampStart time (inclusive) of the administered Medication being effective.
effective_endtimestampEnd time (inclusive) of the administered Medication being effective.
dosage_route_concept_idvarcharroute_conceptID of the concept of the path of substance into body.
dosage_dose_unitvarcharUnit of dosage of Medication.
dosage_dose_valueintValue of dosage of Medication.
builder_idvarcharID of the Builder account that provided this data
upidvarcharUnique Patient Identifier (UPID) of the patient that this resource is associated with
created_attimestampTimestamp when this resource was first recorded in this system
resource_jsonvarcharNoOriginal JSON document for this resource
data_sourcevarcharName of the data partner network that provided this data


This is a bridge table that joins the medication_administration table to the identifier table

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
medication_administration_idvarcharNomedication_administrationID of the MedicationAdministration that this identifier belongs to
identifier_idvarcharidentifierID of the Identifier


The reason code indicates why the medication was given. This table contains the extracted SNOMED codes of the medication administration reason codes.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
medication_administration_idvarcharNomedication_administrationID of the MedicationAdministration that this reason code belongs to
snomedvarcharSNOMED code of the reason for the MedicationAdministration


Condition that supports why the medication was administered

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
medication_administration_idvarcharNomedication_administrationID of the MedicationAdministration that this reason reference belongs to
condition_idvarcharconditionID of the Condition expressing the specific Reason for MedicationAdministration.


This resource covers the supply of medications to a patient. Examples include dispensing and pick-up from an outpatient or community pharmacy, dispensing patient-specific medications from inpatient pharmacy to ward, as well as issuing a single dose from ward stock to a patient for consumption. The medication dispense is the result of a pharmacy system responding to a medication order.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
idvarcharNoResource ID (UUID) of the MedicationDispense
versionvarcharNoCurrent version of this resource. This indicates whether the resource has been updated.
last_updatedtimestampNoTimestamp this resource was last updated, formatted as ISO 8601 timestamp
statusvarcharMedication dispense status. Possible values: preparation | in-progress | cancelled | on-hold | completed | entered-in-error | stopped | declined | unknown
medication_idvarcharNomedicationID of the Medication that is being dispensed
medication_concept_idvarcharmedication_conceptID of the medication concept that identifies the medication being dispensed
code_ndcvarcharNDC code of the medication, extracted from the FHIR medicationCodeableConcept field where the system matches http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/ndc
display_ndcvarcharPlain text representation of the medication dispensed
code_rxnormvarcharRxNorm code of the medication, extracted from the FHIR medicationCodeableConcept field where the system matches http://www.nlm.nih.gov/research/umls/rxnorm. When there are multiple RxNorm codes on the resource, we prioritize the code written by the Zus Data Enrichment service.
refill_numberintRefill number of this medication. This value is written as an extension on the FHIR resource, and is only supplied for data coming from Surescripts.
subject_patient_idvarcharpatientID of the patient who the dispense is for
performer_actor_organization_idvarcharorganizationID of the Organization that performed the dispense
location_idvarcharlocationID of the location where the dispense occurred
authorizing_prescription_medication_request_idvarcharmedication_requestID of the MedicationRequest that is being dispensed against
type_codevarcharType of medication dispense
type_displayvarcharDisplay text for the type of medication dispense
quantity_unitvarcharUnit of the amount dispensed
quantity_valuedecimalAmount dispensed
days_supplyintAmount of medication expressed as a timing amount
when_preparedtimestampWhen product was packaged and reviewed
when_handed_overtimestampWhen the medication was sent
dosage_instructionvarcharHow the medication is to be used by the patient or administered by the caregiver
builder_idvarcharID of the Builder account that provided this data
upidvarcharUnique Patient Identifier (UPID) of the patient that this resource is associated with
created_attimestampTimestamp when this resource was first recorded in this system
resource_jsonvarcharNoOriginal JSON document for this resource
data_sourcevarcharName of the data partner network that provided this data


This is a bridge table that joins the medication_dispense table to the identifier table

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
medication_dispense_idvarcharNomedication_dispenseID of the MedicationDispense that this identifier belongs to
identifier_idvarcharidentifierID of the Identifier


The medication form describes the form of the medication, e.g. tablet, capsule, powder, etc. This table contains the primary keys of all unique concept groups that represent the medication forms. Individual codings within each group are in the medication_form_coding table.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
idvarcharNoID of code
displayvarcharPlain text representation of the medication form. This field comes from the "text" field in the codeable concept group


This relation contains the individual coding values for each medication form.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
medication_form_idvarcharmedication_formID of the Medication Form
systemvarcharURI of the terminology system
codevarcharCode symbol defined by the terminology system
displayvarcharHuman-readable string representing the code


The medication ingredient identifies a particular constituent of interest in the product.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
medication_idvarcharNomedicationID of the Medication that this ingredient belongs to
medication_ingredient_item_code_idvarcharmedication_ingredient_item_codeID of the item code encoding the actual ingredient or content


