Elation Health
The Zus Elation integration features both the embedded Zus Aggregated Profile and automated data connections. The full ZAP can be accessed in a popup/modal via the Outside Records button on the patient chart.

How to Activate the Integration
If you're a current Elation customer and want to turn on the ZAP, reach out to your customer success manager!
Data Retrieval
Data is retrieved primarily using Elation's webhooks. Zus collects the following data points from Elation as they are created, updated, or deleted:
- Patient
- Appointment
- Allergy
- Drug Intolerance
- Immunization
- Problem
- Visit Note
- Zus only loads signed visit notes that are not marked as confidential in Elation
- After loading a visit note Zus then retrieves a Progress Notes CCDA from Elation for the timeframe of the visit. See more below regarding CCDA ingestion.
Backfill Process
In addition to real-time data retrieval, a backfill process is run when a patient is enrolled and when the ZAP is launched. The backfill fetches historical data across all the aforementioned data points for the patient to ensure comprehensive data synchronization and pulls a Continuity of Care Document (CCD). The backfill process is rate limited run at most once every 7 days.
Data Transformation to FHIR
Below is a list of the data that is pulled from Elation and transformed to FHIR in Zus.
- Patient Status
- First Name
- Middle Name
- Last Name
- Gender
- Date of Birth
- Addresses
- Phone Numbers
- Email Addresses
- Patient HIE opt-out status
- If the Elation EHR has documented that the patient has opted out of sharing data on HIEs then Zus will use that as evidence for the Zus patient opt out, see more details here - How Patient Opt Out Works.
- Recorded Date
- Onset DateTime
- Verification Status (assumed to be "confirmed" for all problems)
- Clinical Status
- Abatement DateTime (if resolved)
- Condition Code (ICD-9, ICD-10, SNOMED codes)
- Condition Description
- Clinical Status (active or inactive)
- Onset DateTime
- Recorded Date
- Allergy Code (Medi-Span codes)
- Allergy Description
- Reaction (manifestation and severity)
- Practitioner Reference
- Status
- Created Date
- Description
- Reason
- Scheduled Date and Time
- Duration
Drug Intolerance
- Clinical Status (active or inactive)
- Onset DateTime
- Recorded Date
- Intolerance Description
- Reaction (manifestation and severity)
- Status (assumed to be completed for immunizations)
- Vaccine Code (CVX codes)
- Vaccine Description
- Occurrence DateTime
- Site
Visit Note
- Participants
- Location
- Billing diagnoses
- Date
Zus pulls both Progress Note and Continuity of Care Document CCDAs from Elation. These are loaded via the Zus CDA ingestion endpoint and contain data points such as allergies, problems, medications, procedures and more. See documentation of Elations CCDA endpoint here - https://docs.elationhealth.com/reference/get-ccda.
Zus can auto-enroll any active patient that comes through the data loop using the NPI of the provider assigned to the patient in Elation. We also support a "fallback provider" if there is none documented in Elation. These must be configured by Zus on your behalf.
Any patient marked as inactive in Elation will be subsequently unenrolled from any Zus subscription packages.
Any patient that is updated in Elation to opt-out of HIE data sharing will be subsequently updated to follow Zus's opt out logic - How Patient Opt Out Works.
Condition "Write-back"
Conditions surfaced in the ZAP can be written back to Elation through the Zus UI. The following fields in Elation are populated:
- Resolved Date (if the condition is marked as abated in the Zus FHIR store)
- Created Date
- Synopsis
- Description
- Diagnosis Code (just the SNOMED code from the record in Zus)
- Status
- Start Date (from the onset date, if available, otherwise using the current date)
These write-backs are persisted in both Elation and Zus and inform the check mark in the ZAP UI. Writebacks may fail some amount of the time due to issues like code system mismatches between Zus and Elation. Zus monitors these errors but please reach out if you find them to be recurring.
The diagram below represents the flow of data during these write-backs:
Frequently Asked Questions
Updated 4 months ago