Canvas Medical
The Zus Canvas integration features both the embedded Zus Aggregated Profile and automated data connections. The full ZAP can be accessed in a side drawer via the Zus button in the top right of the patient chart.

How to Activate the Integration
If you're a current Canvas customer and want to turn on the ZAP, reach out to your customer success manager!
Data Retrieval
Data is retrieved using Canvas protocols to send data to Zus as it is created/updated/deleted (similar to a webhook). Zus collects the following data points from Canvas:
- Patient
- Appointment
- Condition
- Medication
Backfill Process
In addition to real-time data retrieval, a backfill process may be run upon go-live. The backfill fetches historical data across all the aforementioned data points to ensure comprehensive data synchronization. Please reach out to Zus support if you find that there is any historical data in Canvas that is missing from Zus that you wish to have loaded.
Data Transformation to FHIR
Below is a list of the data that is pulled from Canvas and transformed to FHIR in Zus.
- Patient Status
- First Name
- Middle Name
- Last Name
- Gender (inferred from the Canvas sex at birth and gender identity fields, preferring gender identity when documented separately from sex at birth)
- Date of Birth
- Addresses
- Phone Numbers
- Email Addresses
- Recorded Date
- Onset DateTime
- Verification Status (assumed to be "confirmed" for all problems)
- Clinical Status
- Abatement DateTime (if resolved)
- Condition Code (only ICD-10 codes are pulled from Canvas to Zus)
- Condition Description
- Medication Code (may contain NDC, FDB or RxNorm codes)
- Status
- Date Asserted
- Dosage (ie. latest sig)
- Effective Period Start and End
Zus can auto-enroll any active patient that comes through the data loop using the NPI of a provider assigned to an appointment for the patient in Canvas. We also support a "fallback provider" if there is none documented in Canvas. These must be configured by Zus on your behalf.
Any patient marked as inactive in Canvas will be subsequently dis-enrolled in Zus.
Medication "Write-back"
Medications surfaced in the ZAP can be written back to the Canvas chart through the Zus UI. This process only pre-populates the Canvas chart with a medication statement command, it does not formally create the medication in either Canvas or Zus. Once the medication is confirmed in the Canvas chart it is then written to Canvas and then to Zus via the data connection described above.
Updated 9 months ago