The medicaiton ingredient item code represents the actual ingredient - either a substance (simple ingredient) or another medicationof a medication. This table contains the primary keys of all unique concept groups that represent the medication ingredient item codes. Individual codings within each group are in the medication_ingredient_item_code_coding table.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
idvarcharNoID of code
displayvarcharPlain text representation of the medication ingredient item code. This field comes from the "text" field in the codeable concept group


This relation contains the individual coding values for each medication ingredient item code.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
medication_ingredient_item_code_idvarcharmedication_ingredient_item_codeID of the Medication Ingredient Item Code
systemvarcharURI of the terminology system
codevarcharCode symbol defined by the terminology system
displayvarcharHuman-readable string representing the code


A FHIR MedicationRequest resource represents nn order or request for both supply of the medication and the instructions for administration of the medication to a patient.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
idvarcharNoResource ID (UUID) of the MedicationRequest
versionvarcharNoCurrent version of this resource. This indicates whether the resource has been updated.
last_updatedtimestampNoTimestamp this resource was last updated, formatted as ISO 8601 timestamp
statusvarcharCurrent state of the order. Generally, this will be active or completed state. Possible values: active | on-hold | cancelled | completed | entered-in-error | stopped | draft | unknown
intentvarcharWhether the request is a proposal, plan, or an original order. Possible values: proposal | plan | order | original-order | reflex-order | filler-order | instance-order | option
medication_request_category_idvarcharmedication_request_categoryID of the medication request category, which indicates the type of medication request (for example, where the medication is expected to be consumed or administered (i.e. inpatient or outpatient)). The FHIR MedicationRequest resource allows multiple values for the category, but all MedicationRequest resoruces in our data are currently limtied to one category.
medication_idvarcharNomedicationID of the Medication that this request belongs to
medication_concept_idvarcharmedication_conceptID of the medication concept that identifies the medication being requested
code_rxnormvarcharRxNorm code of the associated medication, extracted from the FHIR medicationCodeableConcept field where the system matches http://www.nlm.nih.gov/research/umls/rxnorm. These codes have been normalized with the Zus Data Enrichment service.
code_ndcvarcharNDC code of this medication, extracted from the FHIR medicationCodeableConcept field where the system matches http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/ndc
code_displayvarcharDisplay text of the medication code, extracted from the FHIR medicationCodeableConcept.text field
subject_patient_idvarcharpatientID of the Patient who or group MedicationRequest is for
encounter_idvarcharencounterID of the Encounter created as part of encounter/admission/stay
authored_ontimestampWhen request was initially authored
requester_practitioner_idvarcharpractitionerID of the Practitioner who requested the Request
dosage_idvarchardosageID of Dosage to be applied
initial_fill_quantitydecimalMedication supply authorization, first fill details - value
number_of_repeats_alloweddecimalNumber of refills authorized
quantitydecimalAmount of medication to supply per dispense
performer_organization_idvarcharorganizationThe ID of the Organization intended dispenser
substitution_allowedtinyintTrue if any restrictions on medication substitution
builder_idvarcharID of the Builder account that provided this data
upidvarcharUnique Patient Identifier (UPID) of the patient that this resource is associated with
created_attimestampTimestamp when this resource was first recorded in this system
resource_jsonvarcharNoOriginal JSON document for this resource
data_sourcevarcharName of the data partner network that provided this data


The medication request category indicates the type of medication request (for example, where the medication is expected to be consumed or administered (i.e. inpatient or outpatient)). This table contains the primary keys of all unique concept groups that represent the medication request categories. Individual codings within each group are in the medication_request_category_coding table.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
idvarcharNoID of category
displayvarcharPlain text representation of the medication request category. This field comes from the "text" field in the codeable concept group


This relation contains the individual coding values for each medication request category.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
medication_request_category_idvarcharmedication_request_categoryID of the Medication Request Category
systemvarcharURI of the terminology system
codevarcharCode symbol defined by the terminology system
displayvarcharHuman-readable string representing the code


This is a bridge table that joins the medication_request table to the identifier table

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
medication_request_idvarcharNomedication_requestID of the MedicationRequest that this identifier belongs to
identifier_idvarcharidentifierID of the Identifier


This table contains freeform text notes with extra information about the MedicationRequest that is not captured in other attributes

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
medication_request_idvarcharNomedication_requestID of the MedicationRequest that this note belongs to
text_markdownvarcharThe annotation - text content (as markdown)


The medication request reason code encodes the reason for ordering or not ordering a medication. This is a bridge table that joins MedicationRequest resources to the reason code concept. Individual codings within each group are in the medication_request_reason_code_coding table.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
medication_request_reason_code_idvarcharNoID of the medication request reason code
displayvarcharPlain text representation of the medication request reason code. This field comes from the "text" field in the codeable concept group


