ZAP Subscriptions

ZAP subscriptions enable builders to "set and forget" their connection to the Zus network by automatically keeping patient data within the Zus Aggregate Profile (ZAP) up to date. We offer multiple packages to stratify data coverage and refresh frequency based on patient risk, treatment status, or other factors. For pricing information, please contact us.

Get up to Speed

Upon enrollment, Zus will initiate a Patient History request to assemble a comprehensive view of prior clinical data from a variety of interoperability networks.

History SourceZAP LiteZAP Pro
EHR-sourced clinical documents:heavy-check-mark::heavy-check-mark:
Pharmacy-sourced medications:heavy-check-mark:
Hospital-sourced admit history:heavy-check-mark:
National lab-sourced resultsComing soon

Stay in the Know

In order to ensure practitioners are empowered with the latest clinical information, ZAP data will be automatically refreshed on an ongoing basis for subscribed patients.

Data stream

Patients enrolled in the ZAP Pro package will be subscribed to near real-time data feeds, including:

Notification SourceZAP LiteZAP Pro
Pharmacy alerts for prescribed medications, missed refills, new prescribers, and more:heavy-check-mark:
Admit, Discharge, Transfer (ADT) notifications for recent hospital encounters:heavy-check-mark:
Lab result notificationsComing soon

Data freshness

In addition to the real-time behavior above, Zus will ensure that no more than 28 days elapse between each clinical document search for ZAP Pro patients, and no more than 60 days for ZAP Lite patients.

Intelligent refresh (coming soon)

In the near future, Zus will automatically initiate a patient-history request before the scheduled start of any builder-owned Appointment resource written to Zus in order to ensure recent data is available in advance of the patient visit. Zus will also initiate a patient history request following appointments with other organizations to capture any follow up documentation.

Enrolling Patients


Active treatment relationship

In order to demonstrate an active treatment relationship, enrolling parties are expected to include the name and NPI number of a treating provider. Updating the 'active' field on your patient resource to false will automatically remove the patient from all subscription packages. For more information, see Accessing & Sharing Patient Data

Patient demographics

The following demographics are required in the Patient resource to enroll in a subscription package:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • DOB
  • Gender
  • Address (Line 1, City, State, Zip code)

We also recommend including the following fields to maximize your patient match rate in Zus's data ecosystem:

  • Phone
  • Email

Using the zap-data-subscriptions API

The zap-data-subscriptions API, available in the Zus Postman collection, can be used to manage enrollment for your patient population.

Available actions include: