Known Issues

Below are known issues impacting the generally available relational schema. Resolving these issues would constitute a breaking change, so Zus plans to address these issues in the next version of the relational schema.

Known issues:

  • The CONTACT_POINT table mixes data for both patients and practitioners, which some customers have found confusing. We may separate this out into two tables in future schema versions.
  • In theLENS_TRANSITION_OF_CARE_DIAGNOSIS table, the column CONDITION_ID should be renamed to LENS_SNOMED_CONDITION_ID to better fit the schema naming convention.
  • In the LENS_SNOMED_CONDITION, we may choose to remove the code_icd10cm column because Lens conditions can have multiple ICD-10 codes and there is not a single ICD-10 code that can represent the entire collection.
  • Customers have noted inconsistent use of “timestamp without timezone” and “timestamp with timezone” formatting for timestamp data types in the Zus relational schema.