This relation joins MedicationRequest to the Condition that supports why the prescription is being written.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
medication_request_idvarcharNomedication_requestID of the MedicationRequest that this reason reference belongs to
condition_idvarcharconditionID of the Condition that supports why the prescription is being written


This relation contains the individual coding values for each medication request reason code.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
medication_request_reason_code_idvarcharmedication_request_reason_codeID of the Medication Request Reason Code
systemvarcharURI of the terminology system
codevarcharCode symbol defined by the terminology system
displayvarcharHuman-readable string representing the code


A FHIR MedicationStatement represents a record of a medication that is being consumed by a patient. A MedicationStatement may indicate that the patient may be taking the medication now or has taken the medication in the past or will be taking the medication in the future

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
idvarcharNoResource ID (UUID) of the MedicationStatement
versionvarcharNoCurrent version of this resource. This indicates whether the resource has been updated.
last_updatedvarcharNoTimestamp this resource was last updated, formatted as ISO 8601 timestamp
statusvarcharThe status of the result value
medication_concept_idvarcharcodeable_concept_codingID of the medication concept that identifies the medication
code_rxnormvarcharRxNorm code of this MedicationStatement, extracted from the FHIR medicationCodeableConcept field where the system matches http://www.nlm.nih.gov/research/umls/rxnorm. While multiple RxNorm codes can be provided in the resource, we prioritize the code written by the Zus Enrichment service.
code_ndcvarcharNDC code of this MedicationStatement, extracted from the FHIR medicationCodeableConcept field where the system matches http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/ndc.
code_displayvarcharDisplay text for the medication code, extracted from the FHIR medicationCodeableConcept.text field.
subject_patient_idvarcharpatientID of the Patient who is/was taking the medication
context_encounter_idvarcharID of the Encounter associated with the MedicationStatement
effective_starttimestampThe start of the interval of time during which it is being asserted that the patient is/was/will be taking the medication (or was not taking, when the MedicationStatement.taken element is No)
effective_endtimestampThe end of the interval of time during which it is being asserted that the patient is/was/will be taking the medication (or was not taking, when the MedicationStatement.taken element is No)
date_assertedtimestampThe date when the medication statement was asserted by the information source
builder_idvarcharID of the Builder account that provided this data
upidvarcharUnique Patient Identifier (UPID) of the patient that this resource is associated with
created_attimestampTimestamp when this resource was first recorded in this system
resource_jsonvarcharNoOriginal JSON document for this resource
data_sourcevarcharName of the data partner network that provided this data


This is a bridge table that joins the medication_statement table to the dosage table.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
medication_statement_idvarcharNomedication_statementID of the MedicationStatement that this dosage belongs to
dosage_idvarchardosageID of the Dosage


This is a bridge table that joins the medication_statement table to the identifier table

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
medication_statement_idvarcharNomedication_statementID of the MedicationStatement that this identifier belongs to
identifier_idvarcharidentifierID of the Identifier


This table contains freeform text notes with extra information about the MedicationStatement that is not captured in other attributes

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
medication_statement_idvarcharNomedication_statementID of the MedicationStatement that this note belongs to
text_markdownvarcharThe annotation - text content (as markdown)


The medication statement reason code encodes the reason for why the medication is being or was taken. This is a bridge table that joins MedicationStatement resources to the reason code concepts. Individual codings within each group are in the medication_statement_reason_code_coding table.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
medication_statement_reason_code_idvarcharNoID of the medication statement reason code
medication_statement_idvarcharNomedication_statementID of the MedicationStatement that this reason code belongs to
displayvarcharPlain text representation of the medication statement reason code. This field comes from the "text" field in the codeable concept group


This relation contains the individual coding values for each medication statement reason code.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
medication_statement_reason_code_idvarcharmedication_statement_reason_codeID of the MedicationStatement reason code
systemvarcharURI of the terminology system
codevarcharCode symbol defined by the terminology system
displayvarcharHuman-readable string representing the code


