Automatic Patient Enrollment via EHR Integrations
Zus will automatically enroll patients in packages for customers leveraging Zus' EHR integrations.
Overall Enrollment Flow
Zus will automatically enroll patients into the appropriate package as they are created in Zus. In order for these automated enrollments to complete successfully, patient demographics should be as complete as possible and a valid physician NPI is required.
On Patient Creation and Update
Zus will enroll a patient in a package when that patient is created in Zus. A provider association is required for enrollment. Reach out to Zus to learn more about how to configure this provider association for the athenahealth integration.
On Appointment Creation and Update
As a fallback, Zus will enroll a patient in a package when an appointment is created via the athenahealth integration.
More information about the athenahealth integration.
Elation Health
On Patient Creation and Update
Zus will enroll a patient in a package when that patient is created in Zus. A provider association is required for enrollment. Zus will use the patient's primary provider as indicated in the Elation chart for this purpose.
On Appointment Creation and Update
As a fallback, Zus will enroll a patient in a package when an appointment is created via the Elation integration. If a provider association was not available from the patient creation, we will use the provider listed on the appointment to complete the enrollment.
More information about the Elation Health integration.
Canvas Medical
On Appointment Creation and Update
Zus will enroll a patient in a package when an appointment is created via the Canvas integration. A provider association is required for enrollment. Zus will use the first valid NPI from a provider listed on the patient's appointment to complete the enrollment.
More information about the Canvas Medical integration.
On Appointment Creation and Update
As a fallback, Zus will enroll a patient in a package when an appointment is created via the Healthie integration. A provider association is required for enrollment. Zus will use the patient's primary provider as listed in the Healthie client profile as the provider associated with the enrollment.
More information about the Healthie integration.
What if an enrollment fails?
If an enrollment fails (due to incomplete demographics or a missing NPI for example) the enrollment is moved into a pending state. Customers can continue to manage enrollments via API in this case.
If I add patient demographic data, will Zus try to enroll the patient again?
Yes, if a patient is created without sufficient demographic information, but more is subsequently added, this update will trigger a retry of the enrollment.
How can I enable automatic enrollment?
If you are already using a Zus EHR integration, reach out to us at [email protected] and we'll help you get started with automatic enrollment!
Updated 9 months ago