A FHIR Observation represents measurements and simple assertions made about a patient, device or other subject.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
idvarcharNoResource ID (UUID) of the Observation
versionvarcharNoCurrent version of this resource. This indicates whether the resource has been updated.
last_updatedtimestampNoTimestamp this resource was last updated, formatted as ISO 8601 timestamp
statusvarcharA code specifying the state of the observation. Generally, this will be the in-progress or completed state.
categoryvarcharClassification of type of observation.
observation_code_idvarcharobservation_codeID of the concept expressing the specific Observation that is performed
code_actvarcharACT code of this Observation, extracted from the FHIR "code" field where the system matches urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.5.4
code_cptvarcharCPT code of this Observation, extracted from the FHIR "code" field where the system matches http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt
code_loincvarcharLOINC code of this Observation, extracted from the FHIR "code" field where the system matches http://loinc.org
code_snomedvarcharSNOMED code of this Observation, extracted from the FHIR "code" field where the system matches http://snomed.info/sct
code_displayvarcharPlain text description of the code for this Observation
subject_patient_idvarcharpatientID of the Patient who was the subject of the Observation
encounter_idvarcharencounterID of the Encounter in which this Observation took place
effective_starttimestampStart date/time of when this Observation is clinically relevant
effective_endtimestampEnd date/time of when this Observation is clinically relevant
issuedtimestampDate/Time this Observation version was made available
value_range_lowintThe value of the lower range as a result of making the observation
value_range_highintThe value of the high range as a result of making the observation
value_period_starttimestampThe start datetime determined as a result of making the observation
value_period_endtimestampThe end datetime determined as a result of making the observation
value_integerintThe integer determined as a result of making the observation
value_stringvarcharThe string determined as a result of making the observation
value_quantity_valueintThe value of the quantity determined as a result of making the observation
value_quantity_unitvarcharThe unit of the quantity determined as a result of making the observation
observation_value_concept_idvarcharobservation_value_conceptID of the concept expressing the value of the Observation that is performed
data_absent_reasonvarcharID of the concept expressing why specific Observation result is missing
observation_interpretation_idvarcharobservation_interpretationID of the concept expressing a categorical assessment of an observation value. For example, high, low, normal.
body_site_concept_idvarcharbody_site_conceptID of the concept expressing the body part observed in this Observation
observation_method_idvarcharobservation_methodID of the concept expressing this Observation was taken
reference_range_lowintThe value of the lower range that represents guidance on how to interpret the value by comparison to a normal or recommended range. If there are multiple reference ranges for the observation, this column contains the low value of the first range.
reference_range_highintThe value of the high range that represents guidance on how to interpret the value by comparison to a normal or recommended range. If there are multiple reference ranges for the observation, this column contains the high value of the first range.
reference_range_unitvarcharThe unit of the value of the lower range that was obtained that represents guidance on how to interpret the value by comparison to a normal or recommended range. If there are multiple reference ranges for the observation, this column contains the unit of the first range.
reference_range_displayvarcharThe text of the value that was obtained that represents guidance on how to interpret the value by comparison to a normal or recommended range.
builder_idvarcharID of the Builder account that provided this data
upidvarcharUnique Patient Identifier (UPID) of the patient that this resource is associated with
created_attimestampTimestamp when this resource was first recorded in this system
resource_jsonvarcharNoOriginal JSON document for this resource
data_sourcevarcharName of the data partner network that provided this data


The observation code describes what was observed. Seomtimes this is called the observation "name". THis table contains the primary keys of all unique concept groups that represent the observation codes. Individual codings within each group are in the observation_code_coding table.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
idvarcharNoID of code
displayvarcharPlain text representation of the observation code. This field comes from the "text" field in the codeable concept group


This relation contains the individual coding values for each observation code.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
observation_code_idvarcharobservation_codeID of the Observation code
systemvarcharURI of the terminology system
codevarcharCode symbol defined by the terminology system
displayvarcharHuman-readable string representing the code
user_selectedtinyintIf this coding was chosen directly by the user
enrichment_typevarcharType of enrichment


This is a bridge table that joins the observation table to the identifier table

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
observation_idvarcharNoobservationID of the Observation that this identifier belongs to
identifier_idvarcharidentifierID of the Identifier


The observation interpretation is a categorical assessment of an observation value. For example, high, low, normal. This table contains the primary keys of all unique concept groups that represent the observation interpretations. Individual codings within each group are in the observation_interpretation_coding table.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
idvarcharNoID of interpretation
displayvarcharPlain text representation of the observation interpretation. This field comes from the "text" field in the codeable concept group


This relation contains the individual coding values for each observation interpretation.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
observation_interpretation_idvarcharobservation_interpretationID of the Observation interpretation
systemvarcharURI of the terminology system
codevarcharCode symbol defined by the terminology system
displayvarcharHuman-readable string representing the code


The observation method indicates the mechanism used to perform the observation. This table contains the primary keys of all unique concept groups that represent the observation methods. Individual codings within each group are in the observation_method_coding table.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
idvarcharNoID of method
displayvarcharPlain text representation of the observation method. This field comes from the "text" field in the codeable concept group


This relation contains the individual coding values for each observation method.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
observation_method_idvarcharobservation_methodID of the Observation method
systemvarcharURI of the terminology system
codevarcharCode symbol defined by the terminology system
displayvarcharHuman-readable string representing the code


This table contains freeform text notes with extra information about the Observation that is not captured in other attributes

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
observation_idvarcharNoobservationID of the Observation that this note belongs to
text_markdownvarcharThe annotation - text content (as markdown)


Who is responsible for the observation. Each Observation may have multiple categories. This relation joins Observations to the reference that encode the performers for the observation.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
observation_idvarcharNoobservationID of the Observation that this performer belongs to
practitioner_idvarcharpractitionerID of the Practitioner


The observation value, encoded as a codeable concept. This table contains the primary keys of all unique concept groups that represent the observation value concepts. Individual codings within each group are in the observation_value_concept_coding table.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
idvarcharNoID of valueCodeableConcept
displayvarcharPlain text representation of the observation value concept. This field comes from the "text" field in the codeable concept group


This relation contains the individual coding values for each observation value concept.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
observation_value_concept_idvarcharobservation_value_conceptID of the Observation valueCodeableConcept
systemvarcharURI of the terminology system
codevarcharCode symbol defined by the terminology system
displayvarcharHuman-readable string representing the code


A formally or informally recognized grouping of people or organizations formed for the purpose of achieving some form of collective action. Includes companies, institutions, corporations, departments, community groups, healthcare practice groups, payer/insurer, etc.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
idvarcharNoResource ID (UUID) of the Organization
versionvarcharNoCurrent version of this resource. This indicates whether the resource has been updated.
last_updatedtimestampNoTimestamp this resource was last updated, formatted as ISO 8601 timestamp
organization_type_idvarcharorganization_typeID of the concept encoding the kinf of the organization
namevarcharName used for the organization
address_line_1varcharFirst line of address for the organization, street name, number, direction & P.O. Box etc.
address_line_2varcharSecond line of address for the organization, street name, number, direction & P.O. Box etc.
address_cityvarcharName of city, town etc.
address_statevarcharSub-unit of country (abbreviations ok)
address_postal_codevarcharPostal code for area
builder_idvarcharID of the Builder account that provided this data
created_attimestampTimestamp when this resource was first recorded in this system
resource_jsonvarcharNoOriginal JSON document for this resource
data_sourcevarcharName of the data partner network that provided this data


This is a bridge table that joins the organization table to the identifier table

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
organization_idvarcharNoorganizationID of the Organization that this identifier belongs to
identifier_idvarcharidentifierID of the Identifier


Contact detail for the organization

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
organization_idvarcharNoorganizationID of the Organization that this telecom belongs to
contact_point_idvarcharcontact_pointID of the contact details


The kind of organization that this resource represents. This table contains the primary keys of all unique concept groups that represent the organization types. Individual codings within each group are in the organization_type_coding table.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
idvarcharNoID of type
displayvarcharPlain text representation of the organization type. This field comes from the "text" field in the codeable concept group


This relation contains the individual coding values for each organization type.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
organization_type_idvarcharorganization_typeID of the Organization type
systemvarcharURI of the terminology system
codevarcharCode symbol defined by the terminology system
displayvarcharHuman-readable string representing the code


Demographics and other administrative information about an individual or animal receiving care or other health-related services.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
idvarcharNoResource ID (UUID) of the Patient
versionvarcharNoCurrent version of this resource. This indicates whether the resource has been updated.
last_updatedtimestampNoTimestamp this resource was last updated, formatted as ISO 8601 timestamp
activetinyintWhether this patient's record is in active use
gendervarcharmale | female | other | unknown
birth_datedateThe date of birth for the individual
ethnicityvarcharEthnicity of Patient, categorized using the US Core Ethnicity Extension (https://build.fhir.org/ig/HL7/US-Core/StructureDefinition-us-core-ethnicity.html)
racevarcharRace of the Patient, categorized using the US Core Race Extension (http://hl7.org/fhir/us/core/StructureDefinition/us-core-race)
deceasedtinyintIndicates if the individual is deceased or not
deceased_datetimetimestampDate when the individual was deceased
marital_statusvarcharMarital (civil) status of the patient. This value is the code from the code system http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v3-MaritalStatus
marital_status_displayvarcharDisplay string of the marital status code
managing_organization_idvarcharorganizationOrganization that is the custodian of the patient record
name_familyvarcharFamily name of the Patient
name_given_1varcharFirst given name of the Patient
name_given_2varcharSecond given name of the Patient
builder_idvarcharID of the Builder account that provided this data
upidvarcharUnique Patient Identifier (UPID) of the patient that this resource is associated with
created_attimestampTimestamp when this resource was first recorded in this system
resource_jsonvarcharNoOriginal JSON document for this resource
data_sourcevarcharName of the data partner network that provided this data


This relation joins patients to their addresses

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
patient_idvarcharNopatientID of the Patient that this address belongs to
line_1varcharFirst line of the address
line_2varcharSecond line of the address
cityvarcharCity of the address
statevarcharState of the address
postal_codevarcharPostal code of the address


A language which may be used to communicate with the patient about his or her health

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
patient_idvarcharNopatientID of the Patient that this communication belongs to
patient_communication_language_idvarcharpatient_communication_languageID of the concept encoding the language
preferredtinyintLanguage preference indicator
preferred_typevarcharLanguage preference type
language_abilityvarcharLanguage ability
language_ability_displayvarcharThe display of language ability


The ISO-639-1 alpha 2 code in lower case for the language, optionally followed by a hyphen and the ISO-3166-1 alpha 2 code for the region in upper case; e.g. "en" for English, or "en-US" for American English versus "en-EN" for England English. This table contains the primary keys of all unique concept groups that represent the patient communication languages. Individual codings within each group are in the patient_communication_language_coding table.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
idvarcharNoID of language
displayvarcharPlain text representation of the patient communication language. This field comes from the "text" field in the codeable concept group


This relation contains the individual coding values for each patient communication language.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
patient_communication_language_idvarcharpatient_communication_languageID of the Patient Communication language
systemvarcharURI of the terminology system
codevarcharCode symbol defined by the terminology system
displayvarcharHuman-readable string representing the code


A contact party (e.g. guardian, partner, friend) for the patient

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
idvarcharNoID of this patient contact
patient_idvarcharNopatientID of the Patient that this contact belongs to
name_familyvarcharFamily name of the contact person
name_given_1varcharFirst given name of the contact person
name_given_2varcharSecond given name of the contact person
address_line_1varcharFirst line of the address of the contact person
address_line_2varcharSecond line of the address of the contact person
address_cityvarcharCity of the address of the contact person
address_statevarcharState of the address of the contact person
address_postal_codevarcharPostal code of the address of the contact person
relationshipvarcharThe nature of the relationship between the patient and the contact person
relationship_displayvarcharThe display of the relationship


This relation joins patient contacts to the contact details

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
patient_contact_idvarcharpatient_contactID of the patient contact
contact_point_idvarcharcontact_pointID of the contact details


This table includes a list of nominated care providers for the patient.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
patient_idvarcharNopatientID of the Patient that this general practitioner belongs to
practitioner_idvarcharpractitionerID of the Practitioner


This is a bridge table that joins the patient table to the identifier table

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
patient_idvarcharNopatientID of the Patient that this identifier belongs to
identifier_idvarcharidentifierID of the Identifier


This is a bridge table that joins the patient table to the human name table.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
patient_idvarcharNopatientID of the Patient that this name belongs to
human_name_idvarcharhuman_nameID of the HumanName


This relation joins patients to their contact details

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
patient_idvarcharNopatientID of the Patient that this telecom belongs to
contact_point_idvarcharcontact_pointID of the contact details


A person who is directly or indirectly involved in the provisioning of healthcare.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
idvarcharNoResource ID (UUID) of the Practitioner
versionvarcharNoCurrent version of this resource. This indicates whether the resource has been updated.
last_updatedvarcharNoTimestamp this resource was last updated, formatted as ISO 8601 timestamp
name_familyvarcharFamily name of the Pracititoner
name_given_1varcharFirst given name of the Pracititoner
name_given_2varcharSecond given name of the Pracititoner
address_line_1varcharFirst line of address of the practitioner that are not role specific (typically home address)
address_line_2varcharSecond line of address of the practitioner that are not role specific (typically home address)
address_cityvarcharCity of the practitioner that are not role specific (typically home address)
address_statevarcharState of the practitioner that are not role specific (typically home address)
address_postal_codevarcharPostal code of the practitioner that are not role specific (typically home address)
practitioner_qualification_idvarcharpractitioner_qualificationID of an identifier for this qualification for the practitioners. If the practitioner has multiple qualifications, only the first one is presented in this column.
builder_idvarcharID of the Builder account that provided this data
created_attimestampTimestamp when this resource was first recorded in this system
resource_jsonvarcharNoOriginal JSON document for this resource
data_sourcevarcharName of the data partner network that provided this data


This is a bridge table that joins the practitioner table to the identifier table

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
practitioner_idvarcharNopractitionerID of the Practitioner that this identifier belongs to
identifier_idvarcharidentifierID of the Identifier


Certification, licenses, or training pertaining to the provision of care

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
idvarcharNoUnique ID of the practitioner qualification
displayvarcharPlain text representation of the practitioner qualification. This field comes from the "text" field in the codeable concept group


Representation of a defined practitioner qualification concept using a symbol from a defined terminology system

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
practitioner_qualification_idvarcharpractitioner_qualificationID of the Practitioner
systemvarcharURI of the terminology system
codevarcharCode symbol defined by the terminology system
displayvarcharHuman-readable string representing the code


A contact detail for the practitioner (that apply to all roles)

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
practitioner_idvarcharNopractitionerID of the Practitioner that this telecom belongs to
contact_point_idvarcharcontact_pointID of the contact details


A FHIR Procedure represents an action that is or was performed on or for a patient. This can be a physical intervention like an operation, or less invasive like long term services, counseling, or hypnotherapy.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
idvarcharNoResource ID (UUID) of the Procedure
versionvarcharNoCurrent version of this resource. This indicates whether the resource has been updated.
last_updatedtimestampNoTimestamp this resource was last updated, formatted as ISO 8601 timestamp
statusvarcharA code specifying the state of the procedure. Generally, this will be the in-progress or completed state.
procedure_code_idvarcharprocedure_codeID of the Procedure Code expressing the specific Procedure that is performed.
code_cptvarcharCPT code of this Procedure. This is extracted from the "code" field on the FHIR Procedure by selecting the code where the system matches http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt
code_loincvarcharLOINC code of this Procedure. This is extracted from the "code" field on the FHIR Procedure by selecting the code where the system matches http://loinc.org
code_hcpcsvarcharHCPCS code of this Procedure. This is extracted from the "code" field on the FHIR Procedure by selecting the code where the system matches urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.6.14
code_snomedvarcharSNOMED code of this Procedure. This is extracted from the "code" field on the FHIR Procedure by selecting the code where the system matches http://snomed.info/sct
code_displayvarcharDisplay text of the Procedure code, extracted from the "text" field on the FHIR Procedure.
subject_patient_idvarcharpatientID of the Patient who was the subject of the Procedure
encounter_idvarcharencounterID of the Encounter in which this Procedure took place
performed_starttimestampStart date/time of this Procedure
performed_endtimestampEnd date/time of this Procedure
location_idvarcharlocationID of the Location where this Procedure happened
body_site_concept_idvarcharbody_site_conceptID of the concept expressing the body site where the Procedure was performed
builder_idvarcharID of the Builder account that provided this data
upidvarcharUnique Patient Identifier (UPID) of the patient that this resource is associated with
created_attimestampTimestamp when this resource was first recorded in this system
resource_jsonvarcharNoOriginal JSON document for this resource
data_sourcevarcharName of the data partner network that provided this data


The procedure code expresses the specific Procedure that is performed. This table contains the primary keys of all unique concept groups that represent the procedure codes. Individual codings within each group are in the procedure_code_coding table.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
idvarcharNoID of code
displayvarcharPlain text representation of the procedure code. This field comes from the "text" field in the codeable concept group


This relation contains the individual coding values for each procedure code.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
procedure_code_idvarcharprocedure_codeID of the Procedure code
systemvarcharURI of the terminology system
codevarcharCode symbol defined by the terminology system
displayvarcharHuman-readable string representing the code


This is a bridge table that joins the procedure table to the identifier table

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
procedure_idvarcharNoprocedureID of the Procedure that this identifier belongs to
identifier_idvarcharidentifierID of the Identifier


This table contains freeform text notes with extra information about the Procedure that is not captured in other attributes

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
procedure_idvarcharNoprocedureID of the Procedure that this note belongs to
text_markdownvarcharThe annotation - text content (as markdown)


A FHIR RelatedPerson represents information about a person that is involved in the care for a patient, but who is not the target of healthcare, nor has a formal responsibility in the care process

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
idvarcharNoResource ID (UUID) of the RelatedPerson
versionvarcharNoCurrent version of this resource. This indicates whether the resource has been updated.
last_updatedtimestampNoTimestamp this resource was last updated, formatted as ISO 8601 timestamp
patient_idvarcharpatientID of the Patient this person is related to
related_person_relationship_idvarcharrelated_person_relationshipID of the concept encoding the relationship between the patient and the related person
name_familyvarcharFamily name of the RelaredPerson
name_given_1varcharFirst given name of the RelaredPerson
name_given_2varcharSecond given name of the RelaredPerson
address_line_1varcharFirst line of the address
address_line_2varcharSecond line of the address
address_cityvarcharCity name in address
address_statevarcharState name in address
address_postal_codevarcharPostal code in address
builder_idvarcharID of the Builder account that provided this data
upidvarcharUnique Patient Identifier (UPID) of the patient that this resource is associated with
created_attimestampTimestamp when this resource was first recorded in this system
resource_jsonvarcharNoOriginal JSON document for this resource
data_sourcevarcharName of the data partner network that provided this data


This is a bridge table that joins the related_person table to the identifier table

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
related_person_idvarcharNorelated_personID of the RelatedPerson that this identifier belongs to
identifier_idvarcharidentifierID of the Identifier


The nature of the relationship between a patient and the related person. This table contains the primary keys of all unique concept groups that represent the related person relationships. Individual codings within each group are in the related_person_relationship_coding table.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
idvarcharNoID of relationship
displayvarcharPlain text representation of the related person relationship. This field comes from the "text" field in the codeable concept group


This relation contains the individual coding values for each related person relationship.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
related_person_relationship_idvarcharrelated_person_relationshipID of the RelatedPerson relationship
systemvarcharURI of the terminology system, for example http://snomed.info/sct
codevarcharCode symbol defined by the terminology system
displayvarcharHuman-readable string representing the code


A contact detail for the person, e.g. a telephone number or an email address.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
related_person_idvarcharNorelated_personID of the RelatedPerson that this telecom belongs to
contact_point_idvarcharcontact_pointID of the ContactPoint describing contact details for the person


Representation of the body site where a procedure, immunization, etc. took place

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
idvarcharNoUnique ID of the body site
displayvarcharPlain text representation of the body site concept. This field comes from the "text" field in the codeable concept group


Representation of a defined body site concept using a symbol from a defined terminology system

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
body_site_concept_idvarcharbody_site_conceptID of the body site code
systemvarcharURI of the terminology system, for example http://snomed.info/sct
codevarcharCode symbol defined by the terminology system
displayvarcharHuman-readable string representing the code


Details for all kinds of technology-mediated contact points for a person or organization, including telephone, email, etc.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
idvarcharNoID of the Contact Point
systemvarcharTelecommunications form for contact point - what communications system is required to make use of the contact. Possible values: phone | fax | email | pager | url | sms | other
valuevarcharThe actual contact point details
usevarcharPurpose of this contact point. Possible values: home | work | temp | old | mobile
rankintSpecify preferred order of use (1 = highest)
period_starttimestampStart of time period when contact point is/was in use
period_endtimestampEnd of time period when contact point is/was in use


Instructions for how a medication should be taken.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
idvarcharNoID of the Dosage
displayvarcharPlain text representation of the dosage. This field comes from the "text" field in the codeable concept group
timing_repeat_period_unitvarcharUnit for the timing schedule for when the medication should be administered
timing_repeat_bounds_starttimestampStart of when medication should be administered
timing_repeat_bounds_endtimestampEnd of when medication should be administered
timing_perioddecimalIndicates the duration of time over which repetitions are to occur
route_concept_idvarcharroute_conceptID of the route concept that expresses how the drug should enter body
dosage_method_idvarchardosage_methodID of the route concept that expresses the technique for administering medication
additional_instruction_displayvarcharSupplemental instruction or warnings to the patient - e.g. "with meals", "may cause drowsiness"
dose_quantity_unitvarcharUnit of the amount of medication per dose
dose_quantity_valuedecimalAmount of medication per dose


The dosage method expresses the technique for administering medication. This table contains the primary keys of all unique concept groups that represent the dosage methods. Individual codings within each group are in the dosage_method_coding table.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
idvarcharNoID of the method
displayvarcharPlain text representation of the dosage method. This field comes from the "text" field in the codeable concept group


Representation of a defined dosage method concept using a symbol from a defined terminology system

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
dosage_method_idvarchardosage_methodID of the Dosage method
systemvarcharURI of the terminology system, for example http://snomed.info/sct
codevarcharCode symbol defined by the terminology system
displayvarcharHuman-readable string representing the code


A name of a human with text, parts and usage information.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
idvarcharNoID of the name
usevarcharIdentifies the purpose for this name. Possible values: usual | official | temp | nickname | anonymous | old | maiden
displayvarcharText representation of the full name
familyvarcharFamily name (often called "Surname")
prefix_1varcharThe first of the parts that come before the name
suffix_1varcharThe first of the parts that come after the name
period_starttimestampStart of time period when name is/was in use
period_endtimestampEnd of time period when name is/was in use


Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
human_name_idvarcharhuman_nameID of the name
givenvarcharGiven names (not always "first"). Includes middle names
given_indexintIndex for presenting the name, starting with 1


An identifier is a string associated with a single object or entity within a given system, typically used to connect content in resources to external content available in other frameworks or protocols

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
idvarcharNoUnique ID of this identifier
systemvarcharThe namespace for the identifier value
valuevarcharThe value that is unique
usevarcharThe purpose of this identifier
type_displayvarcharDescription of identifier in plain text, used to determine which identifier to use for a specific purpose
type_codevarcharDescription of identifier as a code, used to determine which identifier to use for a specific purpose
assigner_displayvarcharDisplay of the organization that issued id


This table holds the primary keys of all unique medication concept groups. Individual codings within each concept group are in the medication_concept_coding table.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
idvarcharNoUnique ID of the medication code
displayvarcharPlain text representation of the medication concept. This field comes from the "text" field in the codeable concept group


This table holds the individual codings within each medication concept group. Each row in this table represents a single coding within a medication concept group.

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
medication_concept_idvarcharmedication_conceptID of the medication concept group
systemvarcharURI of the terminology system
codevarcharCode symbol defined by the terminology system
displayvarcharHuman-readable string representing the code


Representation of the route of which a drug should enter the body

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
idvarcharNoUnique ID of the body site
displayvarcharPlain text representation of the route concept. This field comes from the "text" field in the codeable concept group


Representation of a defined route concept using a symbol from a defined terminology system

Column NameData TypeNullableReferencesDescription
route_concept_idvarcharroute_conceptID of the route code
systemvarcharURI of the terminology system
codevarcharCode symbol defined by the terminology system
displayvarcharHuman-readable string representing the code